How does the mother-heroine who gave birth to the 19th child at 45 years
A native of the Rivne region Svetlana Kovalevich knows exactly what a lot of children are. She was in a state of permanent pregnancy for just under 30 years. In her lifetime, she gave birth to 19 children. She is now 45, but she does not rule out that she may soon have a 20th heir.
How does one of the largest families in Ukraine live and what difficulties does Svetlana face? You will learn all this in today’s article.
A lot of children Svetlana Kovalevich is a native of the village of Glinnoye, where almost every family can boast of a large number of children. The title of mother-heroine here is many women. Today’s story is about one of them.
Svetlana and her husband Peter managed to stand out among all the residents of the Ukrainian village. Together they became parents of 19 children. The woman honestly admits that it is difficult for her. After all, she was in a state of permanent pregnancy for many years.
Laykni Now the mother of Ukraine is 45 years old. All 19 times Svetlana gave birth on her own. Despite many years of experience, the woman is banally tired. Having a baby at 18 and 45 are different things. Health is not the same, and the capabilities of the body must be considered.
Why do spouses have so many children? The answer is simple: Svetlana and Sergey are truly religious people. They obey God’s commandments and follow the traditions of their families. For example, a woman has 7 siblings and her husband has 14.
Just imagine: Svetlana’s mother-in-law has 98 grandchildren. It's unthinkable! Her four older children already have children of their own. So now the mother of many children has also become a grandmother. She has 13 grandchildren so far.
How does a family live with so many children? Saving his farm and garden. For the sake of a happy present and future, all households work. Everyone does what they can. In the summer, children together with their father collect seasonal berries for sale.
At this time, Svetlana is alone with the youngest children. There is no one to help, so you have to cope with all the tasks alone. For example, on the shoulders of a woman completely lies cooking, as well as the rest of the household.
To feed such an horde of children, you have to cook a lot. A bucket of borscht or soup usually disappears during the day. If Svetlana sculpts and cooks dumplings, at least 200 pieces come out at a time. A woman bakes her own bread.
Also, the rural family makes a large number of winter preparations. This is a minimum of 300 cans of canned food, 70 bags of potatoes and dozens of boxes of beets and carrots. The house in which Svetlana’s family lives, her husband built with his own hands. Parents and children live together in 6 rooms.
Brothers and sisters wear each other’s clothes. The family does not live very richly. For higher education for older children, the spouses did not have money. Therefore, they are very proud that their son was able to learn to become a mechanic locksmith, leaving for the district center.
In many families, children do not have children for years. The couple honestly admit that they are not ready yet. The child is a great responsibility. Svetlana and Peter are, if I may say so, much easier. For them, the birth of a baby is a miracle. If a woman is pregnant, it is God’s will.
I'm not going to judge someone else's choice. But I just don't understand it. To have a baby and put it on its feet, you need resources. Both internal and external. I mean a stable financial situation. Given that Svetlana’s children cannot afford to get higher education, I can conclude that there is not enough money in the family for everything.
I wonder what you think about that? How important are religious principles when it comes to motherhood?

How does one of the largest families in Ukraine live and what difficulties does Svetlana face? You will learn all this in today’s article.
A lot of children Svetlana Kovalevich is a native of the village of Glinnoye, where almost every family can boast of a large number of children. The title of mother-heroine here is many women. Today’s story is about one of them.
Svetlana and her husband Peter managed to stand out among all the residents of the Ukrainian village. Together they became parents of 19 children. The woman honestly admits that it is difficult for her. After all, she was in a state of permanent pregnancy for many years.

Laykni Now the mother of Ukraine is 45 years old. All 19 times Svetlana gave birth on her own. Despite many years of experience, the woman is banally tired. Having a baby at 18 and 45 are different things. Health is not the same, and the capabilities of the body must be considered.
Why do spouses have so many children? The answer is simple: Svetlana and Sergey are truly religious people. They obey God’s commandments and follow the traditions of their families. For example, a woman has 7 siblings and her husband has 14.

Just imagine: Svetlana’s mother-in-law has 98 grandchildren. It's unthinkable! Her four older children already have children of their own. So now the mother of many children has also become a grandmother. She has 13 grandchildren so far.
How does a family live with so many children? Saving his farm and garden. For the sake of a happy present and future, all households work. Everyone does what they can. In the summer, children together with their father collect seasonal berries for sale.
At this time, Svetlana is alone with the youngest children. There is no one to help, so you have to cope with all the tasks alone. For example, on the shoulders of a woman completely lies cooking, as well as the rest of the household.

To feed such an horde of children, you have to cook a lot. A bucket of borscht or soup usually disappears during the day. If Svetlana sculpts and cooks dumplings, at least 200 pieces come out at a time. A woman bakes her own bread.
Also, the rural family makes a large number of winter preparations. This is a minimum of 300 cans of canned food, 70 bags of potatoes and dozens of boxes of beets and carrots. The house in which Svetlana’s family lives, her husband built with his own hands. Parents and children live together in 6 rooms.

Brothers and sisters wear each other’s clothes. The family does not live very richly. For higher education for older children, the spouses did not have money. Therefore, they are very proud that their son was able to learn to become a mechanic locksmith, leaving for the district center.
In many families, children do not have children for years. The couple honestly admit that they are not ready yet. The child is a great responsibility. Svetlana and Peter are, if I may say so, much easier. For them, the birth of a baby is a miracle. If a woman is pregnant, it is God’s will.

I'm not going to judge someone else's choice. But I just don't understand it. To have a baby and put it on its feet, you need resources. Both internal and external. I mean a stable financial situation. Given that Svetlana’s children cannot afford to get higher education, I can conclude that there is not enough money in the family for everything.
I wonder what you think about that? How important are religious principles when it comes to motherhood?
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