Perfect trip
In this post we will focus on Russian children traveling to Europe, which lasted a month. Inside you will wait for the magnificent views of cities in Europe, and stunning photo-story about all the hardships that have overcome the guys while traveling.
Vital roof in Stockholm. We had to drive 12 cities: Stockholm, Warsaw, Prague, Frankfurt, Cologne, Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona, Benidorm, Lisbon, Porto, and had to fly home from Madrid. We had only one month, because in the cities we stayed only for 2-3 days. The first city was Stockholm because Sweden - is the birthplace of Tele2, there is still there because we invited a local journalist to write about us stuff. Stockholm turned out to be a beautiful city, but at the same time boring and not suitable for our purposes. City low. there are not many high-rise landmarks and all of them already have a viewing platform on which anyone can enter.
Stockholm subway. Once roofs with no luck, we decided to try to get to the subway, besides the subway in Stockholm - one of the most unusual. It turned out that there is nothing easier than to jump from the station and go into the tunnel. Cameras? It seems to them no one is watching.
In the tunnels.
Honestly, after Stockholm I had a fear of what may be the whole of Europe so we will not and climbed from a trip'll bring cool photo? But the next city was Warsaw, where everything was much easier and more interesting.
On the roof in the center of Warsaw. I can not speak for the whole of Poland, but Warsaw is very similar to Russian. It even has a Stalinist skyscraper, Russian-speaking pests and grandmother on the market only exception is the "European" well-groomed streets.
Our first was the roof of the building near stalinki. There's a fence and some were not, we just went into the building, then the elevator up to the top floor, and when the elevator door opened, we saw a bunch of workers. "Panovo, Panov!" Shouted after us, but we do not understand Polish, because, not paying any attention to anybody, went up to the roof, where safely hidden in the construction cradle. About an hour guards together with the workers cursing us searched the upper floors and the roof, but to no avail. It got dark and we took off the city nightlife. This is the question, how do we get to the roof? It happens.
Palace of Culture and Science - Stalin skyscraper, Poland gift from the Soviet Union. This building is the tallest building in Poland.
In Warsaw, we were interested in Stalin, we would like to climb on it, but we did not succeed. Firstly, because there already is an observation deck, and secondly the spire of the building serves as a transmitter antenna, because nothing but the eggs in a cool upstairs we did not wait.
Office plankton.
Cable-stayed bridge across the Vistula.
Warsaw's Old Town.
The most popular tourist destination is in Warsaw's Old Town, founded in the XIII century. This place was beyond recognition bombed by the Germans during World War II, but after the war, completely restored and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. We were lucky, the largest church in the Old Town was the scaffolding, so we were able to climb it to the cross.
After Warsaw, we went to the capital of the Czech Republic. In Prague, we had very little time, only half of the day. Prague was very cool, but touristy. And surprisingly there are many Russian and Ukrainian. After drinking a mug of delicious dark beer, we went for adventure.
The first day we went to several viewing.
And on the second day we saw this one cathedral and understand what we want in Prague.
St. Vitus Cathedral, the view from the central tower. Seeing St Vitus Cathedral, did not want to leave in the evening in any Frankfurt, I wanted to climb up. And yes, there is an observation deck on one of the towers, but we would like to climb on all the others and inward. Climb to the St. Vitus Cathedral - is the main Faile our trip, but at the same time to feel sorry for absolutely nothing. As in Warsaw, this cathedral was partly in scaffolding. Time to wait until the evening we did not have, because it was necessary to climb during the day. It turned out that you can not always rely on luck in such cases. Within 30 minutes after we went up to the roof, we saw the military and police, who are actively looking for someone on the roof. Not difficult to guess who searched for these brave guys. Unfortunately, all attempts to hide, we have not been successful, and soon we were arrested and sat in the police station.
Catholic church located in the old Royal Palace right next to the Parliament.
Hello everyone from the police station first, the local police did not know what to do with us, because this case was their first time. Climb to the Cathedral - is equivalent to how to climb the St. Basil's Cathedral at the Kremlin in Red Square and waved Putin. But the police were good guys and even a bit of talking in Russian (since the days of Czechoslovakia), it helped us to find common ground to avoid prison and heavy fines.
The fact that we are not terrorists and no one wanted to blow up, went to check a huge man with a suitcase. The suitcase turned out some cunning device, which according to the police is only at this guy, and it is one in the whole of Europe. The device spat out a piece of paper, a piece of paper that wiped our hands and backpacks and shoved back - back where she got out. At this point, it was terrible, I thought - did not touch there anywhere I recently TNT? But we had passed, suitcase and caught fire in green peep, police smiled and decided that it's time to go to Germany. Joyful, holding receipts paid fines of CZK 500 each, we ran for the bus.
