orgone therapy

The key concepts of physical therapy were the Reich 'orgone energy' and 'muscular armor', which prevents the release of this energy.
Reich used Freud's position on the display of conversion hysteria, when it is not released to the outside hysterical energy of the 'stuck' somewhere in the body, blocking the normal energy transfer and neurophysiological connection, thereby causing mental and somatic disorders. Therefore, the main task of Reich's therapy is to unblock this 'jam' in the energy body.
Reich concluded that the treatment of neuroses and the solution of many psychological problems can occur much faster and without such a deep penetration into the psyche, as is done in classical psychoanalysis. He believed that it is enough to remove from the human muscular armor inadequate voltage and thereby release the associated energy to them, which is still under the 'shell' and does not have direct access, is destructive work in the form of education and aggravation of psychological and psychosomatic problems.
He argued that a clearer (and wide) awareness of human bodily sensations, and behind them the psychological reasons gives a therapeutic effect, removing many of the neurotic state. This is the essence Reich's characterological psychoanalysis and psychotherapy Reich's telesnoorientirovannoy.
Reich believed that orgone energy - is the foundation of the life force. It may be concentrated to accumulate, creating a reserve of energy potential of the body can heal various diseases, but it can be, and is locked, then you must remove these blocks.
According to Reich of course, you must remove these blocks. This energy circulates in the vertebral column (up and down). He identified levels (or segments), on which it is blocked.
Being a meticulous researcher, Reich on the basis of the vast statistical material to isolate the segments, which can be clearly defined muscular topography and verified experimentally, not only their level of stress, but the relationship of these stresses, not only with psychosomatic, but also with the psychological problems of the patient.
< br> Indeed, in these places formed some clips that Reich called 'muscular armor'. The patient and student of Reich, Alexander Lowen (who first introduced the concept of 'bioenergy') calls them blocks that need to break through to the beginning of the orgone energy normally circulate.
Reich did not accidentally coined the term 'muscular armor'. After all, he was a psychoanalyst and acknowledged the existence of psychological defense mechanisms, considering that they can be translated into physical reactions rudimentary protection, in particular in the form of a protective shell. Carapace protects the animals from the enemy, the threat of the body's integrity. In humans, there is also the armor as protection against any threat, fear, anxiety, neurosis, or as an attempt to curb the manifestation of emotions that can endanger our body or psyche.
In other words. Reich saw in the muscular armor psychological cause, which must be found within the patient, while helping to eliminate the shell external physical influences -. Specially selected exercises and massage
Reich identified the following main areas of muscular armor: it is (in descending order) - the area of the eyes, mouth, neck, chest, diaphragm, abdomen and pelvis
. Under the concept of physical therapy so-called orgone energy fluctuates (moves) on the body parallel to the spine and down, then up, and muscular armor rings are formed perpendicular to the movement and prevent it from his jaws. The elimination of these clips, they contribute to the attainment of a man relaxing comfort and satisfaction, including sexual.
Reich offers the following main methods of relaxation rings muscular armor:
using deep breathing, which contributes to the accumulation in the body of orgone energy;
relaxation chronic 'clips' (ring of muscle shell) using physical effects, different massage elements (Reich himself always made a massage to their patients);
a joint analysis with the client to help him understand the main ideas of physical therapy in relation to its specific case, ie. e. the relationship of disturbing his mental state with a voltage of specific segments of the muscle and the need to eliminate these clips.
The first ring - at eye level field.
Ophthalmic segment expresses the tension (though not all). Typical indicators of muscular armor in the eye area are:. Immobility of the muscles of the forehead and a blank (non-living) Eye expression
To resolve this clip customer asked repeatedly to include the muscles of the forehead and eyelids by uncovering the eye as much as possible, as if you want to portray exaggerated fear.
Then practiced repeatedly and ever more natural and free movements of the eyes from side to side.
For example, you can start to represent a curious, interesting look, treat yourself in the mirror, look around, and thus revive their eyes, this is the punching unit.
The second block - the area of the mouth (jaw area)
It is believed that this area of muscular armor contains a 'coded' in an inadequate state of muscular expressions of emotions like anger, screaming, crying, biting, sucking, grimacing and so on. N.
This area of muscular armor, which, according to Freud's psychoanalytic terminology, Reich called oral segment, consists of a chin muscles, throat and neck.
A sign of inadequate (signaling of certain troubles) state of this segment are the jaw muscles (for whom it is easier to observe). They can be either overly stretched or, conversely, too relaxed. Both feature talk about the inadequacy of the state of the field of oral muscle sector.
For relief from this muscle clamp or paradoxical relaxation (and hence the corresponding emotions) are used exercises such as imitation crying, biting, and even gagging, repeated utterance of sounds, forcing her lips strongly tense and relax.
Added to this, and a direct physical effect on these muscles as the different elements of facial massage, pressing, pinching and stretching
The next block - neck
In the neck are included deep muscles of the neck, as well as language. It is believed that muscular armor that area as if holding back (contains encoded state) such emotional symptoms as crying, screaming, anger, and so on. N.
