"Love and Pigeons": the details and facts
30 years ago on the screens of the country was a film by young director Vladimir Menshov's "Love and doves". This picture several times returned for revision, abused, said that Menchov altered sense of taste ... State Committee for Cinematography, as evidenced by documents from the archives of "Mosfilm", refused to take a picture, considering that there is a lot of drinking (this was at odds with the policy of the Politburo). However, Menshov stood his ground: "To alter the picture will not." Yet after much debate and minor amendments the film "Love and Pigeons" missed rental ...
Bob - Smorchkov, Fighters, Jurassic, Mikhailov?
Curiously, the role of the protagonist Vasey could get and Alexander Mikhailov.
Boris Smorchkov previously played in the film Menshov "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", tried his luck on the samples in the film "Love and doves," but failed. It seemed inconclusive sample B. Bortsova.
The director tried to Vasya and his favorite actor Sergei Jurassic, but then took it to a different role - Uncle Mitya.
It was directed by Alexander Mikhailov once seen as Vasya, but the actor was busy and at first refused. Therefore, says Menchov, he could not understand exactly what he needed Bob. But as soon as the shooting at the last moment yet arrived and Mikhailov said the first words of the role, the director sighed with relief: "Here it is, Bob» ...
Alexander Menshov Fatyushin resented that he had not even tried it, he believed it was his role, but at the premiere of the first went up to the director and said, "You have won».
Nadia - Polishchuk, Doroshina?
Lyubov Polishchuk approach to the role of Nadi on age, but the director did not convince her trial. But Nina Doroshina, which had already played Nadia in the theater "Contemporary", literally bathed in the role. She still, for 20 years, plays in the theater this role, did not imagine giving the same.
According to the scenario, Hope - middle-aged woman, and the woman Shura --old pensioner. However, the actress Nina Doroshina, who plays Hope, 10 years older than Tenyakova Natalia, who played a woman Shura. At the time of filming Doroshin was 50 years old and Tenyakova - only 40.
Baba Shura - Natalia Tenyakova and Uncle Mitya - Sergei Jurassic and in the life of husband and wife. This is one of the most intelligent pairs St. Petersburg ... doubly surprising how reliable they played villagers ...
They are together still, and still love each other.
Raisa Zakharovna - Kustinskaya, Gurchenko?
A sample of the role of Natalia Kustinskaya Raisa Zakharovna hudsovet rejected. When Lyudmila Gurchenko has agreed to play this role, Lyudmila Markovna immediately approved.
Luda - Melikhova, Lisovskaya?
The role of the daughter of the main character in the film Luda "try on" Olga Melikhova. But the decision of the artistic council approved another contender - Jan Lisowski. She is one of the Moscow intelligentsia family, her father - People's Artist of Russia, but in the film it rustic girl, according to the director - well, just poured. Then she starred in other films, is now living in Germany, close friends with his daughter Julia Menshov ...
Uncle Mitya - Shutov, Jurassic?
Uncle Mitya could become an actor Shutov, we had decided to make the picture more close to real life.
In the performance of Sergei Jurassic, which was still 50 years old and has not been, rustic grandfather turned funny and theatrical. The director said that the appointment of the Jurassic immediately went staging all the action. And if in the picture was Shutov - a wonderful actor, and with him is real, not funny grandmother, - woulda false ...
Kind to the film "Love and Pigeons" Menchov and crew searched in the Irkutsk region, on the shores of Lake Baikal. But do not hit the somehow those places ... And then Vladimir Menshov remembered Karelia, where he once worked as a director trainee in the Great Guba:
"I wanted some hills, hills - you can organize scenically beautiful. And Medvezhyegorsk we went just because the name "Mountain" - maybe there is some kind of a mountain there? Nothing decent stride was not found. And suddenly, driving down the street, which went down to the river ... We went and saw the courtyard. Already then agreed with the owners, we paved all the trees in Siberia.
And the creek at the bottom of this ... Later, in Moscow, when they began otsmatrivat material asked me: where did you find such a gorgeous nature ?! »
Filming took place in Karelia, in the city of Medvezhegorsk, on the outskirts of town, in a house on the river bank Coombs.
Says director Vladimir Menshov
- Vladimir V., what a scene in the film was given you the hardest?
- I care for the frame, which we thoroughly prepared, thought out, painted: show as the door of the hut Mikhailov falls into the water, the camera leaves, drops of water and remove as emerges without the costume Mikhailov, refers to Gurchenko, then they swim together to the beach and go to the beach. All of it was filmed in one shot!
For half a minute, that man can survive without breathing in the water, divers removed from the actor's costume, the actor had to come up and just text to say. On the first take Mikhailov emerged and the text is completely forgotten, his first words were: "Lyus Che say something?" He suggested Gurchenko. And then everything went fine.
- Said Alexander Mikhailov nearly drowned. With his divers under water tie tied up and nearly strangled ...
- This story is embellished. The shooting took place is not really in the sea, and the outdoor pool. Not so all was risky. Well, there was a moment of danger. Indeed two divers bit rushed ...