Frankfurt am Main. From Frankfurt, we expected a lot. City with a lot of high-rise buildings had to bring us a lot of tough shots, but in reality it was otherwise. All the skyscrapers most of them turned out to be the headquarters of banks, and to climb the bank - this is equivalent to that to get into the bank itself, because many points for the shooting were immediately eliminated.
Frankfurt itself is filled with immigrants from Turkey and Russia. Around the noise of construction, many roads dug, because of this, the city is unpleasant to walk. At one point we even had to bypass some homeless people gathering. 50 people stood, to communicate among themselves and strongly smelled the whole street.
Located on the Main River, Frankfurt is the financial and transportation center of Germany and the largest financial center in continental Europe. At the same time, Frankfurt - Germany's capital of crime.
The view from one of the balconies of the hotel Lindner Main Plaza. If you do not mind 60 euros, you can also take pictures here. We certainly did not pay, but the price for filming learned by accident when a certain photographer accompanied concierge came and became angry, why we are here and why have not paid.
We did not argue and just went up to the top, to the roof. We left Frankfurt with the thought that it is hardly there anymore back. The next city was Cologne. In Cologne, we were interested only in the Cologne Cathedral, although to be honest, there is no longer anything interesting.
Vitale and Cologne Cathedral Cologne Cathedral impresses in every way. He began to build back in 1248 and ended only in 1880. At the end of the 157-meter building Cathedral a few years became the tallest building in the world.
During World War II, when Allied bombing destroyed virtually the entire Cologne, miraculously suffered only Cologne Cathedral. By tacit agreement of pilots, took care of the cathedral as a geographical landmark.
On one of the two towers of the Cathedral has public observation deck. But this observation shoot camera is absolutely impossible because of the partition of the grid. It was the worst observation that I have seen. So we took a chance to get to the next tower where the access is closed to tourists. In addition, we re lucky, a small part of the building was in scaffolding.
Stained-glass windows. It was at night, Prague experience gave us to understand that if we climb in the afternoon, then again fall into the police. But even when it got dark, around the cathedral were a lot of young people who drank and sang songs. To gain time when no one can see, we get to the scaffolding and began their ascent to the heights. Climb the woods, though not very difficult, but dangerous as underfoot nothing but steel poles without overlap.
At first we were in the center a small tower, which overlooks the roof and two main towers. At that point we did not know that this night we will climb to the pinnacle of not only, but also on the spire is the Cologne Cathedral. After wandering through the little attic and internal moves we were first in one of the big towers. And then on the upper balcony.
Inside the tower was a lot of statues, as the cathedral is under reconstruction.
The balconies to the top was laid a ladder by which we climbed to the spire itself.
View down from the top. It's hard to convey the feelings that I have been at the top. At one point I even felt scared, but the feeling of delight it was still stronger.
The nearby spire.
Inspired, we went from Cologne to its suburbs in search of the legendary machines Bagger 288.
What is the Bagger 288? Until recently, it was the largest bucket-wheel excavator in the world. When it comes to the largest, which means that he is really a giant. Just look at his ladle rotor diameter is 21, 6 meters - the height of 7-storey building. Himself excavator has a height of 96 meters, a length of 240 meters and weighs as African elephants in 2250 - 13,500 tons.
Next was Paris.
In Paris we had a lot of plans, it is in Paris, we spent the most time on our trip. This city captivates for its architecture and history. Besides Paris huge, this gives a field for action.
Sacre Coeur Basilica. In Paris, a lot of immigrants, most of them - came from Africa. It is not uncommon when you go on the subway, and around a single white man. Back in Paris, a lot of pests and just crazy people. In the early days we did that make ordinary tourists - went around all the coolest viewing platforms, visited the Basilique du Sacre Coeur, the Eiffel Tower, Mont Parnassus, Notre Dame and identified himself to the point of further roofing.
The Basilica is located on the hill of Montmartre, and from there on a clear day you can see all of Paris.
We went with the official observation and a bit like the roof of the temple.
And also got into the dome.
Notre-Dame de Paris. View from the lookout.
Frame with feet from the Eiffel Tower. By the way, the views from the Eiffel Tower - the best views in Paris. Later, when we went around all inspection, we contacted the local urban-explorer Vic (Vic Lax). After that, all of our polazki become much more interesting, we shared experiences with each other and telling cool stories.
