Air defense missile-gun complex "Carapace-C1"
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The development of anti-aircraft complex "Carapace-C1" is completed, is preparing for its mass production in 2007.
The complex is a development of extremely successful line of compact artillery and missile air defense system KBP (Tunguska, Pine).
High efficiency and sustainability of combat air defense system largely depend on the [next] use it modern universal short-range air defense systems, united by a common control system and coordination with long-range air defense systems (ZKDD).
ZKDD capable of hitting aircraft tactical and strategic enemy aircraft at a range of 200-400 km, and aircraft - jammers that reduces the level of air defense electronic countermeasures. However, they are not effective in repelling low-flying targets in the near field and practice
cally vulnerable to pinpoint missiles HARM.
Short-range air defense systems protect ZKDD and means of radio shock troops of all types of precision weapons, including rockets HARM, and also used to strengthen the combat groups of air defense forces in small and extremely low altitudes.
When used alone systems provide immediate short-range defense and pinpoint the most important point (more than 70% of the total amount defended) military, industrial, energy and other facilities.
In the course of development work have been significantly improved harakteristikiperspektivnogo short-range anti-aircraft complex "Pan-tsir-C1»:
- Increased the far edge of the affected area (not less than 20 km), which excludes the use of airplanes and helicopters with the most massive specimens WTO short-range type of SD "Maverick" ATGM "Hellfire", "Hot" and guided air bombs;
- Up to 15 km altitude increased defeat frontline aviation, which is almost 10 km more than the range of the existing systems and eliminates the possibility of the flight of aircraft over the zone defense "Carapace-C1»;
- Expanded (up to 180 °) sector and possible simultaneous firing four goals high-speed missiles, which ensures reflection of massive attacks of all types of the WTO, including the type of anti-radar missiles HARM.
Currently, anti-aircraft defense at low altitude is based on the combined use of missile and gun systems. All armies are anti-aircraft self-propelled or towed cannon: 35mm ZSU Gepard (Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands), 35-mm towed gun company Oerlikon (Spain, Turkey, UK, Greece, Canada), 25-mm ZSU Sidam (Italy) 30 mm ZSU MCA-13 (France), 20-mm gun mount M741 (M163) Vulkan (USA) and others.
Only the cannons with a minimum response time and a small firing range allows to destroy targets at extremely low altitudes. It is effective when firing on all types of remotely piloted vehicles, guided missiles, planes, helicopters and ground armored and unarmored targets.
In terms of composition - carriers, detection and tracking of targets, the control system - anti-aircraft gun and missile systems are similar.
The air defense systems being developed in the State Unitary Enterprise "KBP" for a constructive solution combines two types of weapons - missiles and cannon, which allowed for a relatively small increase (10-15%) of their value completely eliminate the production of pure cannon systems. This in turn makes it possible to reduce the range and number of complexes, and therefore the cost of anti-aircraft short-range air defense twice. Operating experience previously developed in the State Unitary Enterprise "KBP" anti-aircraft missile and pu-antiplaque complexes "Tunguska" in the Army and "Chestnut" -to Navy has fully confirmed the correctness of the choice of anti-aircraft weapons combined. Now the creation of separate gun systems impractical. The target type small targets after losing ZRPK complex «shell-C1" (H = 250m, D = 19 km)
The target type ASM "Harpoon" after the defeat of complex ZRPK «shell-C1" (H = 18 m, D = 10 km)
The composition of combat weapons complex includes:
fighting vehicle (up to 6 MB in the battery);
surface-to-air missile;
30-mm round;
transportation and loading vehicle (one machine for 2 MB)
Means of maintenance:
Machine Maintenance (for service and repair of mechanical parts);
Machine repair and maintenance (service and repair of electronic assemblies and units);
Machine adjustment (for adjusting work);
car spare parts (for the transport group SPTA).
Training facilities that are part of the complex, designed for teaching and training calculations BM basic techniques of combat operation and maintenance. They are represented by a cool and mobile versions of simulators.
Complex "Carapace" features 12 new missiles 57E6 (export designation 57E6E), appearance and layout similar to rocket 9M311 SPAR "Tunguska". Housing bikaliberny rocket, start the engine is in separating stage. The missile has a short flying time to the starting area. The affected area of the range is 12 km, height - 8 km. Warhead weight consisting of Strezhneva submunitions, is 20 kg. The missile uses an air-dynamic steering. The system can direct up to 3 missiles simultaneously. Missile guidance system - radio.
Armament "Brigandine" consists of two 30-mm automatic cannon 2A72. Single-barrel guns. Power selective two cartridge belts with high-explosive incendiary and armor-piercing projectiles.