Deadly for the actors was to portray the fall of the heat in the cold, 14-degree water! The shooting took place in November.
During his filming under water, there were problems with his tie, the actor almost drowned, had to cut the tie. As a result, the film came in third take, which previously cut his tie just sewed a couple of stitches.
Lucy Gurchenko, which is most in life afraid of the cold, despite its ability to take risks for the sake of filming in terror waiting for diving. But it is still a dialogue while swimming! And then all the extras in the icy water to bathe, depicting beach. I'm at the end of the shooting after "Cut!" He dived to share a common misfortune. I just burned the water, this was cold!
And as the final shot the picture, when all the actors are standing on the roof!
Actors - are busy people, and gather all the actors in the scene we've got only 20 minutes. While the shooting was carried Doroshin her make up in a helicopter and raised the roof - Mihaylov after 20 minutes had to fly to Moscow.
In the film, they are calm and smiling, looking into the camera. And in fact, I remember that panic everyone who was in the frame! But the film - it is a magical art!
- Vladimir V., and how the tree at the end of painting flowers appear?
- This effect is based on the well-known focus, when a cane popping colors. We are invited to shoot a magician, he helped us build this trick: we tied about ten sticks on the tree. We had to pull the rope to stick, "shoot", but we all want them all at the same time "shot»!
And we shoot: there is a long scene when Mikhaylov Doroshin starts to kiss, as they say, it fills up. And this time, the camera goes up and shows a panorama, and then the tree 'bloom' - seven out of ten sticks worked, the footage was filmed in one take!
I looked at the footage and gasped: God help us, it worked out! That's how the picture was shot on a very unusual techniques. It was an experiment, twitching, we have experienced: it is funny or not. But when your notion is laughter in the hall and acceptance viewers - the most important thing for the director!
Notes censorship for the film "Love and doves»:
Reduce the number of drinking! Tighten story Gurchenko: scenes of their connection, the scene of the scandal. To think it is appropriate to the scene with flowers on the trees at the end of the film. Reduce dancing - very tedious.
Jura with his story about dead wife - this scene is too long.
From discussions hudsovet:
A. Zarkhi: - Painting gives the impression of some impropriety of peasant life and leaves a feeling of brute force and bad taste.
Menchov is altered sense of taste elementary. The fact that the actor's performance in the theater could exist in the movies has become a platitude ... Comrades in the State cinema seeing the picture and thought that if the drunkenness of the picture removed, then everything will be okay. Drunkenness is now the tragedy of the people, not funny behavior. Therefore, to treat it can not be so easy.
E. Dashkov: - Intelligent Tenyakova and Jurassic plays unintelligent people, and it felt very little in them deep, the root of behavior. Looking at Mikhailov, it's hard to believe that his character is so drunk that he was only setting the target to chase pigeons. But if you wanted to show the eccentric, then there is clearly an eccentric with a low ceiling, but it confuses me.
Solovyov (director): - I deeply alien to what to do less ... I think Gurchenko - the most controversial element in this picture, there's a lot of her.
Yu Reisman: - And I liked the picture, beautifully played, the characters are charming, do not cause hostility. But the image that creates Gurchenko, does not fit the style of the painting. What she says about psychics, - absolutely inaccessible to the audience (monologues Gurchenko partially cut from the film).
From the movie "censorship" was cut a lot of "interesting" scenes. For example, one in which a passer-pier was drinking beer from mugs Uncle Mitya and Basil. The film entered the picture as a passerby just beginning to consume large amounts of beer. And it should be noted that a local resident, found specifically for shooting the scene, turned to drink five beers in just a few seconds.
Few people know that he wrote the screenplay, actor, director, playwright, screenwriter, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, Honorary citizen of the city of Vladimir Cheremhovo Gurkin. The basis - the real story of the family of Basil and Hope Kuzyakina living at home scriptwriter.
At first, it was a piece that was a success in many theaters in the country ... There she saw the way Menchov, who sought the script for the new movie ...
Vladimir Gurkin died in the summer of 2010, he was only 58 years old, very sorry, lung cancer ... It is a pity when so young talented people leave ...
In 2011, in his homeland was a monument to the heroes of the film "Love and doves," and the name of Vladimir Gurkina awarded Cheremhovsky Drama Theatre.
She died, and who plays Raisa Zakharovna Lyudmila Gurchenko ...
Yanina Lisovskaya Lyudka who plays, the last 19 years living in Germany.
Performer of Lyonka so forth in films ... But such a role, I no longer played.
Lada Sizonenko (Shurygina). After a successful debut repeatedly held auditions in other films, but more in the film and is not removed. His acting talent Lada successfully used in modeling biznese..Rabotala modelyu.Vospityvaet two children.
Alexander Mikhailov, now lives in Zelenograd Administrative District of Moscow. To act in films, has been little policy ... In 2012 he was elected a member of the Public Chamber of the Central Federal District.