Together with our new friend, we visited some interesting places, such as under construction skyscraper in La Defense district.
The second place where we climbed to the Vic, was Notre Dame de Paris, but it is not a tourist site.
Climb the cathedral is remarkable in that it is possible to climb right along the facade. It's exciting, but dangerous. Vital and I tried to make the first, and crawled off somewhere for a long time gone. Experiencing what happened to him that something had happened, we started to develop Vic alternative plan ascent. To help we received 5-meter ladder by which we climbed up than outright scared Vitali. Vital thought it was over for him came the police and has developed a plan to escape.
In addition to the roof, and we went to the ghost station metro St Martin. At the moment, the whole station izrisoval graffiti and homeless people live here in the winter.
Not only the whole station in graffiti, but also all the underground tunnels.
Before we bid farewell to Paris, I'll show you two romantic picture of the Eiffel Tower.
After Paris we went to Barcelona with a clear goal - to climb to the city's main attraction - the Temple of the Holy Family (Sagrada Familia).
In terms of roofing in Barcelona has nothing to do (well, except Sagrada Familia), the city is flat and regular. But Barcelona is very pleasant to walk, it's a great place to stay if you have been to Barcelona, you will understand me.
When I went inside the Sagrada Familia, I was very impressed. I think that the more beautiful and unusual interiors I have not seen anywhere else. But the cathedral is impressive not only for its interiors, as well as forms, moldings and unusual design of statues on the facade.
On the Sagrada Familia we have been connected two goals - to climb to the top of the tower and the crane, which towers over the temple. First we did the first one. It was very simple, it was enough to keep up with the crowd in one of the towers crawl under the door that leads upstairs.
And then the second. It was difficult.
With regard to the crane, so we did it at night. At two hours after midnight we jumped the fence and scaffolding in the style of a ninja in half an hour were already at the top of the crane. Crane towers over 50 meters of the cathedral, it is clear from the whole of Barcelona.
About Sagrada Familia we were told that this is the most protected in Europe, get to be unrealistic. It turned out everything else.
In Barcelona, we rented a car, we had to pass it a total of 3200km. The route goes around the southern coast of Spain, Portugal and ended in Madrid.
After Barcelona we arrived in Benidorm, where we have not had booked the hotel, and it was already dark. It was decided to spend the night on the roof, and we were lucky, we immediately climbed to the highest house with views of the steepest in the city. The next morning we woke up, and under his feet was all Benidorm and the Mediterranean Sea.
Benidorm - a resort town, which is the number of buildings over 20 etyzhey leader in Europe.
We were lucky the whole trip, we went to rain only once - in Paris, the rest of the time was the heat, and in Benidorm, as well as in all the towns within the temperature was 35. The heat we were saved in the local swimming pool and the Mediterranean (and then, and in the Atlantic Ocean).
Another interesting place was the Strait of Gibraltar. We first arrived in Gibraltar, but it turned out that the entry to only British visa as this British overseas territory, but we did not lose heart and went on to tariffs - a small town in the south of Spain, it is located at the narrowest point Strait, so that there is even more interesting. At a distance of 15-20 kilometers was seen Africa, the country of Morocco. It's quite a strange feeling when you are standing on one continent and see another.
We stopped to take a look at Africa we have an amazing location with hundreds of windmills.
Having passed all the southern coast of Spain, we got to Portugal. First we stopped at Cape Roca - the most western point of Eurasia. But if we have seen in Tarifa very near the neighboring continent, then at Cape Roca seen only endless Atlantic Ocean that separates North America from Eurasia for several thousand kilometers.
The water in the Atlantic Ocean is much cooler than in the Mediterranean Sea.
Such winds here, I have not seen. Lisbon creates an unusual impression. It seems to be the capital, but the city is quiet, especially on weekends, when we arrived. At subway stations have a chance to be in one, even if the central station. Many abandoned houses, and in the evening on the main streets for some reason, the houses almost never burning window. Lisbon seems to be extinct.
In Portugal, I had no strength left something to photograph.
Porto was the final point of our trip, but after Lisbon, we have begun to doubt whether or not to go there? After all, the city of Lisbon, even less, for sure there is even less interesting things. But we were wrong, we were met on arrival unusual architecture, a lot of fishermen's huts on the banks of the river and unusual arched bridges. Port - a port city that is almost 900 years old. In this city, a lot of narrow streets among the former fishermen's huts, but there are large areas in the center of the city with a beautiful cathedral built in a traditional Portuguese architecture. Tired but happy we went to Madrid, where flew home. This trip will be remembered for a long time. Travel!
Source: dedmaxopka.livejournal.com

