Yoga for the face – rejuvenation and liberation of consciousness

Stress, life disorders and age – all these factors leave their imprint on us. Yoga for the face is a complex that contributes not only to rejuvenation, but also to the liberation of consciousness.
Effectiveness of classes
It is worth remembering that there are active points on the face, closely interconnected with the internal organs of our body. By working on facial tissue, we not only slow down the aging process, but also improve the functioning of organs and systems. For example, exercises for the eyes and lips improve the work of the biliary tract and sphincters of the gastrointestinal tract. The complex allows you to clearly control facial expressions, it makes our consciousness “plastic”, reduces the impact of stress.
In order to properly perform the complex, you will have to get acquainted with the "castles" (bandhas).
1. Throat lock - straighten your back, move your head in the horizontal plane slightly back - behind the line of shoulder blades (do not throw it back in any case).
2. The diaphragmatic (chest) lock is Uddiyana Bandha. In the sitting position, place your hands on the lower ribs and take a deep breath. Then exhale completely, hold your breath, and create a “congestion” in your throat, blocking air access. Take a “breath” again (expand your chest), but don’t fill your lungs with air. The organs of the abdominal cavity will tend upwards, the stomach will be drawn under the ribs.
3. Mulabandha (root castle) - it is performed when holding your breath on exhalation or on inhalation. In one movement you need to strain the anus, vagina, navel area.
Yoga complex
Yoga that promotes facial rejuvenation always begins with awareness. Close your eyes, relax, sit down. Determine how symmetrical the muscles are:
1. In the forehead and eyebrow area
2. Eyes, nose, cheeks.
3. In the corners of the lips
Now start doing the exercises.
• Turn your tongue between your lips and gums (close your lips tightly, start moving from the right side). Repeat 36 times. Then move by changing direction.
• Tighten the muscles of the left eye socket as if trying to blink (do not close the eye). Hold the voltage for 2 seconds, relax. Repeat the movement 15 times at a fast pace. Repeat with the other eye.
• Widely open your eyes and mouth, while taking a deep breath. Spread your lips around your teeth, smiling. Make a throat lock when you exhale. Close your lips. Repeat 5 more times.
• Tighten your cheeks, tighten your teeth and lips. Perform all 3 locks - chest, root, throat. After a few seconds, slowly relax your face, inhale release the locks. Perform the exercise 4 more times.
• For about a minute, play the sound of a car engine (like a child). Breathe in when required. As a result, there should be a feeling of slight itching in the lips.
• Pull your chin forward (parallel to the floor), hold the voltage for a few seconds, then take your head back, perform a throat lock. After a few seconds, move it to the right, again linger. Move to the left.
• Open your mouth wide, imagining that a load is suspended from your lower jaw. “Elevate” it up, applying muscle effort. After a few seconds, relax and move your jaw left and right. Repeat 8 more times.
• Wrap your lips inside, tightly squeeze, perform a root lock, and after a few seconds relax. Repeat the exercise until you feel warm in your cheeks and lips.
• Fold your lips with a tube, tighten them, hold the tension for a few seconds and relax by “kissing” the air.
• As free as possible, grimace like a monkey. This will get rid of the “habitual” facial expression (someone constantly wrinkles his eyebrows, someone presses his lips, etc.).
• On inhalation, “smile” only with the left corner of the mouth, make a root lock (30 seconds) on holding your breath. Relax with your breath. Hold your breath, repeat the lock, but now pull the corner of your lips down (20 seconds). Take a breath and relax. Once again, “smile” with the left corner of your mouth and lock on holding your breath (on inhalation). Repeat all actions with the right corner of your mouth.
Source: updiet.info/