In the photo, "George and Nadya," 25 years later ...
Vladimir Menshov full of energy and creative plans ... going to shoot the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" -2. The director and his wife Alentova, against the background of the monument movie.
Known in the movie bloopers
First, Bob went to the resort in a tie, then the scene in the gym it has a blue tie, and in the next scene he is again in the old tie on the market with Raisa Zakharovna try on "the eyes" the same blue tie.
Raisa Zakharovna dancing in a bar on the left to suit her dark-red flower, in a scene in the street the flower anymore.
When Uncle Mitya ran to tell about the incident with Basil, he was holding a pack of cigarettes. After the words "fagot I do not understand, put her hope", he again pulls a cigarette out of his pocket.
At the beginning of the same scene Lenka sawing wood in the shed. In the end - it shows with the same saw, but in the garden of potatoes.
When Nadia came to Basil the embankment, on her head bandana, with different ends - one dark and one light. Depending on the plan of arrangement of dark and light ends of the changes into place.
In the scene of the quarrel Uncle Mitya and women Shura (after the words: "But now there will be a flood") Uncle Mitya starts backing to the closet and his shirt in one frame in the box, and in the other - green
During the reading of the letter before the start of the scene, crying Hope he sits with his back to the window. After the start - back to the wall cabinet.
After 50 minutes, the film immediately after the stage with a letter addressed to Nadezhda Lena calls him why that Lesco. However, as this moment may be considered kinolyapy, still unclear. Since Russian families often passport name Alex, and replaced by Leonid naoborot. It is possible that the family Kuzyakina this form of treatment is the norm.
After the scene, when Uncle Mitya tells of the death of Baba Shura ("myocardial mikarda, that's a scar!"), She Baba Shura, Nadia and Luda run him walking down the wooden stairs. Block change - and the same characters with the same down the ladder again
When Uncle Mitya tells of the death of Baba Shura, he comes into the yard, then on the left side (from the audience) no benches, and when Lyudka comes and she reported the death of Baba Shura, she sits down on a small bench, which previously had no frame .
When Nadia Rais Zakharovna attacked, you will notice that the dishes, left Nadi, dropped earlier.
When Lenya was not allowed in the dressing room, while the words "Have patience, my son", near the washbasin can notice someone's head flashed a shadow.
When Raisa Zakharova has Basil cheeks, the dog starts barking, really silent dog.
When Vasya night looks out the window of his home, the TV sound from the famous phrase "In 40 years, life has just begun," from the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", previous work Menchov.
In the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" on TV the song from the first film Menshov "Drawing" (show the adjustment table, and this is achieved comic moments of the episode), and in later work Menshov "Envy of the Gods" by chance the main characters are in the movie theater, where at the moment it is shown the film "Love and doves," which is lyapom, since the action film "Envy of the Gods" takes place two years earlier than was filmed "Love and doves»
When Uncle Mitya talks about reason to drink, he leafs through the tear-off calendar, during which says: "80 years since the birth ... Wow! And she really 80? ... ". Apparently, I mean actress Tatiana Peltzer, which is really in 1984 celebrated its 80th anniversary.
Favorite movie lines:
- Shibanulo your father Lyudka! .. Everything is now and will remain ...
- What will be left?
- I'm sorry, what? Strabismus !!!
- So he's alive?
- You Th croaks, you fool? Of course alive! What do you think? !!!
- Cockleshells brought me ... and palm
- Oh, daughter, palm something on myself to shove?
- Sprigs.
- I have terrible news brought to your house, Hope! Call children!
- You know, she called me? No one knows! I said to her - Sanyushka! And she told me - Mityunyushka!
- She died, says grandfather, your grandmother ...
- Myocardial Mikarda! Here's a scar! An autopsy revealed ...
- Shaw typical, love one another! ..
- Len, a woman died Shura!
- Okay ...
- Coming out of the store, all shake.
- I'm sorry to interrupt you hide the money.
- Well ... Bastille Day was wasted!
- My dad really wanted a boy and a girl.
- How to call something?
- Who?
- Girly something ??
- Raisa Zakharovna!
- Someone, Lyudka? PyS PyS something Th?
- Post Scriptum. Afterword.
- ... And the chest straight zhgёt! Straight zhgёt as if the heat from the stove's swallowed! ..
- Salt - it white poison.
- For white sugar as a poison!
- Sugar is a sweet poison.
- Raisa Zakharovna, maybe with some bread as well?
- Hlebushek - it's all poison!
- No, I would now like to gorbushechkoy poisoned! .. Well, really, eat hunting!
- Do not "eat" and "eat»!
- Cho?
- Do not "cho" and "what»!
- And if it is love, Nadia?
- [ censorship i>] love ?!
- Such love! That's what you should have been first thought Nadia!
- Oh, you bitch you crash!
- Why is painted, it is my natural color!
- Girls, uymite your mother !!!
- Frights I do not understand! Take it, Hope!
- Lyudka and Lyudka! Ugh! Village!
- You go to the Gorgon?
- No, I'm his wife.
- Nurse your bad mulberries-home folder and your good - Won another nurse had got himself.
- It is otkudova us such a beautiful uncle covered with snow? Or Che forgot to say here? Oh, look on, not looking into the eyes - probably got the deuce!
Rare photos from the set of the film "Love and doves»

