Surprising Facts About How To shoot the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears"
In February 1980, on the screens released film by Vladimir Menshov "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" - a lyrical story about the lives of three friends provincials who came to conquer the capital. A year later, the American Film Academy has awarded its highest award painting - "Oscar", considering it the best foreign band of the year. Blogger Aslan Shauey shared with its readers the secrets of filming of the cult Soviet film.
"In the script I immediately responded," -vspominal later Vladimir Menshov. Because Ian Freed, an outstanding writer and director ( "Twelfth Night," "Dog in the Manger," "Don Cesar de Bazan", etc.), Who in the late 70-ies of the last century was in great authority, found a story written Valentin Chernykh, uninteresting.
"The only thing that attracted me - it's a great move, when Catherine gets an alarm clock and sleep crying and wake up in a few years and wakes adult daughter. I even thought at first that just missed a few pages. And when I realized that it is a decision - jump in 20 years, once the idea has earned. " However, the director still offered Valentin Chernykh radically alter the material. He refused, and for the revision had to take to Menchov. As a result, instead of the 60 pages turned over 90, there were new storylines, new characters. For example, the story of drunken hockey Gurin or scene in the club site - initially at the Black they were not. There was a scene with Smoktunovsky that "too late to start" acting career.
In the original script, the protagonist Catherine Tikhomirov - a deputy director of the plant and the Moscow City Council - was to conduct voter reception. "Boring!" - Decided to Menchov and sent her to the club dating, where the headmistress, who brilliantly played Akhedzhakova Leah, began wooing her "employee cupola - a very responsible, just fifty-three years,"
Instead, the French Film Festival Catherine and Ludmila had to watch as to the Argentinian Embassy invited to drive up ... a diplomatic reception. It was only at the insistence of Menshov ambassadors replaced Smoktunovsky movie stars, and Yumatova Konyukhova and "Ford" and "Buicks." - Domestic "ZISami" and "Victory"
In Rudik, the scenario was not only an activist mother, but the father - crustaceans, senior turner by profession. The television center on Shabolovka, where Rodion invites Catherine, originally had to shoot KVN. But then collecting huge hall did not, deciding to replace KVN shooting "blue fire", which was considered the Soviet television card.
Some smaller scenes specially made a household. Hero Batalov Gosh, instead of sitting in front of TV, watching a hockey game while sipping a beer, took to repair the vacuum cleaner. Many phrases were cut in the editing process. For example, in the scene where Nicholas Gosha finds home in a strong drunk, and they tied a conversation, removed the name of the airline. "What is happening in the world?" - Asks Gosha, pouring. "There is no stability, - tells him Nicholas. - The terrorists seized the aircraft of the company again, "Air France". So, "Air France", in order to avoid international problems, we decided to cut. And if, according to the scenario of Black, Gosha and Nick singing "By Don Cossack walking young", in the movie they only cut up Taranco.
By the way, since in those days, as you know, there was no sex in the Soviet Union, greatly curtailed and the meeting of the heroine with the hero Tabakova in his apartment, considering it too frank. Upstairs we felt that the actors "replayed" and "too hastily undressed".
The work on the painting Vladimir Menshov had to overcome the resistance and its own crew, contemptuous of this "cheap melodrama." Some actresses auditioned for the role of heroines, just left.
On the role of Gosha, according to Vladimir Menshov, tried a lot of actors, including Vitaly Solomin, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Oleg Efremov, Leonid Diachkov. However, the director of one of them was approved. Desperate, he decided to play the main character. But there was a picture on TV, "My dear man," with Alexei Batalov, and less immediately knew whom he should call for the role of Gosha. But here Batalov stubborn. His script and was not impressed, and the role of intellectual-fitter he himself do not really see. But in the end, I agreed.