As the physical effects of the type of massage to the deep muscles of the neck is practically impossible, in the form of physical therapy exercises are used imitation gagging, different most natural and spontaneous cries, groans, and other commonly restrained emotional expressions.
According to such physical therapy exercises promote muscle relaxation and this segment, respectively, a significant reduction or elimination of emotional states, which are 'coded'.
Next - the chest area
This area includes the muscles of the chest, shoulders, shoulder blades, arms, up to the brushes. It is believed that this area holds the muscular armor outward manifestation, and hence the discharge of such emotions as passion (although it is too broad concept), laughter, anger, sadness and others.
As one of the outward signs of muscular armor in the field and suppress the corresponding emotions are different types of breathing deterrence, then work on the removal of the clip begins with breathing exercises with an emphasis on maximum attention to complete relaxation of the muscles of the segment at the time of a full exhalation.
Then connect the active movement of the arms and hands with imitation of well-aimed blows, with the task, not holding back their emotions, make active movements, as if you were someone beat, strangle, tear something apart.
Field diaphragm
In this area of muscular armor includes diaphragm muscle, the solar plexus area, internal organs and muscles of the lower vertebrae.
It is believed that a characteristic sign of the presence of muscular armor in the field (ie. Ue unconscious voltage protection) is to bend the spine forward, which can be clearly seen when the client lies on his back, on the couch, and between his back and the couch is a distinct gap.
Another indication of the presence of the clamp in this area - the client certificate that is given breath harder than
breath. Reich argued that muscular armor in this field holds (and thus accumulates) a manifestation of the strong wrath.
As an exercise to remove clips of the first segment there are different types of the above targeted relaxation, massage, etc. for relief from the shell of the first four major areas of localization of muscular armor:.. The eyes, mouth, neck, chest
. And only after that (top - down, and then - in depth) go to work on the shell, limiting the diaphragm muscle relaxation and detente encoded in the shell and unreacted emotions
. This is done quite often laborious and lengthy work on special breathing exercises and simulated gag reflex. (Physical therapy Practice shows that clients with strong muscular diaphragm shell in most cases can not induce vomiting real, even if it is necessary, for example in case of poisoning.)
The abdomen
In this area, typical for the formation of muscular armor, it includes mainly the broad muscles of the abdomen and back muscles. It is believed that the shell (terminals) of the lumbar muscles holds in itself (but not eliminate) the manifestation of fear. And no fear at all, and the fear of an attack, as a direct physical and indirect: psychological assault on the rights and freedom of the person, property, and so on ... (Of course, here, as in the discussion of emotions pent different areas of muscle shells, Reich. as the analyst has in mind mostly unconscious client emotions, but, in our view, there may be a combination of 'partly conscious - partly unconscious'.)
According to the 'physical therapists' muscular armor on the sides of the waist muscles associated with the suppression of anger, hostility, and ... 'fear of tickling'.
Experience shows that the elimination of the clips in the abdominal muscles does not take a long time, provided that the work already carried out by the emancipation of the carapace (from top to bottom) in all areas of the previous accumulation psihomyshechnyh stress.
The last of the major areas selected by Reich, typical for the formation of muscular armor, it is - the pelvis muscles. Usually this shell grabs both lower limb muscles.
An indicator of the fortress muscular armor is considered a protrusion of the pelvis in the region back, which is the greater, the stronger the muscle clamps.
In these cases, as a rule, there is a certain tenderness and tension gluteal muscles. In the words of the Reich, a bowl 'rigiden (not subject to the dynamics of the natural variations in muscle tone),' dead ',' besseksualny '.
It is believed that muscular armor in the pelvic region characteristic (and, in turn, enhances) the suppression of the natural tendencies to manifest needs for fun and spontaneous expression of anger. As though inconsistent, but unconditional in nature Freudian psychoanalyst-Reich proceeded from the fact that muscular armor is always the excitement or anxiety caused by the suppression of desire for sexual pleasure.
This approach implies that liberation from the yoke of impossibility to satisfy this basic (Freud) instinct may be carried out purposeful discharge of anger and other strong but repressed emotion is in the pelvic region by enslaved total relaxation of muscles (or simultaneously).
This exercise is aimed at complete relaxation of the pelvic muscles, is that the client is lying on the couch, often extremely annoying pelvic muscles and then relax them sharply, violently kicking and hitting lyagaya pelvis on the couch. Reading about these exercises, you should always remember that their main goal is to maximize the liberation of as muscular and emotional. Therefore strongly encouraged nesderzhivanie no emotion. On the other hand, you like yourself would provoke each suppressed emotions burst out of you in the form of screams, tears, bumps, etc. Your task -.. To break not only the muscular armor, but also the psychological armor that has deprived you of the natural acting out on life situations, as a result of what do you part 'numb', lost naturally, can not communicate freely with others and with yourself.