Bob - Smorchkov, Fighters, Jurassic, Mikhailov?
Curiously, the role of the protagonist Vasey could get and Alexander Mikhailov.
Boris Smorchkov previously played in the film Menshov "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", tried his luck on the samples in the film "Love and doves," but failed. It seemed inconclusive sample B. Bortsova.

The director tried to Vasya and his favorite actor Sergei Jurassic, but then took it to a different role - Uncle Mitya.
It was directed by Alexander Mikhailov once seen as Vasya, but the actor was busy and at first refused. Therefore, says Menchov, he could not understand exactly what he needed Bob. But as soon as the shooting at the last moment yet arrived and Mikhailov said the first words of the role, the director sighed with relief: "Here it is, Bob» ...

Alexander Menshov Fatyushin resented that he had not even tried it, he believed it was his role, but at the premiere of the first went up to the director and said, "You have won».
Nadia - Polishchuk, Doroshina?

Lyubov Polishchuk approach to the role of Nadi on age, but the director did not convince her trial. But Nina Doroshina, which had already played Nadia in the theater "Contemporary", literally bathed in the role. She still, for 20 years, plays in the theater this role, did not imagine giving the same.

According to the scenario, Hope - middle-aged woman, and the woman Shura --old pensioner. However, the actress Nina Doroshina, who plays Hope, 10 years older than Tenyakova Natalia, who played a woman Shura. At the time of filming Doroshin was 50 years old and Tenyakova - only 40.
Baba Shura - Natalia Tenyakova and Uncle Mitya - Sergei Jurassic and in the life of husband and wife. This is one of the most intelligent pairs St. Petersburg ... doubly surprising how reliable they played villagers ...

They are together still, and still love each other.

Raisa Zakharovna - Kustinskaya, Gurchenko?
A sample of the role of Natalia Kustinskaya Raisa Zakharovna hudsovet rejected. When Lyudmila Gurchenko has agreed to play this role, Lyudmila Markovna immediately approved.

