Women's maternal energy

A woman looks like a battery. Because the main thing it works with is energy. She saves it, transforms it, spends it. And so on and so forth. The energy is different, and each is stored in a separate compartment. Here the woman collects sexual energy, and here the lunar energy, here the energy of the Earth, here the energy of Water.

There is another compartment where the most scarce energy in the modern world is stored. Deficit and therefore desirable by many. It's Motherhood energy. Why is it scarce and rare?

There are different women on the street. Very sexy, feminine, stylish, tortured, tired, business. They can be with children, wheelchairs, bicycles. But very rarely do I come across moms.

Just because we buy a piano doesn’t mean we become pianists. Having a scalpel in our hands doesn’t make us surgeons. Having a SLR camera doesn’t make us photographers. So are the kids. Just because I have a baby doesn’t mean I’m a mom.

But it doesn't even occur to us.We are ready to study for five years at the institute to fill out accounting papers correctly, but in motherhood we expect everything to happen. It would be strange if the bus was driven by someone who had just seen it. It would be even worse if the pilot of the plane was someone who saw in the movies how these planes land. Imagine a surgeon who watched the entire series, but has no medical training.

Why are we confident in family life and motherhood that everything will work out on its own? Isn't it scary to break something? Or does it seem like there's nothing to break? Something will work out, nature is designed to. And a baby will be born, and milk will appear. But even here, with our brains, we can interfere with the natural process and the course of events. We may think that our breasts are not created to feed them (and what is it for?). Or that our body is not created to give birth itself (and how did it conceive and bear?).

We want to have children, but we don’t want to become mothers. We want to look like we never gave birth. We want to live as if we don’t have children. We want to hear the question, “Do you have children?” We find it pleasant and affectionate hearing. Are they just compliments and accomplishments?

Children become dots on our “achievement list,” but they cannot become a part of our lives, a piece of our heart. Unfortunately. We never go through our own transformation, change of heart, change of energy. That’s why we’re so afraid of getting old, getting fat and becoming homemade.

In the world, sexy women, businesswomen, successful women are held in high esteem - anything but mothers. Mothers receive minimum allowances, are considered contents, dependents, idlers. They are not respected, no one wants to be equal to them. Nobody wants to be a mother. Just having kids. Having children and staying the same, sexy and businesslike. Such girls look at us from TV screens, billboards, magazine strips. They become role models. This feminine energy is exploited right and left because it sells well and fuels people’s lust – and thus consumption.Consumption is beneficial to the material world, and so is lust. Motherhood isn't. Because this energy is relaxing, it makes you happy with what you already have – no sales or spontaneous purchases.

We see those who two months ago gave birth to a child, and today participate in the show of underwear. And we think it's right, okay. We put as an example those who go to work when the child is barely six months old. We are trying our best to do the same.

But tell me, is there anything normal in the fact that the mother of a month-old baby left him with babysitters and went to “chase excess weight” even at the expense of milk?

What good is it that other people don't see you as a mother? If you don’t see it, then it’s not there.

Is it possible to consider a mother a woman who only gave birth to a child, but did not make efforts to raise it?

Has a mother become a woman who hardly sees her child and does not know what is on his heart?

Is there much motherhood in those whose mind is occupied and absorbed only by work and their own appearance?

How can motherhood coexist with an unwillingness to spoil the shape of the breast by feeding or an unwillingness to tolerate birth pain, preferring a cesarean?

If a mother wants to look like a twenty-year-old at all costs, what will happen to her when her daughter turns twenty?

Is it possible to call a mother one who creates an atmosphere of stress, race and constant dissatisfaction at home?

Is she considered a mother who is indifferent to the needs of other children around her?

Can a woman be considered a real mother who has no compassion for other mothers?

Is it normal, having barely given birth, to participate in some kind of outings, to go alone on vacation, to hang out? After all, the first months of a child are especially valuable. It is such a sacred time for a mother that it is unwise to spend it on entertainment and work. At this time, our soul opens up and is ready to undergo transformation. Become not just a woman, but a mother. Learn to love with your full heart. Learn to Be. Be in the mother's energy stream. Nature gives us that chance through hormones. Only we prefer not to take this opportunity.

One of my familiar years is not much. But she's got enough kids. She looks really good. That's different. She doesn't look like a teenage girl. What matters is not how she looks or dresses. You won't even remember that. As soon as she enters the room, it feels like you have been wrapped in a warm blanket with love. You personally. Like you're the most important person here. It becomes very cozy, warm, soulful. The body relaxes, slows down. She didn’t even open her mouth, she just walked in.

When a woman spreads the energy of motherhood, men cease to perceive her as a sexual object. They begin to treat her like their mother (in a good sense of the word). Help, care, surround with attention. It's respect and respect and care. This can be done by a woman if she is a mother.

In Vedic times, all women were called “mother,” and it is prescribed that all women except their wife be treated as mothers. Now all women are treated as females of the human race. Sorry to be so rude, but I can't find another word. They want to enjoy us, to see our beautiful naked bodies, to have a relationship with them.

