The process of losing weight should be easy and joyful
Many people because of fullness constantly experience internal discomfort, dissatisfaction with themselves. In the company, they prefer to stay away or laugh at themselves. It turns out that the appearance affects the whole life of a person, his marriage, family life, career, social activity, and ultimately his fate.
Excess weight deprives a person of joy, happiness, success, well, isn’t it sad? I will try to offer exhausted struggle with extra pounds friends a new approach to the problem of weight loss. I hope it will help them regain their faith, their beauty, their hope.
Why do people get fat?There are many reasons - hereditary predisposition, bad habits, body type, nutritional structure, internal diseases. But everyone has a common characteristic - the spleen is weak and does not cope with the processing and assimilation of food.
Someone will think I'm talking, it would be more correct to say that the spleen is too strong. No, definitely weak. Just everyone used to think that we get fat because we digest food too well, and there is a lot of excess energy in the body. This “fact” prevents us from achieving the goal of losing weight, disorienting us.
Someone may say, “I have a good appetite, eat everything and no matter how much I eat, I still want to.” Do I have a weak spleen and stomach? In Chinese medicine, there is an expression: “The stomach is strong, the spleen is weak”, which means that it can eat a lot, butdigest. The stomach is responsible for the intake of food, the spleen for its movement and processing. Processing consists in the fact that the food received in the stomach is broken down into nutrients, then these nutrients are delivered to all parts of the body, converted into qi and blood.
Sometimes, no matter how much we eat, because of the weakness of the spleen, food cannot be processed. Like a factory that bought a lot of raw materials, but the equipment is outdated, and after processing, only semi-finished products or defects are obtained - the products are worthless. Do you think that the accumulation of fat on your body is the result of excess nutrition? No, these are deposits of marriage, from which the body does not have the strength to get rid of. When the body lacks energy, it will not be able to use these deposits of waste production.
They can not be processed into blood and qi for the needs of the body.
Moreover, they interfere, create obstacles to the production of new blood. Just as there is no room for new products in a factory’s finished product warehouse, because boxes of marriage are piling up everywhere. This marriage cannot be realized, it is impossible to get money for the development of production. But it takes up useful space, there is no place to store new products.
The same happens in the body - fat deposits do not give space for the normal development of muscle mass, dirty, stagnant blood does not let fresh blood, energy in the body is not enough, and it cannot be replenished. So the process of losing weight is getting rid of the old in favor of fresh and new, replacing dirty blood with clean - a cleansing process.
All weight loss programs have always revolved around the theory of energy balance. It was believed that by reducing the intake of energy (food), stimulating the withdrawal of processed food, accelerating the burning of calories, you can achieve a balance of energy and get rid of extra pounds. Quite reasonable at first glance. Only not taken into account the key point – accumulated waste in the bodyThey cannot be separated and removed from the outside..
It takes a lot of blood and qi – a lot of energy. Only then will there be a chance to break down waste into the smallest components that can enter the blood.
Just as a factory will have to use a lot of finance, labor and equipment to sort, consolidate illiquids, throw away what needs to be thrown away, recycle what can be recycled, and eventually clear the warehouse of finished products and fill it with new quality goods. And if the funds and forces at the plant are not enough, there will be no opportunity to carry out this work.
Where do you get the power? Her body can only get from food. And if you limit yourself in food, eat just as much as you need to meet the basic daily needs of the body, how can you find the energy to remove garbage?
Someone may say: “I starved for a while and lost weight, body weight decreased, but the muscles became quite flabby, wrinkles became more, completely exhausted.” This happened because the body used the tiny amount of stored energy it had been able to accumulate earlier and split normal muscle tissue to provide the daily energy needs of the internal organs. And not because the body was able to remove the accumulated waste for years. Temporary weight loss will recover very quickly, and soon the person will begin to weigh even more than before the diet.
Are muscles that important to us? Absolutely! Muscles are a warehouse where blood is stored, distributed, regulated, and qi is our energy. If you are constantly on diets in order to lose weight, then this storage will be completely destroyed to maintain the energy needs of the internal organs. Where will the body store blood and qi? The smaller the storage space, the less the body can store healthy fresh blood for future emergency needs. Weight gain after diet is a natural result. So, if you want to lose weight and maintain health, take care of the guardian and regulator of blood and qi muscles.
