Truth and myths about the gray hair
Some people gray hair gives a special charm and charm, showing the world their wisdom and experience acquired over the years. Others see gray hair as a sign of impending old age, and have a deep disappointment.
With the advent of gray associated commonplaces so many myths which we will try to prove or disprove this article. Read more.
Sedin: myths and facts
There is a common theory that a man who would pull from the head to the root of one gray hair will grow seven new hair. What it is based and whether it is true? Why does hair turn gray all begin? Why do some people turn gray much earlier than the other? We have answers to all these questions!
Hair begins to turn gray when we get older
50 to 50. It is proved that the gray hair appears in most cases at a certain age, because it is associated with skin aging. Hair turns gray due to the lack of melanin, a hormone that gives them color. Each person, this hormone is produced in different amounts and at their own pace, so some people are starting to paint the gray hair as early as 25 years, and others, and after 50 retain their natural hair color.
If you pull out one gray hair in its place will grow seven new
False. There is no scientific evidence of this common myth. It is impossible to assess what would have happened if we had not pulled the hair, as well as to understand whether there are new gray hairs because of it, or is it just a natural, due to the nature of the process that can not be stopped, and wrap the reverse.
Gray hair grow faster
50 to 50. There are studies that claim gray hair grows at a faster rate than pigmented, however, other studies report that their growth rate is practically unchanged or even slowed down as compared with other periods of life.
< br> Stress triggers graying
False. Complicated to find a direct link between stress and the appearance of gray hair - is not proved that, if we are nervous today, tomorrow we will have gray hair. The pressures that society has on us, can not escape anyone, but still today the street is not more white people than 50 years ago. Obviously, there is a genetic relationship: if your parents early turned gray, then you probably also early posedeesh
. Gray hair is stronger
50 to 50. It is not known whether the gray hair diameter greater than the diameter really pigmented hair, but it's safe to say that gray hair may seem thicker because of the refraction of light. In some people, gray hair can really be a very strong and sturdy.
Gray hair gray
False. Therefore a combination of gray hair to dark creates an optical illusion, due to which all the hair seem to us gray. Actually gray hair yellow instead of white or gray. This is due to the fact that this group remains in the hair when they are deprived of the natural melanin and keratin. Depending on the type of hair can be whiter or more yellow.
Lack of vitamin B accelerates the blooming process
True. If you're still young, that is, you are under 35, and you have a lot of gray hair, it may cause deficiency of vitamin B, especially vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid. This problem can be solved by starting to take vitamin complex. Also it is necessary to introduce in the diet of foods rich in these vitamins.
Smoking triggers the appearance of gray hair
50 to 50. Here, all the same as in the stress theory. Smoking - is harmful, it can not contribute to the development of useful processes in the body, and only brings problems. There are scientific studies that show that people who smoke a lot are at risk to get gray hair at an early age, although the process is also related to genetic background.
Gray hair can be colored only resistant dye
False. There are many ways to return gray hair color, so do not believe in a common myth that permanent coloration - is the only effective way. There are many natural colors, herbal infusions, the famous henna and Basma, which are considered less harmful to our hair.
Gray hair can bring back the natural color
False. There are no studies that have proved that man can bring back the natural shade of hair, without the need for staining or special products and medicines. Once the gray hair there - it's forever, because this process can not be reversed
. Gray hair can be obtained as a result of injury
False. I'm sure my grandmother told you about something like that. Just as in the case with the stress practically impossible for a person grayer overnight and on the morning after the injury completely awake gray. Nevertheless, the relationship between traumatic situations and graying process exists, but it manifests itself in the long run.
The sun stimulates hair graying
False. Sunlight can lighten your hair a bit and make them red or brown, but there is no scientific evidence to prove that the ultraviolet rays can make the hair white or gray.
The appearance of gray hair to blame our genes
Absolute truth. Genetically predetermined, in which about aged man starts to turn gray. What is contained in this DNA can not be changed. Make a test on DNA analysis of your family, and you will understand, in which about age should expect to see the first gray hair.
With the advent of gray associated commonplaces so many myths which we will try to prove or disprove this article. Read more.

