Labor Day on Faktrume and Pablo

Hello friends! Congratulations on Labor Day (aka Mayday, aka - the International Day of Solidarity of Workers), and wish to relax in the May "holidays"! In keeping with the name of the festival, during the "May", our editors will work, write, and translate very interesting articles and collections, so do not forget to look to us! Here's a little preview of articles Faktruma and Pablo, which you can read at the weekend:
- The great relative strength of insects - is a myth, or why the ant can lift a truck
- 9 most famous ghosts
- Why Zimbabwe, only 30 years ago - the richest country Africa today is the poorest country in the world?
- Creepy sect of modern and contemporary
- Is it possible to draw the evolution of the reverse?
- 5 things, which, according to Apparently, the curse - and so they kill people
- Why is the 3rd Act Clark, which states that any over-advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, in the 21st century does not work?
- 5 good reasons to fear robots
- And it is so much more:)
Papers accepted for publication may at your request be accompanied by a link to your website or blog (Example). Please note that the guest article must be unique, that is written specifically for Faktruma and have never been published. Also, it must be previously unpublished at the Faktrume - this can be checked using the search bar on the site under the right banner. We are waiting for your letters!
And another news: in April, we set a new record of attendance of a site! Read our articles and collections, view photos, facts and look through the short-headed duck in the section "Eyes of the Russians" in the past month came more than one million people. Many thanks for reading Faktrum and share articles with friends - it's incredibly encourages our little office and gives an incentive to develop a blog to increase the amount of content and work on its quality. There is a lot of new and cool, so - do not switch! :)
Your expensive edition. em>
via factroom.ru
That's because your hands will look like after 10 days under water
Foods with negative calorie does not happen