There is another, perhaps even more serious, circumstance. Due to the fact that some weight loss medications contribute to an abnormally rapid metabolism, a person quickly loses kilograms. This can be compared to the fact that the plant, in order to clear the warehouses of illiquids, sells everything at a bargain price, including all the factory buildings with equipment.
Such weight loss violates the function of the thyroid gland, affects the state of the heart muscle, sometimes even leads to renal failure. Some may develop anorexia, which is often life-threatening and very difficult to treat. You need to assimilate and realize the idea that only by increasing the intake of food, you can lose weight. This way of thinking often leads to the fact that the pounds begin to go without any effort on our part.
We already understand what mechanisms trigger weight gain. How do we build a weight loss program? I want to say that this process will be joyful and easy.
First of all, you need to choose products that increase the level of qi and blood and do not lead to the formation of fat deposits. That is, products that heal the spleen and improve the composition of the blood. What are these products? These are Shanyao (Chinese yam), coyx grains, dried fruits of eurial with peel (Semina Euryales). I advise you to pay attention to these wonderful tools, very useful for the spleen.
Include in the diet more beef, lamb, sea fish, eggs - these products can be eaten as much as you want. If you like pork, you can also eat it sometimes. Your body will use the nutrients of meat to replenish blood and qi. Only after pork dishes, it is useful to eat a pea-two Dashan Zhavan (hawthorn extract), this will help the body more effectively digest heavy food, use nutrients to restore the level of qi and blood, and prevent excess fat from forming.
When the level of qi and blood rises enough, the body will gradually begin to get rid of excess fat deposits. Without restrictions, you can eat any fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts. Radish helps to get rid of gases, pumpkin - the removal of liquids, unabi dates nourish the blood and stimulate digestion.
No need to eat rice, flour, eat less pork, duck, broiler chickens, river fish, sweets, ice cream. Some foods should not be eaten by certain people. For example, if you often have bloating, give up dairy products. People with a cold stomach should not eat crabs.
If you feel a lack of strength and depressed mood, you do not need to correct the situation with the consumption of sugar. At the moment, the body needs qi and blood, not sugar. Rice and flour dishes are essentially the same sugar, so be careful. It is better to eat unabi dates, fruits, beef, nuts. It'll do a lot more good!
Losing weight with the proposed method is easy and pleasant. You can practically not limit yourself in food, the level of qi and blood will increase, there will be more strength and health. At the first stage, you will not be able to lose much, perhaps even a little weight will increase. Do not be frightened or upset by looking at the arrow of the scales - some primary weight gain indicates the growth of muscle mass, that is, qi and blood. Moreover, from the outside it will be seen that you have pulled up, inside you will feel that you have strengthened physically, strength has increased, you are satisfied with yourself.
Then the body will control the internal processes. When the level of qi and blood rises to the required level,the body will begin to deal with deposits of fat. At this point, you can help the body - push the points of the Spleen canal on the legs, during this period they can be very sensitive. Many of us don’t have enough patience and want to get results as soon as possible. What to do, all people are like that.
When the pounds go away, people who are overweight feel like a butterfly coming out of a cocoon – a sense of renewal, joy, lightness. I wish you success on this path, a new happy life!
Reader reviews-- The article suggests a way to increase the level of qi and blood through diet. So you can not only lose weight, but also improve health. Among other things, a weak spleen leads to the fact that the skin of the face is unhealthy, the muscles are relaxed. With a new approach to nutrition, we can also achieve recovery of the stomach and spleen.
- I do not suffer from excess weight, eat everything, but fat is not deposited. But thanks to the article, I learned how to heal the spleen and stomach. If qi and blood is sufficient, then you can achieve a normal weight - with a lack - gain, with excess - lose. So the materials of the article are interesting not only complete.
- I adhere to the 3-point program, go to bed early, tap the Gallbladder canal, perform the Golden Rooster exercise, do abdominal massage "Tuyfu", soar in the evenings of my legs. In the three months that I adhere to this program, I have improved health, complexion, mood. In addition, without thinking about it, I lost 3 kg, and lost weight in the waist and hips. I am very happy! published
Author: Zheng Fuzhong
Translated from Chinese by Elena Buyanova
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook and VKontakte, and we are also in Odnoklasniki
Source: yangshen.ru/protsess-pohudaniya-dolzhen-byit-legkim-i-radostnyim/
Excess weight deprives a person of joy, happiness, success, well, isn’t it sad? I will try to offer exhausted struggle with extra pounds friends a new approach to the problem of weight loss. I hope it will help them regain their faith, their beauty, their hope.