Luda - Melikhova, Lisovskaya?
The role of the daughter of the main character in the film Luda "try on" Olga Melikhova. But the decision of the artistic council approved another contender - Jan Lisowski. She is one of the Moscow intelligentsia family, her father - People's Artist of Russia, but in the film it rustic girl, according to the director - well, just poured. Then she starred in other films, is now living in Germany, close friends with his daughter Julia Menshov ...

Uncle Mitya - Shutov, Jurassic?
Uncle Mitya could become an actor Shutov, we had decided to make the picture more close to real life.
In the performance of Sergei Jurassic, which was still 50 years old and has not been, rustic grandfather turned funny and theatrical. The director said that the appointment of the Jurassic immediately went staging all the action. And if in the picture was Shutov - a wonderful actor, and with him is real, not funny grandmother, - woulda false ...

Kind to the film "Love and Pigeons" Menchov and crew searched in the Irkutsk region, on the shores of Lake Baikal. But do not hit the somehow those places ... And then Vladimir Menshov remembered Karelia, where he once worked as a director trainee in the Great Guba:
"I wanted some hills, hills - you can organize scenically beautiful. And Medvezhyegorsk we went just because the name "Mountain" - maybe there is some kind of a mountain there? Nothing decent stride was not found. And suddenly, driving down the street, which went down to the river ... We went and saw the courtyard. Already then agreed with the owners, we paved all the trees in Siberia.
And the creek at the bottom of this ... Later, in Moscow, when they began otsmatrivat material asked me: where did you find such a gorgeous nature ?! »

Filming took place in Karelia, in the city of Medvezhegorsk, on the outskirts of town, in a house on the river bank Coombs.
Says director Vladimir Menshov
- Vladimir V., what a scene in the film was given you the hardest?
- I care for the frame, which we thoroughly prepared, thought out, painted: show as the door of the hut Mikhailov falls into the water, the camera leaves, drops of water and remove as emerges without the costume Mikhailov, refers to Gurchenko, then they swim together to the beach and go to the beach. All of it was filmed in one shot!

For half a minute, that man can survive without breathing in the water, divers removed from the actor's costume, the actor had to come up and just text to say. On the first take Mikhailov emerged and the text is completely forgotten, his first words were: "Lyus Che say something?" He suggested Gurchenko. And then everything went fine.
- Said Alexander Mikhailov nearly drowned. With his divers under water tie tied up and nearly strangled ...
- This story is embellished. The shooting took place is not really in the sea, and the outdoor pool. Not so all was risky. Well, there was a moment of danger. Indeed two divers bit rushed ...
Deadly for the actors was to portray the fall of the heat in the cold, 14-degree water! The shooting took place in November.

During his filming under water, there were problems with his tie, the actor almost drowned, had to cut the tie. As a result, the film came in third take, which previously cut his tie just sewed a couple of stitches.

Lucy Gurchenko, which is most in life afraid of the cold, despite its ability to take risks for the sake of filming in terror waiting for diving. But it is still a dialogue while swimming! And then all the extras in the icy water to bathe, depicting beach. I'm at the end of the shooting after "Cut!" He dived to share a common misfortune. I just burned the water, this was cold!

And as the final shot the picture, when all the actors are standing on the roof!
Actors - are busy people, and gather all the actors in the scene we've got only 20 minutes. While the shooting was carried Doroshin her make up in a helicopter and raised the roof - Mihaylov after 20 minutes had to fly to Moscow.

In the film, they are calm and smiling, looking into the camera. And in fact, I remember that panic everyone who was in the frame! But the film - it is a magical art!
- Vladimir V., and how the tree at the end of painting flowers appear?
- This effect is based on the well-known focus, when a cane popping colors. We are invited to shoot a magician, he helped us build this trick: we tied about ten sticks on the tree. We had to pull the rope to stick, "shoot", but we all want them all at the same time "shot»!

