Sudden rejuvenation

Every year in the world, doctors record about a hundred cases of sudden rejuvenation, or age-related regression. They occur in a variety of countries, and with people who lead a far from "healthy" lifestyle. It seems strange that despite the stated figure, only isolated cases became known.

Rosa Faroni at the age of 97 began to rapidly grow younger, and, in 2007, having 15 great-grandchildren, 6 grandchildren looked almost younger than her adult granddaughter. Neither she nor her doctor have any idea what caused these changes. Rose says, “I eat everything, smoke and drink more than I need.” The only thing that discourages me is the possibility of getting pregnant - it's funny to give birth when you're under a hundred.

Household waste disposal operator Samp Issa and seamstress kimono Sei Senagon, though not familiar, lived on the territory of blue rose plantations, which first appeared in 1945 after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Scientists have warned that radiation will lead to mutation not only plant and animal world, but will affect people.

Judging by the records of their medical records, on the night of October 23, 1979, Sampa Issa and Sei Senagon felt a strong persistent sexual arousal. The hospital did not recognize the patients this morning. The gray hair disappeared and the hair returned to its natural color. A week later, old broken teeth fell out, and a week later, new ones began to appear. The skin on the whole body became firm and young. The bones became strong. The ophthalmologist, surprised by the sharply sharpened vision, found that the clouding of the lenses completely disappeared.

Cardiologists have concluded that the blood pressure of patients as eighteen years. The dangerous symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are also completely gone. Interestingly, throughout the year preceding these events, patients were plagued by arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, vision impairment, heart failure, and tooth decay. I had to be hospitalized. Doctors predicted that the elderly man and woman will not last long. But the story didn't end there.

Sampu Issa and Sei Senagon’s peers stopped recognizing them when they met them on the streets. In 1981, former old people had a blossoming appearance of young people who are 27-30 years old. Sampa Issa married a seventeen-year-old neighbor who gave birth to a girl. Sei Senagon married and soon gave birth. The Japanese press regularly reported on their lives. They were even called “immortal.” In 1985, these publications were interrupted by a report that nature had “put everything back into place.” Sampu Issa and Sei Senagon, aged in a week and died. Their children began to suffer from ailments that are inherent in deep old people. After a while, they left the world.

The New York Times on April 22, 2011 published another sensational story about a resident of Fukuoka, a former military pilot Sakishi Rio, who was exactly one hundred years old. In this case, he disappeared metastases that affected the brain, extremely sharpened vision, hearing, began to function perfectly lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, pancreas. These organs have been radically rejuvenated. And one small miracle is that Mr. Rio's blood type began to change at monthly intervals. But, unfortunately, despite having excellent health, the patient lost logical thinking, and with it skills, without which you can not do. He has impaired coordination of movements memory and ability to speak.

In the former USSR, Soso Lomidze was widely known both for his rejuvenation and as a thief in law named Old Man. When he was buried at the age of 56 in March 1998, he looked like a young man. He stopped aging at 25, the bristles on his face were replaced by a gun. The face is rounded. Losing weight and becoming less tall, while maintaining mental and physical abilities. He made two of his greatest accomplishments as a pioneer. (below is a large article about this man).

In Moscow, one of the scientific laboratories treated the spine on a new, experimental apparatus using magnetic fields. During one of the procedures, the laboratory assistant was distracted and set non-standard parameters on the device. The patient, an elderly woman, did not notice anything, but after this session suddenly began to get younger. She was about fifty. I began to feel more cheerful every day. And much better looking. At first, she naturally rejoiced, continuing to grow younger every month until she was confused with her daughter. That's where she got scared. And everything began to return to normal. The laboratory assistant who confused the settings of the device could not find out anything.

Vyacheslav Klimov as a result of a car accident, a fifteen-year-old teenager received many burns. Seventy percent of the body was burned. He survived two clinical deaths. And after a few years, it suddenly started getting younger. He's 46 now, and he looks about 26. Now he takes part in the work of the association “Kosmopoisk”, studying various anomalous phenomena.

What happened to these people is still a mystery...



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