Vital roof in Stockholm. We had to drive 12 cities: Stockholm, Warsaw, Prague, Frankfurt, Cologne, Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona, Benidorm, Lisbon, Porto, and had to fly home from Madrid. We had only one month, because in the cities we stayed only for 2-3 days. The first city was Stockholm because Sweden - is the birthplace of Tele2, there is still there because we invited a local journalist to write about us stuff. Stockholm turned out to be a beautiful city, but at the same time boring and not suitable for our purposes. City low. there are not many high-rise landmarks and all of them already have a viewing platform on which anyone can enter.

Stockholm subway. Once roofs with no luck, we decided to try to get to the subway, besides the subway in Stockholm - one of the most unusual. It turned out that there is nothing easier than to jump from the station and go into the tunnel. Cameras? It seems to them no one is watching.

In the tunnels.

Honestly, after Stockholm I had a fear of what may be the whole of Europe so we will not and climbed from a trip'll bring cool photo? But the next city was Warsaw, where everything was much easier and more interesting.

On the roof in the center of Warsaw. I can not speak for the whole of Poland, but Warsaw is very similar to Russian. It even has a Stalinist skyscraper, Russian-speaking pests and grandmother on the market only exception is the "European" well-groomed streets.

Our first was the roof of the building near stalinki. There's a fence and some were not, we just went into the building, then the elevator up to the top floor, and when the elevator door opened, we saw a bunch of workers. "Panovo, Panov!" Shouted after us, but we do not understand Polish, because, not paying any attention to anybody, went up to the roof, where safely hidden in the construction cradle. About an hour guards together with the workers cursing us searched the upper floors and the roof, but to no avail. It got dark and we took off the city nightlife. This is the question, how do we get to the roof? It happens.

Palace of Culture and Science - Stalin skyscraper, Poland gift from the Soviet Union. This building is the tallest building in Poland.

