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How quickly respond to difficult questions

You should not flog goryachkuPochemu that the company did not accept our proposal?
Why should I hire you instead of someone else?
Where, in your opinion, we zavedut these relationships?
Where are the children?

Questions ... Sometimes they are completely harmless. And sometimes make our hearts pound, and ourselves - to stutter.

Be a man - means to be able to improvise. It is a skill that includes the ability to make timely comments and to respond to complex and unexpected questions.

People ask these questions to get the information, but often their issues are other reasons. Sometimes they want to know about your attitude to this or that subject and see how relaxed and confident you look at it.

The ability to respond to complex issues is based on two principles:

you must have an adequate knowledge base, giving the necessary information; You must be able to report this information calmly and confidently. The general plan: always give yourself more vremeniKogda someone asks us a complex issue, we try to answer it immediately. We are afraid that even a brief moment of silence will be interpreted as a wave or as a desire to avoid answering at all.

Even a few extra nanoseconds will allow your brain to process more information and then formulate its right words h4> The answer that you impulsively pronounce, is unlikely to be the best, and later, when you're thinking about thinking about it, you probably regret to say hurry. So, the most useful thing you can do to improve the quality of answers to difficult questions - give yourself more time to think about these answers.

Even a few extra nanoseconds allow your brain to process more information and then formulate its right words.

Afford to tiny pause, we are going to great thoughts. Just do not fill these breaks all sorts of "Uh-uh ..." or "M-mmm ...". Because of them you will look shaky. And, you can repeat the question before you answer that, too, will provide additional seconds.

There are other methods to gain time for reflection. The most effective of them - as much as possible to clarify the question (and in fact - to get a new question), before giving an answer. There are several ways to force an opponent to provide you with the best and not too sophisticated version of the question:

Ask repeat voprosLyudi often want to rephrase the question, because they do not like the way it was worded. So give them the opportunity to do so. Perhaps their "Take Two" will be shorter and clearer.

"Could you repeat the question? I want to make sure I really understood everything correctly ».

Ask razyasneniyEsli too vague question, answer it another question, which should clarify and define what your opponent is trying to achieve.

"Now there are several types of insurance. What are you really interested »?

"Motivation - a broad concept. Do you need advice on some aspect of a particular her »?

A particularly effective you can specify the question, the questioner put before a choice:

"Are you concerned about the number of sales in 2012 or in 2014»?

Ask opredelenieDazhe when people use the same words, they may define them different things. Not to talk about different things, ask your opponent wording of the key concepts of his question:

"Before I answer, could you say what you mean by the word" careless »?

"I am ready to discuss it with you, but before we start, tell me what do you mean the phrase" officially dating »?

Determine the purpose of samiOdin way to obtain greater control over the interaction is to reformulate the question so that it becomes part of your response:

"Why do you think that you want to contact the company were unsuccessful? If a failure you mean that nothing good will come of this venture failed, I do not think so. Yes, you did not sign the agreement, but to establish friendly relations, so now open for future projects ».

Dealing with inappropriate questions: art ukloneniyaInogda questions are quite clear, but out of place, and you for a variety of reasons, do not wish to respond to them in full. Then you have to shy away from a direct answer.

In evading direct answers very dubious reputation because it is associated with insincerity and manipulation. But sometimes you really can not give someone a straight answer, because this information is confidential, affect very sensitive issues or simply not designed for this audience. Here are the methods that are recommended for use in order to successfully give evasive answers.

Answer only one part voprosaEsli complex issue and there are several aspects that you do not want to address, and there is at least one aspect that does not cause problems, it is recommended to focus attention on it:

- I heard that soon will be a new series of layoffs. Also I heard that addresses the issue of reducing the wage. And I noticed that the rest of the room disappeared free soda. This is due to a decrease in the company's profits?
- I can assure you that no layoffs in the next six months will not be. I do not know what you heard, but the company is strong enough, and a quarter of our income exceeded the expected.

- How do you in your new job? How much are they paying you?
- There's really good. It's amazing how much can be different office culture. Every Friday we finish work early, drink beer and play softball. Have you played a lot this spring?

(If you complete answer another question, it will help to push the discussion of the question to which you do not want to answer).

Reorient voprosEsli in question have some part of which you do not want to talk, focus on that aspect, the discussion of which is not a problem. You can do it, if you take one phrase out of the question (which usually is not the focus of this issue), and bring it to the maximum attention.

- Consider whether my candidacy for this position? I feel that demonstrated sufficient confidence in those of my interview.
- Exactly. Frank said he was very impressed by your confidence and your level of training.

(Here's emphasis on aspects related to the confidence and leave the question of the post.)

- What do you think, why do not I move forward? I feel stuck in life, my boss I just did not appreciate. I do not want to sound boastful, but I'm very smart.
- Yes, you are really smart people. And when you use your mind to the destination, you are really doing well. And is there any ways to realize your business started more consistently? (Instead of listing the shortcomings of the interlocutor, you concentrate his attention on the fact that it really is clever, thereby positioning its answer in a positive way.)

Discuss voprosInogda think people are looking for a specific answer to the question, but in reality they just want their issue was discussed. They want to hear different points of view about your idea or just want to know what you think about it, too, understand that their question is something such that forces you to think fast. In most cases, such issues best answer, which contains an attempt to better understand the topic sounded:

- Why is the school board does not seek to reach a large audience to the feedback from the parents of pupils become better?
- We are working with people more than you think. We sent messages to 500 families. But the situation is complicated: the parents of older children do not want the same thing parents want babies. We carefully consider all views and options and trying to find ways to compromise.

- Why is our relationship does not make you happy?
- And why did you decide that I'm unhappy?

Build mostS using this technique you are building a bridge from a given problem to the fact of what you really want to talk. This method is similar to the technique of reorientation of issues, but the difference between the content of the theme of your question and the answer is far more important.

If you've ever watched the politicians leading the debate on television, then this method will seem familiar. Policy asked about his position on the war, to which he replied: "The war, of course, an important issue that must be addressed. But in reality, I want to talk about the issue of raising taxes, which announced my opponent ».

The answer is built on a "bridge" can withdraw from the opponent himself. So it is not recommended to use this technique to evade the really important issues.

Use the "funnel" With the technology of the bridge you can totally get away from the issues on the main theme. But sometimes you just have to narrow the discussion and encourage the opponent to ask follow-up questions and continue to discuss any aspect. Using the "funnel" comes down to recognizing some big problem, and then direct the audience's attention to that part of the problem on which you want to focus.

- Which of experience makes you a good candidate for this position?
- I have experience in the hotel industry, experience in the customer service department, but the best experience that most coincides with what you are looking for - is five years, I worked in the management of social media, with I worked on one of your competitors.

- You have planned how you will carry out this project?
- Yes, and the most important step is to ensure funding for it. As you can see on this chart, half of the money we've got.

Sometimes directness - the best option: the art of shooting from bedraInogda the best way to answer the difficult question - is to give him a straight answer absolutely. Such frankness may dumbfound and disarm the opponent. Probably some of you are thinking: "We must always to shoot on the move, from the hip. This guy does not shy away from direct answers »!

Of course, this sounds great, but does not always work. Every day we shy away from the very different answers. And when someone asks, "How are you? '- We answer:" Well, yesterday I got a little quarrel with his wife, in addition to my truck needed new brakes. " All we reorient questions, and often only partly answer precisely those questions that we asked.

The art of improvisation is most important to know how and what to say in circumstances that vary very widely.

via www.artofmanliness.com/2015/04/08/thinking-on-your-feet-how-to-answer-difficult-questions/