9 very interesting facts about the film "Love and doves"

January 7, 1985 premiere of the film "Love and pigeons". The path of creation of a young Director Vladimir Menshov to the audience was difficult, it was returned for revision, mercilessly cut at the request of censorship, refused to let rental. Since then, more than 20 years, and "Love and pigeons" remains the most romantic and heartfelt film of a domestic production. The website offers the reader some interesting facts about him.
Uncle Mitya and Alex Baba Baba Shura (Natalya Tenyakova) and Uncle Mitya (Sergei Yursky) and the life of the couple. This is one of the most intelligent pairs of the Northern capital, so it is especially surprising how convincing they played the village people.

Photo source: Fishki.netКарелия in the role of Siberia movie Shooting was held in Karelia, Medvezhyegorsk. Director Vladimir Menshov wanted to see around the hilly landscape, looking for him in the vicinity of lake Baikal, but found nothing suitable. In Medvezh'yegorsk crew brought the name of the city — the end of "gorsk" promised a lot. After a long walk through the city landscape dream was finally found on the outskirts, near a house by the river Asheville.

Dovecote gift Shooting in the house lasted for a month and all this time it lived in the owners trying to lead a normal life among the obstructions of the instrument. They hosted the members of the crew and allowed us to tile the whole floor a tree to the house was similar to the Siberian. In memory of the cult film the owners left a dovecote and a summer kitchen, stood for many years.

Kusakina of the "Contemporary" the Play is about a family Kusakina often staged on the stage of the theatre "Sovremennik" with Nina Doroshina in the title role. Director Vladimir Menshov absolutely happened to be in the audience and came up with the idea to make a film version of the play.

A true story or a tall tale the Film "Love and pigeons" is based on real events. Screenwriter and the author of the play, the playwright Vladimir Gurkin hails from the city Cheremkhovo (Irkutsk region). He wrote about the real history of his countrymen, Vasily and Hope Kusakina, whom he knew personally. In 2011, the birthplace of the writer was a monument to the heroes of the film, and in his honor called the local drama theatre.

Summer in November, the Scene where Vasily Kuzyakin falls into the water, was filmed in Pitsunda. Watch the film and just swim in ice-cold water (14 degrees!) it was quite difficult, and Mikhailov and hating the cold, Jack had to conduct dialogue and to pretend that it is happening on the beach. It was difficult and extras. After the shooting of the episode Menchov undressed and jumped into the water as a sign of solidarity.

At the risk of life the First cut scene with the fall failed: for 30 seconds while the divers were removed from Mikhailov suit, the actor managed to forget all text. Emerging to the surface, he said: "You say th-that?". Gurchenko reminded him of the first replica, and the shooting continued.
The second double nearly ended tragically. Under water, the actor was stripped by divers. Mikhailov shot the tie, which was delayed so that the actor could have died from lack of air. Naughty accessory had to be cut, and the film Kuzyakin appears in the frame with the tie, hastily sewn a couple of stitches.

Reviews of the artistic Council At the meeting of the artistic Council picture literally peck: called shallow and vulgar bad taste, criticized the domestic scenes and actors of the game.

The offence was caused by the amount of alcohol involved in the movie. As a result of the tape cut out a lot of interesting scenes. For example, one in which a strange man finishes his beer from mugs kuzjakina and uncle Mitya. For this episode the crew especially was found by a local resident, which, by the way, had to drink five pints of beer in just a few seconds.

A little bit of magic in order to capture spectacular scene with blooming tree in Medvezh'yegorsk called the magician. He hid in the branches a dozen canes — requisite for a well-known trick. So the cane was covered with flowers, enough to pull the rope, but they were all afraid that canes don't work at the same time. But the crew was lucky: the tree "blossomed" on the first take, while kissing Mikhailov and Doroshina.

via old.fishki.net/2124798-9-faktov-o-fil'me-ljubov'-i-golubi.html