Alexander Fatyushin first auditioned for the role of Nikolai, but Menchov gave it to Boris Smorchkova, the actor, who is best obtained by a simple Russian boys. Thereafter Fatyushin was offered the role of a hockey player Gurin. Fatyushin later admitted that was very fond of his character, however, he regretted that more was not included in the final version of the picture. How, for example, the scene in the "Luzhniki" Sports Palace: the Soviet team played the match with the Swedes, and Gurin became the hero of the meeting. But most of it was a pity the last cut scene.
Toward the end of the film we all gathered at the cottage. Three character sitting on the bench, sing. And then I had to appear Gurin: tie to one side, the shirt inside out with him some hanyga. Gurin begins to bicker with his ex-wife Lyudmila for threefold and hanyga screams at her: "You're talking to him? It Gurin, I'm on it matches up as a person! ". But the leaders of the then State cinema over the scene said: "No, tied - then tied. Team player, even if the former can not fall ".
From the candidates to the main business situation it was also the female lead is not easy. Manual "Mosfilm" recommended Menshov Anastasia Vertinskaya, Jeanne Bolotov, Irina Kupchenko, Valentin Telichkina. "Uninteresting" - in one voice they declared, reading the script
. Tried and Margarita Terekhova. But when Jungvald-Khil'kevich offered her the role of Milady in "The Three Musketeers", she chose her unconditionally. Actress Natalia Saiko sample has passed, but when the role of Gosha took Batalov, it turned out that they do not look good together. They began to look for the actress' under Batalov ". It was then that there was a belief Alentova.
But the role of skromnyagi Toshi auditioned Galina Polish, Lyudmila Zaitseva, Natalia Andreichenko and Nina Ruslanova but convincing all looked Raisa Ryazanov that the artistic council and approved. Polish offended by Menchov, not understanding how he could do it is to offer, and Ruslanova - because they did not take. Irina Muraviev, who played Lyudmila, then admitted that, for the first time saw the picture on the pasteboard, wept with resentment.
"My character did not like me - say once actress. - Rough, mannered, sometimes vulgar. Everything I hated in life and in others, got out on the screen. " Nevertheless, the role of Ludmila became one of the most memorable works of the actress. By the way, Muravevu director found by chance to see one of the dramas.
During the filming of the Faith Alentova he was 37 years old, Ryazanova Raisa - 35, Irina Muravyova - 30. Before the actresses was a very difficult task - to play their characters naive 19-year-old provincial, and then their own after two decades. And with that actress coped well. Make-up artists and costume designers also worked on glory. Alexei Batalov was 11 years older than his character. But the screen is not felt.
Unique Menshov picture that no bit parts in it. Zoya Fedorova (vahtersha from the hostel) and Vladimir Basov (deputy head of the central board of Anton) are just as important as the main characters. "For me it was very important that it Basov uttered the phrase that" in 40 years, life has just begun ", - he explained the director afterwards. - And from then on I had to figure out what to play him. It's clear that dancing with the youth, he will not. What distinguished him from the other guests? And the fact that he had some problems with the stomach, and he, the old bastard, all attempts to someone "seal", and the toilet did not get out. And once it becomes clear that this kind of person.
Vahtershi role in the script was not registered at all. And then we came up with "enter" it into the inner circle of characters - she on the phone "Hallow" says Catherine from the hospital and meets. For Zoe Fedorova this work was
last. "
Only thanks to Alexei Batalov the role of the main character's daughter Alexandra played Natalia Vavilova, who starred in the debut film Menshov "Drawing" still a schoolgirl. Natasha's parents were strongly against her acting future, prophesied her serious career - staged on courses at the Foreign Ministry, was prepared in Institute