Why do people get fat?There are many reasons - hereditary predisposition, bad habits, body type, nutritional structure, internal diseases. But everyone has a common characteristic - the spleen is weak and does not cope with the processing and assimilation of food.
Someone will think I'm talking, it would be more correct to say that the spleen is too strong. No, definitely weak. Just everyone used to think that we get fat because we digest food too well, and there is a lot of excess energy in the body. This “fact” prevents us from achieving the goal of losing weight, disorienting us.
Someone may say, “I have a good appetite, eat everything and no matter how much I eat, I still want to.” Do I have a weak spleen and stomach? In Chinese medicine, there is an expression: “The stomach is strong, the spleen is weak”, which means that it can eat a lot, butdigest. The stomach is responsible for the intake of food, the spleen for its movement and processing. Processing consists in the fact that the food received in the stomach is broken down into nutrients, then these nutrients are delivered to all parts of the body, converted into qi and blood.
Sometimes, no matter how much we eat, because of the weakness of the spleen, food cannot be processed. Like a factory that bought a lot of raw materials, but the equipment is outdated, and after processing, only semi-finished products or defects are obtained - the products are worthless. Do you think that the accumulation of fat on your body is the result of excess nutrition? No, these are deposits of marriage, from which the body does not have the strength to get rid of. When the body lacks energy, it will not be able to use these deposits of waste production.
They can not be processed into blood and qi for the needs of the body.
Moreover, they interfere, create obstacles to the production of new blood. Just as there is no room for new products in a factory’s finished product warehouse, because boxes of marriage are piling up everywhere. This marriage cannot be realized, it is impossible to get money for the development of production. But it takes up useful space, there is no place to store new products.
The same happens in the body - fat deposits do not give space for the normal development of muscle mass, dirty, stagnant blood does not let fresh blood, energy in the body is not enough, and it cannot be replenished. So the process of losing weight is getting rid of the old in favor of fresh and new, replacing dirty blood with clean - a cleansing process.
All weight loss programs have always revolved around the theory of energy balance. It was believed that by reducing the intake of energy (food), stimulating the withdrawal of processed food, accelerating the burning of calories, you can achieve a balance of energy and get rid of extra pounds. Quite reasonable at first glance. Only not taken into account the key point – accumulated waste in the bodyThey cannot be separated and removed from the outside..
It takes a lot of blood and qi – a lot of energy. Only then will there be a chance to break down waste into the smallest components that can enter the blood.
Just as a factory will have to use a lot of finance, labor and equipment to sort, consolidate illiquids, throw away what needs to be thrown away, recycle what can be recycled, and eventually clear the warehouse of finished products and fill it with new quality goods. And if the funds and forces at the plant are not enough, there will be no opportunity to carry out this work.
Where do you get the power? Her body can only get from food. And if you limit yourself in food, eat just as much as you need to meet the basic daily needs of the body, how can you find the energy to remove garbage?
Someone may say: “I starved for a while and lost weight, body weight decreased, but the muscles became quite flabby, wrinkles became more, completely exhausted.” This happened because the body used the tiny amount of stored energy it had been able to accumulate earlier and split normal muscle tissue to provide the daily energy needs of the internal organs. And not because the body was able to remove the accumulated waste for years. Temporary weight loss will recover very quickly, and soon the person will begin to weigh even more than before the diet.
Are muscles that important to us? Absolutely! Muscles are a warehouse where blood is stored, distributed, regulated, and qi is our energy. If you are constantly on diets in order to lose weight, then this storage will be completely destroyed to maintain the energy needs of the internal organs. Where will the body store blood and qi? The smaller the storage space, the less the body can store healthy fresh blood for future emergency needs. Weight gain after diet is a natural result. So, if you want to lose weight and maintain health, take care of the guardian and regulator of blood and qi muscles.
