Rejuvenation of the body with therapeutic fasting

Interesting research scientists, showing the results of the self-renewal of the "rejuvenation" of the body.
English scientist Huxley experimented with earthworms: he fed a colony of their usual food, and one of the worms was isolated and subjected to periodic starvation. Isolated worm survived 19 generations of worms living in the colony.
Professor, University of Chicago Childe also experimented with worms in his book "Aging and Rejuvenation" wrote: "Temporary fasting prevents aging. Starving as it returns to the initial period "post-embryonic life," he seems to be reborn. »
Professor Morgulis in his experimental work with animals observed link between fasting and rejuvenation: "To put it biologically, - he writes - although the body does not receive a new asset, it becomes stronger by getting rid of a liability ... Tsitoplazmoyadernoe ratio changes in the direction of the predominance of the core, thus morphologically the cells that make up the body, anti-aging: they are similar to embryonic stem cells »
. It was found that the deformed membrane senescent cells to endogenous nutrition acquire forms, like young cells in animals, t. E. When the RTD is in the process of cell recovery barriers.
Soviet scientists from the Institute of Gastroenterology found that human patients as a result of 28 days of RTD in the stomach appear new cells with pale cytoplasm, which after the end of the RTD are gradually converted for 20-30 days in the cells responsible for the barrier of the body (extra cells which secrete mucus that protects the stomach from damage). After repeated courses RTD even gastroenterological patients stomachs are "solder", "Do not neglect the" no food.
One of the features of advanced age is a decrease in metabolism. Fasting causes an increase in metabolism, thus contributing to the rejuvenation of the body.
At the molecular level, Professor VN Nikitin is the process this way: "This law is that any physiologically normal, yet intense disintegration of protoplasm is accompanied by a consequential increase even excessive synthesis (recovery) disintegrating agents ...»
"Biochemical spring" synthesis of fasting as it is screwed stronger, improved and then, in the subsequent feeding exerts its power accrued to the strong increase in the body weight of proteins (growth).
Of course, no rejuvenation takes place in a human as much as lower organized in animals, but a certain effect observed by many investigators starvation process. In its communication to this effect Dr. Kunde University of Chicago holds the idea that if the initial weight is significantly reduced, and subsequently, if the normal power is restored, the cells recovered the body gets a new protoplasm. This is the rejuvenation.
De Vries points out that the effect is particularly noticeable rejuvenation of the skin, sharp lines and wrinkles become less visible, and spot areas of discoloration and pimples gradually disappear. According to Dr. H. Shelton, "the skin becomes younger, it gets a better color and improved tissue structure. His eyes brighten and become more expressive. A man looks younger. Externally, the expression corresponds to skin rejuvenation obvious manifestations of the same, but the invisible rejuvenating the whole body. "