Filming began without Alexandra, Menchov and then came up with a great idea. To persuade parents he sent Batalov. Seeing the famous actor, they could not refuse him. Besides Batalov he has promised that she will be able to easily combine study and work on the film. After shooting Vavilov dropped courses, came to VGIK and became an actress.
The finished picture taken hudsovet "Mosfilm". Members of the Board expressed quite evasive about the film. "And the director of" Mosfilm "Sizov, very harsh and unsentimental man pissed cautious praise, suddenly said:" I think we have with this picture as much prize and people's love poimeem ", - said Vladimir Menshov!. - But in a private conversation with me, I asked to cut from the film the most candid moments. "Grishin at the cottage look and then say:" Once you love doing "I rested and did not cut more than what has already been cut!. The film went on to testify to the country's top leadership. When I asked Sizov is there Grishin, director of "Mosfilm" waved his hand: "Come Grishin! Brezhnev loved it! "At this the fate of the film has been resolved".
During the first year of the film looked 85 million. Man. "Moscow ..." bought a hundred countries around the world. As the world were triumphant premiere, which invariably absent one person - the director Menchov. "Why am I not allowed to leave the country? - He reasoned afterwards. - No one said why. The Chiefs just lowered his eyes: "Well, wait, everything will somehow resolve"
. Only years later I learned that two of denunciation was lying on me. From colleagues. My "misconduct" was that after the dismissal of Podgorny I expressed surprise why, they say, the resignation of a second person in the country took place without any explanation. The second accusation was dedicated to my delight, the number of products in some shops abroad. That was enough. And I thought that homeland sold, secret plant plans issued. "
When it's an invitation to the ceremony "Oscar" (the Americans sent him to the home address Menshov), the director once again was not released. For the award went Cultural Attache of the Soviet Embassy. The next day all the newspapers had written that "Oscar" was a KGB employee.
The director of what became the winner of the most prestigious film awards of the world (which has no way, material rewards), recognized at once. Directly on the day of the ceremony - 31 of March - he was trying to listen to "Voice of America", but because of "jamming" so do not make out. The phone call came the morning of April 1 and less thought is someone's joke. But he was invited to the State Committee for Cinematography.
Golden statuette "Oscar" was Vladimir Menshov many years after the awards. Only in 1989, the award ceremony "Nick" Vladimir Menshov decided to hand over his "Oscar". It was assumed that behind the scenes the director will give the statue back to the State Committee for Cinematography, where it all these years and kept, but Menchov took her with him.
According to Vladimir Menshov, US President Ronald Reagan, in preparation for a meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985, at least eight times saw the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" to understand the mysterious Russian soul.
: Copypast.ru
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"In the script I immediately responded," -vspominal later Vladimir Menshov. Because Ian Freed, an outstanding writer and director ( "Twelfth Night," "Dog in the Manger," "Don Cesar de Bazan", etc.), Who in the late 70-ies of the last century was in great authority, found a story written Valentin Chernykh, uninteresting.
"The only thing that attracted me - it's a great move, when Catherine gets an alarm clock and sleep crying and wake up in a few years and wakes adult daughter. I even thought at first that just missed a few pages. And when I realized that it is a decision - jump in 20 years, once the idea has earned. " However, the director still offered Valentin Chernykh radically alter the material. He refused, and for the revision had to take to Menchov. As a result, instead of the 60 pages turned over 90, there were new storylines, new characters. For example, the story of drunken hockey Gurin or scene in the club site - initially at the Black they were not. There was a scene with Smoktunovsky that "too late to start" acting career.

