TEST: How to see the essence of man?

© john jude palencar
Not to be confused with: how to win over or leverage to drive or get the energy of its arrangement for themselves. And not in order to increase its own shares and give / get emotional stroking and priyatnosti- no, not for that))
Namely - Recognising the essence of man. TECHNOLOGY:
(Just think well before you apply it - only if your essence - is transparent - it is safe, otherwise you will first clarify exactly its essence and Transparency
1. Create a vacuum between you and the person. And give it time - to fill it with their own sense, fear and accusations
2. does not protect - in any case
. He starts palitsya - expressing version. Listen carefully. For example, it DISRESPECT - where can you, first of all, to accuse and reveal the essence of man.
Visible resentment - climb otsennochnye labels, so you drive them into wine. There is clear and that the person is not the case it is important - your joint, and the attitude to his beloved
. It reveals how he is hungry.
And if you were with him in the way, he - hungry, do not contribute to the common cause, and will gnaw resources.
He's a good, just "premature" (nedobayukany, immature) it all the time "to prepare" will need (in business or in human relations is not a problem - Money and Compliments hole plugged) But for more cases (and mountains) It is not necessary. His persona is more important to him than the world behind to do better. It's not bad - it matures further
. 3. angered him.
To do this, nothing amoralngo active and do not need to do specifically. Just "on time" (in polite terms) do not let him stroking.
Courtesy to the people and come up to hide ESSENCE (distracting such intimacy and honesty - to prevent from reliance on each other in order to nongeneric)
ANGER - the energy Chesney - is LOVE PASSION
. And then you see exactly about someone well it cares,
And if he had a path or just the idea of the way to be interesting and pleasant.
4. draw conclusions.
Man in WAYS CAN NOT hurt, though you its south sent. He knows who he is and where to go - Travel forgave everything.
They are so little
In fact, very few people make good things from nature. Most of the desire to be accepted and pleasant society.
This is important: respect, recognition and gratitude. They buy it, and his energy "to the ungrateful" spending will not - its energy essentially it and no - that they are "good things" on it and change
. I really like to be right now NEVEZhLIVOY.Togda with me only those who are without podkradonov and those who are on the way. I note that "all the doors at this world opens to the other side».
Courtesy and Respect - now - a pseudo heat. If you want a real, warm - become cold. (Only for the people of a great destiny.)
"Choose the route according to their level of training and riding skills»
Natalia Valitskaya - evolutionary psychologist.