And we shoot: there is a long scene when Mikhaylov Doroshin starts to kiss, as they say, it fills up. And this time, the camera goes up and shows a panorama, and then the tree 'bloom' - seven out of ten sticks worked, the footage was filmed in one take!
I looked at the footage and gasped: God help us, it worked out! That's how the picture was shot on a very unusual techniques. It was an experiment, twitching, we have experienced: it is funny or not. But when your notion is laughter in the hall and acceptance viewers - the most important thing for the director!
Notes censorship for the film "Love and doves»:
Reduce the number of drinking! Tighten story Gurchenko: scenes of their connection, the scene of the scandal. To think it is appropriate to the scene with flowers on the trees at the end of the film. Reduce dancing - very tedious.
Jura with his story about dead wife - this scene is too long.

From discussions hudsovet:
A. Zarkhi: - Painting gives the impression of some impropriety of peasant life and leaves a feeling of brute force and bad taste.
Menchov is altered sense of taste elementary. The fact that the actor's performance in the theater could exist in the movies has become a platitude ... Comrades in the State cinema seeing the picture and thought that if the drunkenness of the picture removed, then everything will be okay. Drunkenness is now the tragedy of the people, not funny behavior. Therefore, to treat it can not be so easy.
E. Dashkov: - Intelligent Tenyakova and Jurassic plays unintelligent people, and it felt very little in them deep, the root of behavior. Looking at Mikhailov, it's hard to believe that his character is so drunk that he was only setting the target to chase pigeons. But if you wanted to show the eccentric, then there is clearly an eccentric with a low ceiling, but it confuses me.

Solovyov (director): - I deeply alien to what to do less ... I think Gurchenko - the most controversial element in this picture, there's a lot of her.
Yu Reisman: - And I liked the picture, beautifully played, the characters are charming, do not cause hostility. But the image that creates Gurchenko, does not fit the style of the painting. What she says about psychics, - absolutely inaccessible to the audience (monologues Gurchenko partially cut from the film).
From the movie "censorship" was cut a lot of "interesting" scenes. For example, one in which a passer-pier was drinking beer from mugs Uncle Mitya and Basil. The film entered the picture as a passerby just beginning to consume large amounts of beer. And it should be noted that a local resident, found specifically for shooting the scene, turned to drink five beers in just a few seconds.

Few people know that he wrote the screenplay, actor, director, playwright, screenwriter, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, Honorary citizen of the city of Vladimir Cheremhovo Gurkin. The basis - the real story of the family of Basil and Hope Kuzyakina living at home scriptwriter.

At first, it was a piece that was a success in many theaters in the country ... There she saw the way Menchov, who sought the script for the new movie ...
Vladimir Gurkin died in the summer of 2010, he was only 58 years old, very sorry, lung cancer ... It is a pity when so young talented people leave ...
In 2011, in his homeland was a monument to the heroes of the film "Love and doves," and the name of Vladimir Gurkina awarded Cheremhovsky Drama Theatre.

She died, and who plays Raisa Zakharovna Lyudmila Gurchenko ...

Yanina Lisovskaya Lyudka who plays, the last 19 years living in Germany.

Performer of Lyonka so forth in films ... But such a role, I no longer played.

Lada Sizonenko (Shurygina). After a successful debut repeatedly held auditions in other films, but more in the film and is not removed. His acting talent Lada successfully used in modeling biznese..Rabotala modelyu.Vospityvaet two children.

Alexander Mikhailov, now lives in Zelenograd Administrative District of Moscow. To act in films, has been little policy ... In 2012 he was elected a member of the Public Chamber of the Central Federal District.

In the photo, "George and Nadya," 25 years later ...

Vladimir Menshov full of energy and creative plans ... going to shoot the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" -2. The director and his wife Alentova, against the background of the monument movie.
Known in the movie bloopers
First, Bob went to the resort in a tie, then the scene in the gym it has a blue tie, and in the next scene he is again in the old tie on the market with Raisa Zakharovna try on "the eyes" the same blue tie.

Raisa Zakharovna dancing in a bar on the left to suit her dark-red flower, in a scene in the street the flower anymore.
When Uncle Mitya ran to tell about the incident with Basil, he was holding a pack of cigarettes. After the words "fagot I do not understand, put her hope", he again pulls a cigarette out of his pocket.
At the beginning of the same scene Lenka sawing wood in the shed. In the end - it shows with the same saw, but in the garden of potatoes.