In the original script, the protagonist Catherine Tikhomirov - a deputy director of the plant and the Moscow City Council - was to conduct voter reception. "Boring!" - Decided to Menchov and sent her to the club dating, where the headmistress, who brilliantly played Akhedzhakova Leah, began wooing her "employee cupola - a very responsible, just fifty-three years,"

Instead, the French Film Festival Catherine and Ludmila had to watch as to the Argentinian Embassy invited to drive up ... a diplomatic reception. It was only at the insistence of Menshov ambassadors replaced Smoktunovsky movie stars, and Yumatova Konyukhova and "Ford" and "Buicks." - Domestic "ZISami" and "Victory"

In Rudik, the scenario was not only an activist mother, but the father - crustaceans, senior turner by profession. The television center on Shabolovka, where Rodion invites Catherine, originally had to shoot KVN. But then collecting huge hall did not, deciding to replace KVN shooting "blue fire", which was considered the Soviet television card.

Some smaller scenes specially made a household. Hero Batalov Gosh, instead of sitting in front of TV, watching a hockey game while sipping a beer, took to repair the vacuum cleaner. Many phrases were cut in the editing process. For example, in the scene where Nicholas Gosha finds home in a strong drunk, and they tied a conversation, removed the name of the airline. "What is happening in the world?" - Asks Gosha, pouring. "There is no stability, - tells him Nicholas. - The terrorists seized the aircraft of the company again, "Air France". So, "Air France", in order to avoid international problems, we decided to cut. And if, according to the scenario of Black, Gosha and Nick singing "By Don Cossack walking young", in the movie they only cut up Taranco.

By the way, since in those days, as you know, there was no sex in the Soviet Union, greatly curtailed and the meeting of the heroine with the hero Tabakova in his apartment, considering it too frank. Upstairs we felt that the actors "replayed" and "too hastily undressed".

The work on the painting Vladimir Menshov had to overcome the resistance and its own crew, contemptuous of this "cheap melodrama." Some actresses auditioned for the role of heroines, just left.

On the role of Gosha, according to Vladimir Menshov, tried a lot of actors, including Vitaly Solomin, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Oleg Efremov, Leonid Diachkov. However, the director of one of them was approved. Desperate, he decided to play the main character. But there was a picture on TV, "My dear man," with Alexei Batalov, and less immediately knew whom he should call for the role of Gosha. But here Batalov stubborn. His script and was not impressed, and the role of intellectual-fitter he himself do not really see. But in the end, I agreed.

Alexander Fatyushin first auditioned for the role of Nikolai, but Menchov gave it to Boris Smorchkova, the actor, who is best obtained by a simple Russian boys. Thereafter Fatyushin was offered the role of a hockey player Gurin. Fatyushin later admitted that was very fond of his character, however, he regretted that more was not included in the final version of the picture. How, for example, the scene in the "Luzhniki" Sports Palace: the Soviet team played the match with the Swedes, and Gurin became the hero of the meeting. But most of it was a pity the last cut scene.

Toward the end of the film we all gathered at the cottage. Three character sitting on the bench, sing. And then I had to appear Gurin: tie to one side, the shirt inside out with him some hanyga. Gurin begins to bicker with his ex-wife Lyudmila for threefold and hanyga screams at her: "You're talking to him? It Gurin, I'm on it matches up as a person! ". But the leaders of the then State cinema over the scene said: "No, tied - then tied. Team player, even if the former can not fall ".

From the candidates to the main business situation it was also the female lead is not easy. Manual "Mosfilm" recommended Menshov Anastasia Vertinskaya, Jeanne Bolotov, Irina Kupchenko, Valentin Telichkina. "Uninteresting" - in one voice they declared, reading the script
. Tried and Margarita Terekhova. But when Jungvald-Khil'kevich offered her the role of Milady in "The Three Musketeers", she chose her unconditionally. Actress Natalia Saiko sample has passed, but when the role of Gosha took Batalov, it turned out that they do not look good together. They began to look for the actress' under Batalov ". It was then that there was a belief Alentova.

But the role of skromnyagi Toshi auditioned Galina Polish, Lyudmila Zaitseva, Natalia Andreichenko and Nina Ruslanova but convincing all looked Raisa Ryazanov that the artistic council and approved. Polish offended by Menchov, not understanding how he could do it is to offer, and Ruslanova - because they did not take. Irina Muraviev, who played Lyudmila, then admitted that, for the first time saw the picture on the pasteboard, wept with resentment.
"My character did not like me - say once actress. - Rough, mannered, sometimes vulgar. Everything I hated in life and in others, got out on the screen. " Nevertheless, the role of Ludmila became one of the most memorable works of the actress. By the way, Muravevu director found by chance to see one of the dramas.

