Falling asleep

Surely you do not just experienced a sudden strange sensation of falling when going to sleep, that makes you wake up abruptly. In fact it is not a dream of the fall, which happens in deep sleep, as many people as instant physical sensation that awakens us, and which is accompanied by a hallucination, not a dream. To better understand this phenomenon, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of sleep. The dream begins in a part of the brain called the reticular formation, sends signals to the spinal cord to the muscle relaxation and disincentives. The push that you feel when you wake up, do not you raise when you sleep, as the body puts out his own consciousness. With this everyone agrees. But then the opinions of scholars differ.
1. The signal is gone in the wrong direction One group of scientists noticed that the signal from the reticular formation in some people switched. Rather than suppress the contraction of muscles, it enhances a decrease of almost any stimulus. In science, it is termed "hypnagogic twitching." When a person cringe upon awakening, the sudden change of position without direct support under the arms or legs can cause a person to believe that the feeling experienced by them is padenie.

2. The body is relaxed and the brain works Other scientists believe that there is a sensation of falling from the action relaxation, especially if the person is worried and can not get comfortable. As soon as the muscles relax during sleep, the brain is awake, watching the situation. Lethargy muscles and the fact that people like to "settle" is interpreted by the brain as a sudden sensation of falling, and the brain is trying to wake up a person.
3. Stress caused hallucinations And what about the hallucinations? Contrary to what people think, many people, hallucinations - it is not something out of the ordinary, and many of us in varying degrees, experienced hallucinations. Hallucination - it's just an experience in which the brain incorrectly interprets some group incentives. For example, you may suddenly appear that you see a cat's eye is following you, and suddenly it turns out that this is actually a pile of garbage near the post. The brain just makes a hasty conclusion and creates an image that is not quite true. Such hallucinations are aggravated by stress, when the brain is quickly making hasty conclusions, and weary, when the brain does not automatically handles as much information as it does in other circumstances. When you fall asleep, experiencing anxiety, being hypersensitive to stimuli uncomfortable situation leads to the fact that the brain receives a sudden danger signal (body drop), and tries to discover the reason why it falls. It produces drowsiness, which we remember when we wake up, in which instance you should go and just slipped. See also: 10 facts about the most common nightmares. Interesting facts about dreams. Seven ways to stay awake on the job. Creativity helps a nap. How to look at the fine after a sleepless night? Discovery committed in a dream.
Source: mirfactov.com/