Sedin: myths and facts
There is a common theory that a man who would pull from the head to the root of one gray hair will grow seven new hair. What it is based and whether it is true? Why does hair turn gray all begin? Why do some people turn gray much earlier than the other? We have answers to all these questions!
Hair begins to turn gray when we get older
50 to 50. It is proved that the gray hair appears in most cases at a certain age, because it is associated with skin aging. Hair turns gray due to the lack of melanin, a hormone that gives them color. Each person, this hormone is produced in different amounts and at their own pace, so some people are starting to paint the gray hair as early as 25 years, and others, and after 50 retain their natural hair color.

If you pull out one gray hair in its place will grow seven new
False. There is no scientific evidence of this common myth. It is impossible to assess what would have happened if we had not pulled the hair, as well as to understand whether there are new gray hairs because of it, or is it just a natural, due to the nature of the process that can not be stopped, and wrap the reverse.
Gray hair grow faster
50 to 50. There are studies that claim gray hair grows at a faster rate than pigmented, however, other studies report that their growth rate is practically unchanged or even slowed down as compared with other periods of life.
< br> Stress triggers graying
False. Complicated to find a direct link between stress and the appearance of gray hair - is not proved that, if we are nervous today, tomorrow we will have gray hair. The pressures that society has on us, can not escape anyone, but still today the street is not more white people than 50 years ago. Obviously, there is a genetic relationship: if your parents early turned gray, then you probably also early posedeesh
. Gray hair is stronger
50 to 50. It is not known whether the gray hair diameter greater than the diameter really pigmented hair, but it's safe to say that gray hair may seem thicker because of the refraction of light. In some people, gray hair can really be a very strong and sturdy.

Gray hair gray
False. Therefore a combination of gray hair to dark creates an optical illusion, due to which all the hair seem to us gray. Actually gray hair yellow instead of white or gray. This is due to the fact that this group remains in the hair when they are deprived of the natural melanin and keratin. Depending on the type of hair can be whiter or more yellow.
Lack of vitamin B accelerates the blooming process
True. If you're still young, that is, you are under 35, and you have a lot of gray hair, it may cause deficiency of vitamin B, especially vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid. This problem can be solved by starting to take vitamin complex. Also it is necessary to introduce in the diet of foods rich in these vitamins.
Smoking triggers the appearance of gray hair
50 to 50. Here, all the same as in the stress theory. Smoking - is harmful, it can not contribute to the development of useful processes in the body, and only brings problems. There are scientific studies that show that people who smoke a lot are at risk to get gray hair at an early age, although the process is also related to genetic background.
Gray hair can be colored only resistant dye
False. There are many ways to return gray hair color, so do not believe in a common myth that permanent coloration - is the only effective way. There are many natural colors, herbal infusions, the famous henna and Basma, which are considered less harmful to our hair.
Gray hair can bring back the natural color
False. There are no studies that have proved that man can bring back the natural shade of hair, without the need for staining or special products and medicines. Once the gray hair there - it's forever, because this process can not be reversed
. Gray hair can be obtained as a result of injury
False. I'm sure my grandmother told you about something like that. Just as in the case with the stress practically impossible for a person grayer overnight and on the morning after the injury completely awake gray. Nevertheless, the relationship between traumatic situations and graying process exists, but it manifests itself in the long run.
The sun stimulates hair graying
False. Sunlight can lighten your hair a bit and make them red or brown, but there is no scientific evidence to prove that the ultraviolet rays can make the hair white or gray.
The appearance of gray hair to blame our genes
Absolute truth. Genetically predetermined, in which about aged man starts to turn gray. What is contained in this DNA can not be changed. Make a test on DNA analysis of your family, and you will understand, in which about age should expect to see the first gray hair.
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