The world doesn't lack sexy ladies, business ladies, bikini beauties. And not even teachers, doctors and cooks. This world is hungry, but it is starving in the absence of real Mothers. This world, my teacher says, is thirsty. But this is not ordinary thirst or ordinary hunger. Most people have both food and water. But there is no light in the soul, there is no warmth of heart. And the need for that is enormous. So that someone warms our soul with their soul: so that you can relax next to someone. Be yourself. To be loved and warmed up. It's like you've been wrapped in a warm blanket. This is possible only with a real woman, but more precisely with a real mother.

We got so caught up in reviving femininity, we got into sexual practices, we started to develop our attractiveness that we devalued motherhood. We're becoming women, which is great considering we used to aspire to be men. But isn't it time for us to go further in our femininity, to become not just women, but mothers? After all, this is a more complex level, more whole and more worthwhile

Mother is not an entry in the passport in the column “children”, it is something more. This is not a diploma of vocational education, and not an entry in the workbook. Mother is a way of thinking and feeling, it is values and energy. That’s more than words can describe, even in this book. This energy is in all of us. But for the most part, she's napping. Many reject it because it is not very convenient and does not bring the right dividends at once. Many people cannot see its depth and only see the upper layers. A lot of people are afraid of it, with strange labels. And most of them never touched her, even with children.

Mother’s energy is the energy in which a woman should be ninety percent of the time. You need to switch only when you are alone with your husband - and there already release your sexy cat (and even then not all the time). In all other situations, being a mother is safer and healthier. But, alas, not prestigious. For this they do not give awards, diplomas, do not applaud and do not even pay salaries. The paradox is that what is most needed in the world today remains the least prestigious and least paid activity.

How do you know that this energy is maternal? How does it look and feel?

  • When you are in this motherly flow of energy, there are no children of your own or of others. You treat all the kids that come your way equally well. You feed them without making any distinction between them.
  • When you are in this stream, for you and every adult is like your child. And you can treat him not condescendingly, but with love. Understand, forgive, accept. One day you will notice that no one is trying to hurt you. Because a real mom is a deficit, and people feel it.
  • A woman in the state of Mother is not in a hurry, not in a hurry. It is a state of flow of measured, powerful. This is no longer a stormy mountain stream, but a wide and full-flowing river with great strength and power. On the surface of such a river, you will not see unnecessary movements, it flows on its own business, having every right and opportunity to do so.
  • The mother is able to pacify space – this is her task, her flow and her peculiarity. She is able to balance both her mind and the surrounding space to fill with fluid and even a little viscous silence and peace.
  • Mother energy comes from above, so you can’t be empty of caring for others. You work as a guide, becoming the hands of God on this earth, beginning to love and warm His children.
  • And for the same reason, the Mother’s condition always implies that you are “connected” to the Source at the moment. If you lose contact, then you fall out of the flow, alas.
  • Everything the mother does is done with love. With an open heart. Even if she has to punish a child, her open heart does so in such a way that the child feels no resentment. Because everything is out of love and with love.
  • The maternal energy in a woman brings her to a balance between body and soul – she has contact with both. There is balance, harmony in self-perception, integrity, completeness.

There are many ways to describe these amazing women. I confess that I enjoy talking about them, because in the body there are such pleasant sensations from memories. I am far from perfect, it is still my guide.

We are either in this stream or we are not. There's no half-measure. Energy is in everyone, but not everyone is allowed to rule the ball. Unfortunately.

And in fact, being in this flow does not depend on whether the woman gave birth or not. Many girls in their childhood years live in this state until they are explained that it is wrong. Then they will spend their entire lives teaching that being a mother is not enough. Not enough for what?

Of course, during pregnancy and after childbirth, nature helps us to enter this stream. But that's just one option. Which isn't for everyone. And many childless women just have to pass this exam - learn to be in this flow, become a mother before you have a child. Because a real mother cannot be without children. If you have this energy, you will have children. They will be attracted to you like bees to open flowers. It doesn’t matter if you’re a parent or not, what God has given you.

But if I'm not a flower or even a bud yet, if I just want to have my own bees? If I chase them, lure them into my nets in various ways and devices, will I get what I want? Maybe, for a while, I’ll have my own bees. But I'm never gonna be a flower. And by their will, these bees will not come to me again.

The state of the Mother is a great power, a great power. That’s what the world needs right now. This is why our souls yearn for resentment against our parents.

The only reason for all our childhood injuries is that we didn’t have a real mom. Our moms didn't learn it, they weren't up to it. And now we're looking for these moms everywhere, stepping on the rake again. Instead of finding that energy within yourself. And heal not only our wounds, but also the sores of those around us.

Being a mother isn't easy. Being is always more difficult than having or being able to. To be is always a transformation, often through pain and can’t. But to be is a huge power, a huge resource.

And if we talk about motherhood, then being a mother is not only important, but vital now. The whole world needs it. Our children. And to ourselves. Published.

Author Olga Valyaeva, chapter from the book “Destination to be a mother”

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!

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Source: valyaeva.ru/materinskaya-energiya-zhenshhiny/


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