In Warsaw, we were interested in Stalin, we would like to climb on it, but we did not succeed. Firstly, because there already is an observation deck, and secondly the spire of the building serves as a transmitter antenna, because nothing but the eggs in a cool upstairs we did not wait.

Office plankton.

Cable-stayed bridge across the Vistula.

Warsaw's Old Town.

The most popular tourist destination is in Warsaw's Old Town, founded in the XIII century. This place was beyond recognition bombed by the Germans during World War II, but after the war, completely restored and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. We were lucky, the largest church in the Old Town was the scaffolding, so we were able to climb it to the cross.

After Warsaw, we went to the capital of the Czech Republic. In Prague, we had very little time, only half of the day. Prague was very cool, but touristy. And surprisingly there are many Russian and Ukrainian. After drinking a mug of delicious dark beer, we went for adventure.

The first day we went to several viewing.

And on the second day we saw this one cathedral and understand what we want in Prague.

St. Vitus Cathedral, the view from the central tower. Seeing St Vitus Cathedral, did not want to leave in the evening in any Frankfurt, I wanted to climb up. And yes, there is an observation deck on one of the towers, but we would like to climb on all the others and inward. Climb to the St. Vitus Cathedral - is the main Faile our trip, but at the same time to feel sorry for absolutely nothing. As in Warsaw, this cathedral was partly in scaffolding. Time to wait until the evening we did not have, because it was necessary to climb during the day. It turned out that you can not always rely on luck in such cases. Within 30 minutes after we went up to the roof, we saw the military and police, who are actively looking for someone on the roof. Not difficult to guess who searched for these brave guys. Unfortunately, all attempts to hide, we have not been successful, and soon we were arrested and sat in the police station.

Catholic church located in the old Royal Palace right next to the Parliament.

Hello everyone from the police station first, the local police did not know what to do with us, because this case was their first time. Climb to the Cathedral - is equivalent to how to climb the St. Basil's Cathedral at the Kremlin in Red Square and waved Putin. But the police were good guys and even a bit of talking in Russian (since the days of Czechoslovakia), it helped us to find common ground to avoid prison and heavy fines.

The fact that we are not terrorists and no one wanted to blow up, went to check a huge man with a suitcase. The suitcase turned out some cunning device, which according to the police is only at this guy, and it is one in the whole of Europe. The device spat out a piece of paper, a piece of paper that wiped our hands and backpacks and shoved back - back where she got out. At this point, it was terrible, I thought - did not touch there anywhere I recently TNT? But we had passed, suitcase and caught fire in green peep, police smiled and decided that it's time to go to Germany. Joyful, holding receipts paid fines of CZK 500 each, we ran for the bus.

Frankfurt am Main. From Frankfurt, we expected a lot. City with a lot of high-rise buildings had to bring us a lot of tough shots, but in reality it was otherwise. All the skyscrapers most of them turned out to be the headquarters of banks, and to climb the bank - this is equivalent to that to get into the bank itself, because many points for the shooting were immediately eliminated.

Frankfurt itself is filled with immigrants from Turkey and Russia. Around the noise of construction, many roads dug, because of this, the city is unpleasant to walk. At one point we even had to bypass some homeless people gathering. 50 people stood, to communicate among themselves and strongly smelled the whole street.

Located on the Main River, Frankfurt is the financial and transportation center of Germany and the largest financial center in continental Europe. At the same time, Frankfurt - Germany's capital of crime.

The view from one of the balconies of the hotel Lindner Main Plaza. If you do not mind 60 euros, you can also take pictures here. We certainly did not pay, but the price for filming learned by accident when a certain photographer accompanied concierge came and became angry, why we are here and why have not paid.

We did not argue and just went up to the top, to the roof. We left Frankfurt with the thought that it is hardly there anymore back. The next city was Cologne. In Cologne, we were interested only in the Cologne Cathedral, although to be honest, there is no longer anything interesting.

