A few simple tips Anthony Robbins (and questions for resolving issues)
Fifteen million nine hundred thirty four thousand seven hundred sixty eight
1. Over the next ten days, refrain from thoughts to cling to any harmful thoughts, feelings, questions, words, or metaphors.
2. If you catch yourself focusing on the negative, and it will happen — immediately ask yourself questions that lead you out of this state. Start with the questions for problem-solving.
3. In the morning, ask yourself questions in the morning-stimulants. Just before going to bed,
ask yourself questions of the evening-stimulants.
This is a wonderful way to restore your good mood.
4. Over the next ten days to focus on solutions, not on problems.
5. If you have a negative thought, question or feeling, do not engage in self-flagellation.
Just immediately replace them with something positive.
1. What's wonderful about this issue?
2. What else is faulty?
3. What I would like to do to steer it in the desired direction?
4. What I would like to do to guide it in the desired direction?
5. I could enjoy the process of execution of all necessary to guide everything in the right direction?
If you find it difficult to answer these questions, use the word "could".
For example: "How I could feel happy right now?"
In addition, in the morning I ask myself some questions, and in the evening — other.
They provide me with amazing courage throughout the day, and then I back, go to bed.
1. What makes me happy in my life at the moment?
What makes me happy? What feelings it evokes in me at this moment?
2. What excites me in life now? What causes this excitement? What feelings this causes in me?
3. What I'm proud of in my life at the moment?
That gives me a sense of pride? What feelings this causes in me?
4. For which I feel gratitude in the moment?
What makes me grateful? What feelings this causes in me?
5. I'm more happy now?
What causes joy? What feelings this causes in me?
6. What are my obligations in life at the moment?
What compels me to this? How does this make me feel?
7. Who do I love? Who loves me?
That gives me the feeling of love? And what awakens in me feelings?
In the evening I sometimes ask myself the morning questions, and sometimes added to them three additional. Here they are.
1. What is my current return? What good did I do today?
2. What I learned today
3. As of today, has raised the level of my life or some contribution in the future can serve today?
Repeat the morning questions (optional)
1. Over the next ten days, refrain from thoughts to cling to any harmful thoughts, feelings, questions, words, or metaphors.
2. If you catch yourself focusing on the negative, and it will happen — immediately ask yourself questions that lead you out of this state. Start with the questions for problem-solving.
3. In the morning, ask yourself questions in the morning-stimulants. Just before going to bed,
ask yourself questions of the evening-stimulants.
This is a wonderful way to restore your good mood.
4. Over the next ten days to focus on solutions, not on problems.
5. If you have a negative thought, question or feeling, do not engage in self-flagellation.
Just immediately replace them with something positive.
1. What's wonderful about this issue?
2. What else is faulty?
3. What I would like to do to steer it in the desired direction?
4. What I would like to do to guide it in the desired direction?
5. I could enjoy the process of execution of all necessary to guide everything in the right direction?
If you find it difficult to answer these questions, use the word "could".
For example: "How I could feel happy right now?"
In addition, in the morning I ask myself some questions, and in the evening — other.
They provide me with amazing courage throughout the day, and then I back, go to bed.
1. What makes me happy in my life at the moment?
What makes me happy? What feelings it evokes in me at this moment?
2. What excites me in life now? What causes this excitement? What feelings this causes in me?
3. What I'm proud of in my life at the moment?
That gives me a sense of pride? What feelings this causes in me?
4. For which I feel gratitude in the moment?
What makes me grateful? What feelings this causes in me?
5. I'm more happy now?
What causes joy? What feelings this causes in me?
6. What are my obligations in life at the moment?
What compels me to this? How does this make me feel?
7. Who do I love? Who loves me?
That gives me the feeling of love? And what awakens in me feelings?
In the evening I sometimes ask myself the morning questions, and sometimes added to them three additional. Here they are.
1. What is my current return? What good did I do today?
2. What I learned today
3. As of today, has raised the level of my life or some contribution in the future can serve today?
Repeat the morning questions (optional)
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