There is another, perhaps even more serious, circumstance. Due to the fact that some weight loss medications contribute to an abnormally rapid metabolism, a person quickly loses kilograms. This can be compared to the fact that the plant, in order to clear the warehouses of illiquids, sells everything at a bargain price, including all the factory buildings with equipment.
Such weight loss violates the function of the thyroid gland, affects the state of the heart muscle, sometimes even leads to renal failure. Some may develop anorexia, which is often life-threatening and very difficult to treat. You need to assimilate and realize the idea that only by increasing the intake of food, you can lose weight. This way of thinking often leads to the fact that the pounds begin to go without any effort on our part.
We already understand what mechanisms trigger weight gain. How do we build a weight loss program? I want to say that this process will be joyful and easy.
First of all, you need to choose products that increase the level of qi and blood and do not lead to the formation of fat deposits. That is, products that heal the spleen and improve the composition of the blood. What are these products? These are Shanyao (Chinese yam), coyx grains, dried fruits of eurial with peel (Semina Euryales). I advise you to pay attention to these wonderful tools, very useful for the spleen.
Include in the diet more beef, lamb, sea fish, eggs - these products can be eaten as much as you want. If you like pork, you can also eat it sometimes. Your body will use the nutrients of meat to replenish blood and qi. Only after pork dishes, it is useful to eat a pea-two Dashan Zhavan (hawthorn extract), this will help the body more effectively digest heavy food, use nutrients to restore the level of qi and blood, and prevent excess fat from forming.
When the level of qi and blood rises enough, the body will gradually begin to get rid of excess fat deposits. Without restrictions, you can eat any fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts. Radish helps to get rid of gases, pumpkin - the removal of liquids, unabi dates nourish the blood and stimulate digestion.
No need to eat rice, flour, eat less pork, duck, broiler chickens, river fish, sweets, ice cream. Some foods should not be eaten by certain people. For example, if you often have bloating, give up dairy products. People with a cold stomach should not eat crabs.
If you feel a lack of strength and depressed mood, you do not need to correct the situation with the consumption of sugar. At the moment, the body needs qi and blood, not sugar. Rice and flour dishes are essentially the same sugar, so be careful. It is better to eat unabi dates, fruits, beef, nuts. It'll do a lot more good!
Losing weight with the proposed method is easy and pleasant. You can practically not limit yourself in food, the level of qi and blood will increase, there will be more strength and health. At the first stage, you will not be able to lose much, perhaps even a little weight will increase. Do not be frightened or upset by looking at the arrow of the scales - some primary weight gain indicates the growth of muscle mass, that is, qi and blood. Moreover, from the outside it will be seen that you have pulled up, inside you will feel that you have strengthened physically, strength has increased, you are satisfied with yourself.
Then the body will control the internal processes. When the level of qi and blood rises to the required level,the body will begin to deal with deposits of fat. At this point, you can help the body - push the points of the Spleen canal on the legs, during this period they can be very sensitive. Many of us don’t have enough patience and want to get results as soon as possible. What to do, all people are like that.
When the pounds go away, people who are overweight feel like a butterfly coming out of a cocoon – a sense of renewal, joy, lightness. I wish you success on this path, a new happy life!
Reader reviews-- The article suggests a way to increase the level of qi and blood through diet. So you can not only lose weight, but also improve health. Among other things, a weak spleen leads to the fact that the skin of the face is unhealthy, the muscles are relaxed. With a new approach to nutrition, we can also achieve recovery of the stomach and spleen.
- I do not suffer from excess weight, eat everything, but fat is not deposited. But thanks to the article, I learned how to heal the spleen and stomach. If qi and blood is sufficient, then you can achieve a normal weight - with a lack - gain, with excess - lose. So the materials of the article are interesting not only complete.
- I adhere to the 3-point program, go to bed early, tap the Gallbladder canal, perform the Golden Rooster exercise, do abdominal massage "Tuyfu", soar in the evenings of my legs. In the three months that I adhere to this program, I have improved health, complexion, mood. In addition, without thinking about it, I lost 3 kg, and lost weight in the waist and hips. I am very happy! published
Author: Zheng Fuzhong
Translated from Chinese by Elena Buyanova
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook and VKontakte, and we are also in Odnoklasniki
Source: yangshen.ru/protsess-pohudaniya-dolzhen-byit-legkim-i-radostnyim/