Vitale and Cologne Cathedral Cologne Cathedral impresses in every way. He began to build back in 1248 and ended only in 1880. At the end of the 157-meter building Cathedral a few years became the tallest building in the world.

During World War II, when Allied bombing destroyed virtually the entire Cologne, miraculously suffered only Cologne Cathedral. By tacit agreement of pilots, took care of the cathedral as a geographical landmark.

On one of the two towers of the Cathedral has public observation deck. But this observation shoot camera is absolutely impossible because of the partition of the grid. It was the worst observation that I have seen. So we took a chance to get to the next tower where the access is closed to tourists. In addition, we re lucky, a small part of the building was in scaffolding.

Stained-glass windows. It was at night, Prague experience gave us to understand that if we climb in the afternoon, then again fall into the police. But even when it got dark, around the cathedral were a lot of young people who drank and sang songs. To gain time when no one can see, we get to the scaffolding and began their ascent to the heights. Climb the woods, though not very difficult, but dangerous as underfoot nothing but steel poles without overlap.

At first we were in the center a small tower, which overlooks the roof and two main towers. At that point we did not know that this night we will climb to the pinnacle of not only, but also on the spire is the Cologne Cathedral. After wandering through the little attic and internal moves we were first in one of the big towers. And then on the upper balcony.

Inside the tower was a lot of statues, as the cathedral is under reconstruction.

The balconies to the top was laid a ladder by which we climbed to the spire itself.

View down from the top. It's hard to convey the feelings that I have been at the top. At one point I even felt scared, but the feeling of delight it was still stronger.

The nearby spire.

Inspired, we went from Cologne to its suburbs in search of the legendary machines Bagger 288.

What is the Bagger 288? Until recently, it was the largest bucket-wheel excavator in the world. When it comes to the largest, which means that he is really a giant. Just look at his ladle rotor diameter is 21, 6 meters - the height of 7-storey building. Himself excavator has a height of 96 meters, a length of 240 meters and weighs as African elephants in 2250 - 13,500 tons.

Next was Paris.

In Paris we had a lot of plans, it is in Paris, we spent the most time on our trip. This city captivates for its architecture and history. Besides Paris huge, this gives a field for action.

Sacre Coeur Basilica. In Paris, a lot of immigrants, most of them - came from Africa. It is not uncommon when you go on the subway, and around a single white man. Back in Paris, a lot of pests and just crazy people. In the early days we did that make ordinary tourists - went around all the coolest viewing platforms, visited the Basilique du Sacre Coeur, the Eiffel Tower, Mont Parnassus, Notre Dame and identified himself to the point of further roofing.

The Basilica is located on the hill of Montmartre, and from there on a clear day you can see all of Paris.

We went with the official observation and a bit like the roof of the temple.

And also got into the dome.

Notre-Dame de Paris. View from the lookout.


Frame with feet from the Eiffel Tower. By the way, the views from the Eiffel Tower - the best views in Paris. Later, when we went around all inspection, we contacted the local urban-explorer Vic (Vic Lax). After that, all of our polazki become much more interesting, we shared experiences with each other and telling cool stories.

Together with our new friend, we visited some interesting places, such as under construction skyscraper in La Defense district.

The second place where we climbed to the Vic, was Notre Dame de Paris, but it is not a tourist site.

Climb the cathedral is remarkable in that it is possible to climb right along the facade. It's exciting, but dangerous. Vital and I tried to make the first, and crawled off somewhere for a long time gone. Experiencing what happened to him that something had happened, we started to develop Vic alternative plan ascent. To help we received 5-meter ladder by which we climbed up than outright scared Vitali. Vital thought it was over for him came the police and has developed a plan to escape.

In addition to the roof, and we went to the ghost station metro St Martin. At the moment, the whole station izrisoval graffiti and homeless people live here in the winter.