When Nadia came to Basil the embankment, on her head bandana, with different ends - one dark and one light. Depending on the plan of arrangement of dark and light ends of the changes into place.
In the scene of the quarrel Uncle Mitya and women Shura (after the words: "But now there will be a flood") Uncle Mitya starts backing to the closet and his shirt in one frame in the box, and in the other - green
During the reading of the letter before the start of the scene, crying Hope he sits with his back to the window. After the start - back to the wall cabinet.

After 50 minutes, the film immediately after the stage with a letter addressed to Nadezhda Lena calls him why that Lesco. However, as this moment may be considered kinolyapy, still unclear. Since Russian families often passport name Alex, and replaced by Leonid naoborot. It is possible that the family Kuzyakina this form of treatment is the norm.
After the scene, when Uncle Mitya tells of the death of Baba Shura ("myocardial mikarda, that's a scar!"), She Baba Shura, Nadia and Luda run him walking down the wooden stairs. Block change - and the same characters with the same down the ladder again
When Uncle Mitya tells of the death of Baba Shura, he comes into the yard, then on the left side (from the audience) no benches, and when Lyudka comes and she reported the death of Baba Shura, she sits down on a small bench, which previously had no frame .

When Nadia Rais Zakharovna attacked, you will notice that the dishes, left Nadi, dropped earlier.
When Lenya was not allowed in the dressing room, while the words "Have patience, my son", near the washbasin can notice someone's head flashed a shadow.
When Raisa Zakharova has Basil cheeks, the dog starts barking, really silent dog.
When Vasya night looks out the window of his home, the TV sound from the famous phrase "In 40 years, life has just begun," from the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", previous work Menchov.

In the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" on TV the song from the first film Menshov "Drawing" (show the adjustment table, and this is achieved comic moments of the episode), and in later work Menshov "Envy of the Gods" by chance the main characters are in the movie theater, where at the moment it is shown the film "Love and doves," which is lyapom, since the action film "Envy of the Gods" takes place two years earlier than was filmed "Love and doves»

When Uncle Mitya talks about reason to drink, he leafs through the tear-off calendar, during which says: "80 years since the birth ... Wow! And she really 80? ... ". Apparently, I mean actress Tatiana Peltzer, which is really in 1984 celebrated its 80th anniversary.
Favorite movie lines:
- Shibanulo your father Lyudka! .. Everything is now and will remain ...
- What will be left?
- I'm sorry, what? Strabismus !!!
- So he's alive?
- You Th croaks, you fool? Of course alive! What do you think? !!!
- Cockleshells brought me ... and palm
- Oh, daughter, palm something on myself to shove?
- Sprigs.

- I have terrible news brought to your house, Hope! Call children!
- You know, she called me? No one knows! I said to her - Sanyushka! And she told me - Mityunyushka!
- She died, says grandfather, your grandmother ...
- Myocardial Mikarda! Here's a scar! An autopsy revealed ...

- Shaw typical, love one another! ..
- Len, a woman died Shura!
- Okay ...
- Coming out of the store, all shake.
- I'm sorry to interrupt you hide the money.
- Well ... Bastille Day was wasted!

- My dad really wanted a boy and a girl.
- How to call something?
- Who?
- Girly something ??
- Raisa Zakharovna!

- Someone, Lyudka? PyS PyS something Th?
- Post Scriptum. Afterword.
- ... And the chest straight zhgёt! Straight zhgёt as if the heat from the stove's swallowed! ..
- Salt - it white poison.
- For white sugar as a poison!
- Sugar is a sweet poison.

- Raisa Zakharovna, maybe with some bread as well?
- Hlebushek - it's all poison!
- No, I would now like to gorbushechkoy poisoned! .. Well, really, eat hunting!
- Do not "eat" and "eat»!
- Cho?
- Do not "cho" and "what»!
- And if it is love, Nadia?
- [ censorship i>] love ?!
- Such love! That's what you should have been first thought Nadia!

- Oh, you bitch you crash!
- Why is painted, it is my natural color!
- Girls, uymite your mother !!!
- Frights I do not understand! Take it, Hope!
- Lyudka and Lyudka! Ugh! Village!

- You go to the Gorgon?
- No, I'm his wife.
- Nurse your bad mulberries-home folder and your good - Won another nurse had got himself.
- It is otkudova us such a beautiful uncle covered with snow? Or Che forgot to say here? Oh, look on, not looking into the eyes - probably got the deuce!

Rare photos from the set of the film "Love and doves»