Unlike other ZSU, in service with the Russian army, the complex is mounted on a wheeled chassis-terrain 8x8 "Ural-5323.4" with the engine KAMAZ-7406 260 hp The purpose of using automobile chassis - the cheapening of the complex, which should cover the rear objects rather than troops in combat formations.
Combat unit mounted on the roof of the body combat vehicle, includes two blocks of 6 anti-aircraft missiles, two guns, placed on the inside of containers SAM launchers, and a control system. In the back of the combat machines are operator workstations guidance and commander BM. To control the firing of rocket and cannon armament in the complex there is a single multi-mode multi-spectral control system. It consists of the following components:
Radar target detection with automatic UHF measuring the azimuth, range, elevation and speed of the target (the field of view in azimuth and elevation angle of 360 ° x60 °, the detection range - up to 25km;
Pulse-Doppler radar target tracking and missile millimeter range (Automatic snap to the support at a distance of 18km);
two independent opto-electronic systems support air and ground targets IR (Automatic snap to the support at a distance of 18km, the field of view 1.8 ° h2.7 °).
The control system of the complex is highly resistant to interference of any kind by combining radar and optoelectronic devices into a single system operating in dM, cm, mm-and infrared wavelengths. The radar operation is possible salvo of two missiles at the same target. The system can automatically track up to 20 targets and provide targeting to within 0.4 ° in azimuth, 0.7 ° in elevation and distance - 50m. The system automatically carries out the calculation of the parameters of the target and its movement, the choice of weapons and the appointment type of fire.
According to the developers, the complex "Carapace" has the unique ability to fire from all weapons on the move (ZSU "Tunguska" can fire on the move only cannon armament).
Features of the complex:
The combined missile-gun armament (PB and PV), which allows a continuous kill zone - up to 18 - 20 km in range and up to 10 km - height.
Anti-aircraft guided missile with a small-sized high flight ballistic characteristics (Vmax = 1300 m / s) and large power fragmentation rod warhead (warhead weight = 20 kg weight 30 kg sustainer stage).
Absolute immunity achieved by creating a single multi-mode radar and multispectral optic control systems operating in dM, cm, mm-and infrared wavelengths.
The versatility of the action on the objectives, ie defeat a wide range of air targets: airplanes and helicopters to use their onboard weapons; of small guided missiles, as well as land lightly armored targets and manpower.
Fully automatic combat operation (BR) in a single combat unit, and as part of several divisions of combat vehicles that can improve performance and reduce temporary psycho-physiological strain on crew members.
High combat performance due to the small response time, high-speed flight-Zour and the presence of two independent channels targeting working in a broad sector (90oh90o in azimuth and elevation).
Autonomy combat use by the presence of a single combat unit detection equipment, maintenance and destruction.
Command Guidance System surface-to-air missile, which can create small-sized highly maneuverable missile combat effectiveness.
Passive mode and ultra-high precision pointing through the use of infrared long wavelength channel with the logical signal processing and automatic target tracking.
The basic properties of a control system
Simultaneous firing two goals from different directions by two independent stations - radar and optical.
High resistance to any kind of interference by combining radar and optoelectronic devices into a single system operating in dM, cm, mm-and infrared wavelengths. Organization salvo of two missiles at the same target in the radar mode of operation. Short response time within 4 - 6 seconds by automatically tracking up to 20 targets station target detection and target designation with precision (azimuth - 0, 4 °, elevation - 0, 7o, in range - 50 m), which provides quick dopoisk and capture SSTSR purposes and to support the TOC.
The calculation of the parameters of the target and its movement, the choice of weapons and the appointment type of fire. The implementation of the full cycle of combat operation - from the search for goals to their defeat in the automatic mode.
The possibility of a combat operation crew in semi-automatic mode.
Depending on local conditions in the area of fighting and combat use complex variants «shell-C1" can operate in one of the following modes:
Standalone fighting
BM operates autonomously and ensures the implementation of a full cycle: search, detection, identification, selection of dangerous target, target designation, dopoisk, capture, support and shelling targets PB and PT.
Joint military operations
Together battery works, including 6 BM, between which telecode connection. Each BM implements a full cycle of BR chosen its targets. Information about selected to serve for each MB according to the remaining battery BM, which exclude it from its list of serviced purposes.
Running on battery commander points
Each of 6 MB provides all stages of combat operation, starting with targeting mining. Targeting is issued from the command punta.
Work on the principle of "Master - Slave»
Battery Powered, including 6 MB, one of whom shall be designated the "lead" and others - "slave." "Leading" BM works as a command center, and implements the functions of the combat vehicle as in autonomous combat. Each of the "slave" BM receives target information from the "master" and the rest works like running the battery manual.