During the filming of the Faith Alentova he was 37 years old, Ryazanova Raisa - 35, Irina Muravyova - 30. Before the actresses was a very difficult task - to play their characters naive 19-year-old provincial, and then their own after two decades. And with that actress coped well. Make-up artists and costume designers also worked on glory. Alexei Batalov was 11 years older than his character. But the screen is not felt.

Unique Menshov picture that no bit parts in it. Zoya Fedorova (vahtersha from the hostel) and Vladimir Basov (deputy head of the central board of Anton) are just as important as the main characters. "For me it was very important that it Basov uttered the phrase that" in 40 years, life has just begun ", - he explained the director afterwards. - And from then on I had to figure out what to play him. It's clear that dancing with the youth, he will not. What distinguished him from the other guests? And the fact that he had some problems with the stomach, and he, the old bastard, all attempts to someone "seal", and the toilet did not get out. And once it becomes clear that this kind of person.

Vahtershi role in the script was not registered at all. And then we came up with "enter" it into the inner circle of characters - she on the phone "Hallow" says Catherine from the hospital and meets. For Zoe Fedorova this work was
last. "

Only thanks to Alexei Batalov the role of the main character's daughter Alexandra played Natalia Vavilova, who starred in the debut film Menshov "Drawing" still a schoolgirl. Natasha's parents were strongly against her acting future, prophesied her serious career - staged on courses at the Foreign Ministry, was prepared in Institute

Filming began without Alexandra, Menchov and then came up with a great idea. To persuade parents he sent Batalov. Seeing the famous actor, they could not refuse him. Besides Batalov he has promised that she will be able to easily combine study and work on the film. After shooting Vavilov dropped courses, came to VGIK and became an actress.

The finished picture taken hudsovet "Mosfilm". Members of the Board expressed quite evasive about the film. "And the director of" Mosfilm "Sizov, very harsh and unsentimental man pissed cautious praise, suddenly said:" I think we have with this picture as much prize and people's love poimeem ", - said Vladimir Menshov!. - But in a private conversation with me, I asked to cut from the film the most candid moments. "Grishin at the cottage look and then say:" Once you love doing "I rested and did not cut more than what has already been cut!. The film went on to testify to the country's top leadership. When I asked Sizov is there Grishin, director of "Mosfilm" waved his hand: "Come Grishin! Brezhnev loved it! "At this the fate of the film has been resolved".

During the first year of the film looked 85 million. Man. "Moscow ..." bought a hundred countries around the world. As the world were triumphant premiere, which invariably absent one person - the director Menchov. "Why am I not allowed to leave the country? - He reasoned afterwards. - No one said why. The Chiefs just lowered his eyes: "Well, wait, everything will somehow resolve"
. Only years later I learned that two of denunciation was lying on me. From colleagues. My "misconduct" was that after the dismissal of Podgorny I expressed surprise why, they say, the resignation of a second person in the country took place without any explanation. The second accusation was dedicated to my delight, the number of products in some shops abroad. That was enough. And I thought that homeland sold, secret plant plans issued. "

When it's an invitation to the ceremony "Oscar" (the Americans sent him to the home address Menshov), the director once again was not released. For the award went Cultural Attache of the Soviet Embassy. The next day all the newspapers had written that "Oscar" was a KGB employee.
The director of what became the winner of the most prestigious film awards of the world (which has no way, material rewards), recognized at once. Directly on the day of the ceremony - 31 of March - he was trying to listen to "Voice of America", but because of "jamming" so do not make out. The phone call came the morning of April 1 and less thought is someone's joke. But he was invited to the State Committee for Cinematography.
Golden statuette "Oscar" was Vladimir Menshov many years after the awards. Only in 1989, the award ceremony "Nick" Vladimir Menshov decided to hand over his "Oscar". It was assumed that behind the scenes the director will give the statue back to the State Committee for Cinematography, where it all these years and kept, but Menchov took her with him.

According to Vladimir Menshov, US President Ronald Reagan, in preparation for a meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985, at least eight times saw the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" to understand the mysterious Russian soul.
: Copypast.ru
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