Physical activity against old age ...

Researchers from Tel Aviv University were able to prove the fact that regular exercise slows the aging process. at the cellular and molecular level. Israeli scientists have confirmed that the increase in the number of muscle stem cells, reducing the number of which normally occurs as we age, can keep a person young.
Natural are believed to date, reducing the number of muscle stem cells, prevents adequate protection of muscle mass and impairs the ability of the human body to heal itself. With aging, the human body goes through a process called sarcopenia, during which muscle mass is reduced, and their functions are broken.
However, exercise contribute to the restoration of muscle stem cells. This is confirmed by an experiment conducted by Israeli scientists in laboratory rodents.
Birds of the same age and the same complexion were divided into two groups. They lived a similar life, except for one difference. For thirteen weeks, one group of rats daily for twenty minutes of jogging on a treadmill. The same experiment was conducted, scientists and rodents already elderly.
The results showed that the number of muscle cells in the rodent increased. The young rat is increased by 20% -35%. In older - 33% -47%
. A similar effect is, apparently, would be observed, and if this experiment was carried out with the participation of the people.
Thus, Israeli scientists have proved the undoubted importance of physical activity for people who want to not only be attractive in appearance, but also to live a long, young life, and reduce the number of process of senility and disease "plaguing" the elderly body.
Israeli researchers say that new factors identified regarding the physical activities of importance, it is now possible to dream of creating drugs that help people increase the number of muscle stem cells in the body and thus to minimize the negative effects of aging and restore the muscles of people in the elderly.
Artem Demchuk