Not only the whole station in graffiti, but also all the underground tunnels.

Before we bid farewell to Paris, I'll show you two romantic picture of the Eiffel Tower.

After Paris we went to Barcelona with a clear goal - to climb to the city's main attraction - the Temple of the Holy Family (Sagrada Familia).

In terms of roofing in Barcelona has nothing to do (well, except Sagrada Familia), the city is flat and regular. But Barcelona is very pleasant to walk, it's a great place to stay if you have been to Barcelona, you will understand me.

When I went inside the Sagrada Familia, I was very impressed. I think that the more beautiful and unusual interiors I have not seen anywhere else. But the cathedral is impressive not only for its interiors, as well as forms, moldings and unusual design of statues on the facade.

On the Sagrada Familia we have been connected two goals - to climb to the top of the tower and the crane, which towers over the temple. First we did the first one. It was very simple, it was enough to keep up with the crowd in one of the towers crawl under the door that leads upstairs.

And then the second. It was difficult.

With regard to the crane, so we did it at night. At two hours after midnight we jumped the fence and scaffolding in the style of a ninja in half an hour were already at the top of the crane. Crane towers over 50 meters of the cathedral, it is clear from the whole of Barcelona.

About Sagrada Familia we were told that this is the most protected in Europe, get to be unrealistic. It turned out everything else.

In Barcelona, we rented a car, we had to pass it a total of 3200km. The route goes around the southern coast of Spain, Portugal and ended in Madrid.

After Barcelona we arrived in Benidorm, where we have not had booked the hotel, and it was already dark. It was decided to spend the night on the roof, and we were lucky, we immediately climbed to the highest house with views of the steepest in the city. The next morning we woke up, and under his feet was all Benidorm and the Mediterranean Sea.

Benidorm - a resort town, which is the number of buildings over 20 etyzhey leader in Europe.

We were lucky the whole trip, we went to rain only once - in Paris, the rest of the time was the heat, and in Benidorm, as well as in all the towns within the temperature was 35. The heat we were saved in the local swimming pool and the Mediterranean (and then, and in the Atlantic Ocean).

Another interesting place was the Strait of Gibraltar. We first arrived in Gibraltar, but it turned out that the entry to only British visa as this British overseas territory, but we did not lose heart and went on to tariffs - a small town in the south of Spain, it is located at the narrowest point Strait, so that there is even more interesting. At a distance of 15-20 kilometers was seen Africa, the country of Morocco. It's quite a strange feeling when you are standing on one continent and see another.

We stopped to take a look at Africa we have an amazing location with hundreds of windmills.

Having passed all the southern coast of Spain, we got to Portugal. First we stopped at Cape Roca - the most western point of Eurasia. But if we have seen in Tarifa very near the neighboring continent, then at Cape Roca seen only endless Atlantic Ocean that separates North America from Eurasia for several thousand kilometers.

The water in the Atlantic Ocean is much cooler than in the Mediterranean Sea.

Such winds here, I have not seen. Lisbon creates an unusual impression. It seems to be the capital, but the city is quiet, especially on weekends, when we arrived. At subway stations have a chance to be in one, even if the central station. Many abandoned houses, and in the evening on the main streets for some reason, the houses almost never burning window. Lisbon seems to be extinct.

In Portugal, I had no strength left something to photograph.

Porto was the final point of our trip, but after Lisbon, we have begun to doubt whether or not to go there? After all, the city of Lisbon, even less, for sure there is even less interesting things. But we were wrong, we were met on arrival unusual architecture, a lot of fishermen's huts on the banks of the river and unusual arched bridges. Port - a port city that is almost 900 years old. In this city, a lot of narrow streets among the former fishermen's huts, but there are large areas in the center of the city with a beautiful cathedral built in a traditional Portuguese architecture. Tired but happy we went to Madrid, where flew home. This trip will be remembered for a long time. Travel!

Source: dedmaxopka.livejournal.com