The development of anti-aircraft complex "Carapace-C1" is completed, is preparing for its mass production in 2007.
The complex is a development of extremely successful line of compact artillery and missile air defense system KBP (Tunguska, Pine).
High efficiency and sustainability of combat air defense system largely depend on the [next] use it modern universal short-range air defense systems, united by a common control system and coordination with long-range air defense systems (ZKDD).
ZKDD capable of hitting aircraft tactical and strategic enemy aircraft at a range of 200-400 km, and aircraft - jammers that reduces the level of air defense electronic countermeasures. However, they are not effective in repelling low-flying targets in the near field and practice
cally vulnerable to pinpoint missiles HARM.
Short-range air defense systems protect ZKDD and means of radio shock troops of all types of precision weapons, including rockets HARM, and also used to strengthen the combat groups of air defense forces in small and extremely low altitudes.
When used alone systems provide immediate short-range defense and pinpoint the most important point (more than 70% of the total amount defended) military, industrial, energy and other facilities.
In the course of development work have been significantly improved harakteristikiperspektivnogo short-range anti-aircraft complex "Pan-tsir-C1»:
- Increased the far edge of the affected area (not less than 20 km), which excludes the use of airplanes and helicopters with the most massive specimens WTO short-range type of SD "Maverick" ATGM "Hellfire", "Hot" and guided air bombs;
- Up to 15 km altitude increased defeat frontline aviation, which is almost 10 km more than the range of the existing systems and eliminates the possibility of the flight of aircraft over the zone defense "Carapace-C1»;
- Expanded (up to 180 °) sector and possible simultaneous firing four goals high-speed missiles, which ensures reflection of massive attacks of all types of the WTO, including the type of anti-radar missiles HARM.
Currently, anti-aircraft defense at low altitude is based on the combined use of missile and gun systems. All armies are anti-aircraft self-propelled or towed cannon: 35mm ZSU Gepard (Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands), 35-mm towed gun company Oerlikon (Spain, Turkey, UK, Greece, Canada), 25-mm ZSU Sidam (Italy) 30 mm ZSU MCA-13 (France), 20-mm gun mount M741 (M163) Vulkan (USA) and others.

Only the cannons with a minimum response time and a small firing range allows to destroy targets at extremely low altitudes. It is effective when firing on all types of remotely piloted vehicles, guided missiles, planes, helicopters and ground armored and unarmored targets.
In terms of composition - carriers, detection and tracking of targets, the control system - anti-aircraft gun and missile systems are similar.
The air defense systems being developed in the State Unitary Enterprise "KBP" for a constructive solution combines two types of weapons - missiles and cannon, which allowed for a relatively small increase (10-15%) of their value completely eliminate the production of pure cannon systems. This in turn makes it possible to reduce the range and number of complexes, and therefore the cost of anti-aircraft short-range air defense twice. Operating experience previously developed in the State Unitary Enterprise "KBP" anti-aircraft missile and pu-antiplaque complexes "Tunguska" in the Army and "Chestnut" -to Navy has fully confirmed the correctness of the choice of anti-aircraft weapons combined. Now the creation of separate gun systems impractical. The target type small targets after losing ZRPK complex «shell-C1" (H = 250m, D = 19 km)

The target type ASM "Harpoon" after the defeat of complex ZRPK «shell-C1" (H = 18 m, D = 10 km)

The composition of combat weapons complex includes:
fighting vehicle (up to 6 MB in the battery);
surface-to-air missile;
30-mm round;
transportation and loading vehicle (one machine for 2 MB)
Means of maintenance:
Machine Maintenance (for service and repair of mechanical parts);
Machine repair and maintenance (service and repair of electronic assemblies and units);
Machine adjustment (for adjusting work);
car spare parts (for the transport group SPTA).
Training facilities that are part of the complex, designed for teaching and training calculations BM basic techniques of combat operation and maintenance. They are represented by a cool and mobile versions of simulators.
Complex "Carapace" features 12 new missiles 57E6 (export designation 57E6E), appearance and layout similar to rocket 9M311 SPAR "Tunguska". Housing bikaliberny rocket, start the engine is in separating stage. The missile has a short flying time to the starting area. The affected area of the range is 12 km, height - 8 km. Warhead weight consisting of Strezhneva submunitions, is 20 kg. The missile uses an air-dynamic steering. The system can direct up to 3 missiles simultaneously. Missile guidance system - radio.
Armament "Brigandine" consists of two 30-mm automatic cannon 2A72. Single-barrel guns. Power selective two cartridge belts with high-explosive incendiary and armor-piercing projectiles.
