Image Caucasian Shepherd

Glancing at the three-storey house, he decided that the need for such a house appropriate size dog. Friends advised caucasian shepherd dog. He ordered. Pre amassed a hefty booth - well, that she was where to turn. Maybe a bit too far with the size, the boards do not mind. Only the dog was brought to him quite tiny. They said, better to take a Caucasian puppy. Appearance seems like a shepherd, but it took several months, and he still did not grow. So was the size of a taxi. In the booth he liked. Used correctly, they feel that a post from him that called for growth. How not zaedesh diligently barks in the open sonorous bass. But the humiliating nickname "Tuzik" to him still stuck. About to replace the dog, and not talking after the next event.
Once the owner has relaxed in his safe zone and closed the gate at night. And in vain - drawn bikers. Through the swamp or something, they made their way past the barrier, all in the mud. We went into the goal as a home. Maybe wash contrived, or ask what is good, with a crowbar in his hand - remains unknown. Because of the booth there was a powerful RRRYAVK. Bikers shied away and looked around the booth. Judging by the size, it is harbored at least Hound of the Baskervilles. Himself Tuzik out wisely not stick out.
The noise came from the host ruzhishkom. He threw the dog: "Ace, sit so long!" Doggie, who first called so respectful astonishment choked. But continued so dull roar, the spitting image of a Harley as the opening act.
The owner is lazy said: "Guys, I have no time, brothers came" (a blatant lie). At the words of the lads he nodded at his own black jeep to match the size of the booth. Guests shyly hid mount, tensed, but did not move. Just make room huddled in a pile. The smartest asked, "Che chain is not booming?»
The owner thoughtfully looked first at them and then at the bloody stump for butchering, and said more gently: "So we have wilderness. Dog chain then to nothing. Would you like to show funny? Right now only the gate is closed and the guys will call. Tolya, Vova, let's here! Ace tovs! »
Then he said: "I go to them, and in my head spins only one thought - Tuzik, dear, not now from vysunsya booth for God's sake!»
Bikers joke did not want to watch, swept away. But one has decided to ask the gate:
"And what kind of dog it?»
"Caucasian Shepherd Dog!" - Proudly said the host. Biker listened to the roar and nodded knowingly:
"Yes, it's a beast, not a dog! Male, probably. This Caucasian! »
With experienced dog hiding in his booth and seeing nothing at all around, it is better not to think. We know one thing - that evening Tuzik fright ... Oh, right in the booth. But just a little bit!
You know, the hero says goodbye more ...
© Drass