Unreacted that find no outlet emotions are destructive work inside your body and psyche, causing psychosomatic and neuro-psychiatric disorders, up to serious diseases. Remember - the task of Reich's therapy is not only technically correct execution of the exercises, as the maximum psychological emancipation itself
. Therefore, your main installation when performing these exercises - to cease to control themselves in terms of the most joyful and the sick, and even forbidden feelings and emotions, to break through the armor shell, having fenced off you not only from others, but also from his nature, deprived you of natural full life <. br>
In fact, you decide the same problem as in classical psychoanalysis (eg, in a trance state of free association), but intensifitsiruete process of catharsis and insight physical activity, passing from the conscious exercise to the motor and affective emotional abreaction.
Some hidden you from yourself, emotions and memories may be shocking, shameful even to yourself (latent hatred of relatives or depressed sex drive, in which you do not dare to admit).
From all this it is necessary to get rid of through affective, out-of-control condition until the crying, cries of hatred, strikes, 'kicking', and so on. N.
First bioenergetics Alexander Lowen was a patient of Reich, he suffered from periodic depression and difficulties in communication, especially with women, could not reach orgasm, in general, had a set of neurotic disorders. Reich saw this as the reason for his psihomyshechnoy rigidities which, in turn, is 'protected' and reinforcing these disorders. That was the essence of characterological analysis of the Reich, which features of posture and movement is easily defined muscle shells, corresponding to various features of the character and psychological problems of the patient.
During one of the exercises, which was recommended to completely surrender to the emotions of love, complained that he can not dissolve completely in this sense, something is holding.
Experienced Reich replied: "Because in order to fully surrender to love, you still have to throw out a lot of smoldering anger, which you are afraid to admit»
. 'But I have no one do not feel strong anger', - said Loewen
. Reich threw him a pillow and told: 'Beat it! Bay and try to find themselves and throw out all the anger, consider that you hit all that hate in this world, beat to exhaustion, shouting, anger, until they collapsed from fatigue '.
First Loewen could not get involved emotionally thrashed pillow formally and even connect kakih-to cries will not start it for real, but after a while it gradually kakoe-to 'unwound' fists are already ill, he gasped, but thrashed increasingly investing in every beat, more anger, some shouts and words became depart from it automatically.
And then, when he was quite exhausted, then he saw that the pillow takes the features ... his father. Loewen was terribly frightened. After all, he was always confident that he loved his father, and some children's insults are long forgotten. But he continued to beat him, and suddenly he poured tears. He fell on the pillow and sobbed, feeling sorry for myself, his life, his father, and suddenly realized that only now, freed from the smoldering resentment, spilling her, he loved him truly with all my heart ... After that came the feeling of love to the whole world he was afraid of him no more, lived in it freely and easily.
Of course, after some time, the euphoria gave way to a calmer state, sometimes still there were days of depression and anxiety, but he already knew the path of liberation ... The path to freedom was through the destruction of the inner shells of self-defense and self-deception, and best of all it turned out during the интенсивных физических упражнений по разрушению мышечных панцирей и блоков.
Среди наиболее известных современных (или, по крайней мере, 'послерайховских') направлений телесной психотерапии в первую очередь нужно отметить биоэнергетическую телесную терапию ученика и пациента Александра Лоуэна, породившую в свою очередь огромное количество биоэнергетических школ.
В определенной мере идеи Райха нашли отражение в таких известных видах телесной терапии, как: метод Фельденкрайса; рольфинг (структурная интеграция Иды Рольф); первичная терапия Артура Янова; терапия, ориентированная на 'чувственное осознавание' и т. д.
Почти каждое из этих направлений и техник применяется не только в индивидуальном виде, но и в так называемой групповой телесной психотерапии, получающей все большую популярность.
В определенном смысле к методам телесной психотерапии могут быть отнесены и многие элементы таких популярных восточных систем, как йога, цигун, рейки, тай-цзи-цуань, айкидо и др.
Старайтесь при выполнении физических упражнений как можно более полно включаться эмоционально, 'выходить из себя' на свободу спонтанного проявления чувств.
Не ждите мгновенных результатов. Настраивайтесь на длительную работу.
Отслеживайте в дневнике малейшие изменения в сторону преодоления внешних и внутренних зажимов.
Готовьтесь к тому, что вначале у вас будет значительно больше переживаний, отрицательных эмоций, причем очень сильных. Но если вы встали на этот путь, надо идти до конца, поскольку только полное откровенное выплескивание из себя скрытых психотравмирующих проблем и воспоминаний приведет к катарсису (очищению через страдание).
Если вы не готовы к полной честности перед собой, безжалостному разоблачению' своих механизмов психологической защиты, лучше не начинайте этот путь, так как только расковыряете рану, не очистив ее.
Remember! Райхианская терапия по отношению к психически неустойчивым и тем более психически нездоровым лицам не может применяться без контроля опытного психиатра