Unlike other ZSU, in service with the Russian army, the complex is mounted on a wheeled chassis-terrain 8x8 "Ural-5323.4" with the engine KAMAZ-7406 260 hp The purpose of using automobile chassis - the cheapening of the complex, which should cover the rear objects rather than troops in combat formations.
Combat unit mounted on the roof of the body combat vehicle, includes two blocks of 6 anti-aircraft missiles, two guns, placed on the inside of containers SAM launchers, and a control system. In the back of the combat machines are operator workstations guidance and commander BM. To control the firing of rocket and cannon armament in the complex there is a single multi-mode multi-spectral control system. It consists of the following components:
Radar target detection with automatic UHF measuring the azimuth, range, elevation and speed of the target (the field of view in azimuth and elevation angle of 360 ° x60 °, the detection range - up to 25km;
Pulse-Doppler radar target tracking and missile millimeter range (Automatic snap to the support at a distance of 18km);
two independent opto-electronic systems support air and ground targets IR (Automatic snap to the support at a distance of 18km, the field of view 1.8 ° h2.7 °).
The control system of the complex is highly resistant to interference of any kind by combining radar and optoelectronic devices into a single system operating in dM, cm, mm-and infrared wavelengths. The radar operation is possible salvo of two missiles at the same target. The system can automatically track up to 20 targets and provide targeting to within 0.4 ° in azimuth, 0.7 ° in elevation and distance - 50m. The system automatically carries out the calculation of the parameters of the target and its movement, the choice of weapons and the appointment type of fire.
According to the developers, the complex "Carapace" has the unique ability to fire from all weapons on the move (ZSU "Tunguska" can fire on the move only cannon armament).
Features of the complex:
The combined missile-gun armament (PB and PV), which allows a continuous kill zone - up to 18 - 20 km in range and up to 10 km - height.
Anti-aircraft guided missile with a small-sized high flight ballistic characteristics (Vmax = 1300 m / s) and large power fragmentation rod warhead (warhead weight = 20 kg weight 30 kg sustainer stage).
Absolute immunity achieved by creating a single multi-mode radar and multispectral optic control systems operating in dM, cm, mm-and infrared wavelengths.
The versatility of the action on the objectives, ie defeat a wide range of air targets: airplanes and helicopters to use their onboard weapons; of small guided missiles, as well as land lightly armored targets and manpower.
Fully automatic combat operation (BR) in a single combat unit, and as part of several divisions of combat vehicles that can improve performance and reduce temporary psycho-physiological strain on crew members.
High combat performance due to the small response time, high-speed flight-Zour and the presence of two independent channels targeting working in a broad sector (90oh90o in azimuth and elevation).
Autonomy combat use by the presence of a single combat unit detection equipment, maintenance and destruction.
Command Guidance System surface-to-air missile, which can create small-sized highly maneuverable missile combat effectiveness.
Passive mode and ultra-high precision pointing through the use of infrared long wavelength channel with the logical signal processing and automatic target tracking.
The basic properties of a control system
Simultaneous firing two goals from different directions by two independent stations - radar and optical.
High resistance to any kind of interference by combining radar and optoelectronic devices into a single system operating in dM, cm, mm-and infrared wavelengths. Organization salvo of two missiles at the same target in the radar mode of operation. Short response time within 4 - 6 seconds by automatically tracking up to 20 targets station target detection and target designation with precision (azimuth - 0, 4 °, elevation - 0, 7o, in range - 50 m), which provides quick dopoisk and capture SSTSR purposes and to support the TOC.
The calculation of the parameters of the target and its movement, the choice of weapons and the appointment type of fire. The implementation of the full cycle of combat operation - from the search for goals to their defeat in the automatic mode.
The possibility of a combat operation crew in semi-automatic mode.
Depending on local conditions in the area of fighting and combat use complex variants «shell-C1" can operate in one of the following modes:
Standalone fighting
BM operates autonomously and ensures the implementation of a full cycle: search, detection, identification, selection of dangerous target, target designation, dopoisk, capture, support and shelling targets PB and PT.
Joint military operations
Together battery works, including 6 BM, between which telecode connection. Each BM implements a full cycle of BR chosen its targets. Information about selected to serve for each MB according to the remaining battery BM, which exclude it from its list of serviced purposes.
Running on battery commander points
Each of 6 MB provides all stages of combat operation, starting with targeting mining. Targeting is issued from the command punta.
Work on the principle of "Master - Slave»
Battery Powered, including 6 MB, one of whom shall be designated the "lead" and others - "slave." "Leading" BM works as a command center, and implements the functions of the combat vehicle as in autonomous combat. Each of the "slave" BM receives target information from the "master" and the rest works like running the battery manual.
