Labor protection of the enterprise: special processes, assessment of the state of labor protection

At an enterprise of any industrial sphere of activity, labor protection is a set of norms and rules that are observed by employees when performing organizational, technical, technological processes. The system is aimed at protecting the health, preserving the life of employees while they are performing their prof. responsibilities.

Features of labor protection
Structurally, OT consists of compliance with the following procedures:
- legislative;
- supervisors, special assessment of working conditions at industrial production facilities;
- organizational and technical;
- rehabilitation;
- therapeutic and prophylactic;
- sanitary and hygienic;
- socio-economic;
- other procedures that implement the right of a citizen of the country, enshrined in the Constitution, to work in safe conditions.
The complex application of these measures in production allows not to react to the already accomplished cases of occupational diseases, injuries, but to eliminate, first of all, their causes. Neutralize, prevent accidents, professional risks for employees. The most complete protection of workers from the impact of production on their health. For this, it is necessary first of all to evaluate the real OT of the enterprise.

Special control of working conditions in production
The SOUT measure is a special procedure described by legislative norms and requirements, carried out according to a specific scheme. The result of its implementation is the assignment of appropriate classes to workplaces, the issuance of a certificate to the enterprise. A competently performed special appraisal procedure makes it possible to identify the following factors in production:
- working conditions adversely affecting employees;
- missing remedies;
- compliance of workplaces with legal norms;
- the level of impact of production factors on the personnel of the enterprise.
In the process of SOUT, other violations and shortcomings are also clarified, which will need to be eliminated.

Implementation of a special assessment of working conditions
All legal entities, individual entrepreneurs who hire employees to carry out production processes are required to perform a set of procedures that identify adverse factors affecting the health of workers. The head of the company is responsible for this process.
An assessment of working conditions is carried out by unaffiliated specialized organizations licensed to carry out such activities. A commission is created at the enterprise, an agreement is signed with the inspection institution for the production of SOUT.
The result of the activities performed is the report of the non-affiliated organization. The document reflects the current situation, recommendations for improving OT. The management of a verified company must take measures and eliminate all shortcomings, inconsistencies.
Failure to conduct a special assessment is necessarily indicated in the reporting provided to the state supervision authorities. In the future, such an enterprise is checked by the State Labor Inspectorate.

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