When a person sleeps, his subtle (astral) body is released from the physical space in the invisible Subtle World. As Paracelsus wrote: "When we are asleep, our astral body is free and can be due to the elasticity (and thinness) of its nature or hover near its sleeping owner, or ascend above to conduct a conversation with their stellar parents, or even communicate with his brothers on huge distances .... »
Each of us has his own particular case, on the basis of which we have during sleep, staying in the Subtle World, we get the required information for the case.
However, for most people the dream is still a mystery, if not, you may not even be true.
Nevertheless, the dream - it is a reality. Each person lives a double life: the ordinary, current, and its course was well aware of the man, and the inner, special life, not fully perceived by most of us. This apparently did not show, but extremely interesting life and can be seen in a dream, when the physical body is sleeping, and the man goes in a completely other conditions of the Subtle World.
Modern scholars argue that people on Earth use only 10 - 15 percent of the potential of their brain. The remaining 85-90 percent of his mental faculties, nature of the data being used on a different level.
What are the work of these "core interest" of our brain? Basically over their own perfection! BN Abramov, the closest disciple of the famous philosopher and artist Nicholas Roerich wrote in "Facets of Agni Yoga": "When the night comes, the spirit of man moves into the Abode of Light, you are working in the field and learn the lessons of my spirit ... only fruit, ie the essence of what he saw, with a blow to the Earth. She and alive, and eat it, and update it daily essence of his. »
One of the most accomplished yogis, almost our contemporary Parahamsa Yogananda, in his book "Autobiography of a Yogi," elaborated on this idea: "Taking a step in the direction of human awakening. Lord inspires scientists to open at the proper time and in the proper place of the mysteries of His creation. »
It is his inner life owe their discoveries of many scientists.
Examples of this are many. Is not it a dream saw a "Periodic Table" Mendeleev, the law saw the induction of Carl Gauss, and atom model saw in his dream Niels Bohr? He that hath a dream world-famous archaeologist G. Gilpreht met with a priest, where together with him traveled to the temple of the gods, in Mesopotamia. It was there that they found the second shard of agate with the inscription, to decipher which archaeologist struggled in vain for a long time. All in the same dream, accompanying the priest read this inscription clearly and distinctly English. Waking up, Gilpreht recorded his sleep, and collate written with a sign on his existing fragments, deciphered it without difficulty.
And how wonderful music written by composers through sounding dream Music Cosmic Realms!
How many magnificent paintings created by artists who are at least partially preserved memories of the fabulous scenery of the Subtle World! Mathematics - the representatives of the most boring science - and those received during sleep help to resolve complex problems
. However, the most extensive information received by humanity from a higher source, were, of course, recipes for healing the sick. There are many clairvoyants and healers, receiving in a dream or trance valuable information by which to cure a huge number of people: Sleeping Lucy, Andrew Davis, Edgar Cayce through dreams become reputable physicians. Herodotus, Josephus, Plato and many other ancient philosophers referred to the temples. where people healed euthanized priests and a dream began to tell what treatment they need to recover. The question naturally arises: for all whether the door is open in the Subtle World, and why not all, as many think, get help from there
? This door, of course, open to all, but many of us do not think about the so-called inner life, that is not aware of the connection with the Subtle World of our planet. And not because the Subtle World turned away from them, but because the people turned away from him, not recognizing not only the opportunity to receive assistance, but not recognizing the existence of the Subtle World. Relatively few people are receiving assistance in the form of helpful information for patients, for creative and research work.
But there are people who, because of any reason to consciously come to study possibilities of contacts with the inhabitants of the Subtle World, and spend purposeful work on preparation for the dialogue between the Worlds. Is it really necessary to this dialogue we, mere mortals, and the role played in this process is a dream? Here's how to respond to the first question is a modern thinker Boris Abramov: "Subtle World have the magical land where a man who knows his laws, like a magician can do wonders, unimaginable in the world." A great prophet and philosopher of the XX century EI Roerich gives the answer to the second question: "Sleep is absolutely necessary, for the subtle body of man during sleep is saturated with life-giving substance of the Subtle World, in contact with the higher energies. Stripped of this power the spirit (human} stops ».
Therefore, it is necessary to know not only its laws to communicate with the Subtle World, but also have the development of the spiritual, ie, tight control over sexual and reproductive sphere! .. The fact is that not all spheres of the Subtle World are able to provide assistance. There are some very lowest, which, on the contrary, take away health and strength.
It is known that the human relationship with a specific area of Elevated World comes on accord of the inner man content with its respective sphere. Never a man burdened by any baser vices and possessed animal passions, will not receive assistance from the Light Forces, will not receive God's help. Forces of Light is not in that lower sphere, where rushes winner of many shortcomings. Rather, heaviness passions and vices of the subtle body soulless human remains after a dream in the lowest layer of the near-Earth space with the same low energy and dark, malevolent beings. Not having the opportunity to satisfy their perverse passions, these polurazlagayuschiesya Astral entity will seek contact with their own kind and fed them, further fueling the sleeping animal passions, envy, greed, anger, and other shortcomings.
Not a very enviable fate of those who deny the multidimensional structure of the human body and of the whole cosmos, does not recognize the laws of Karma and Reincarnation.
These people will not notice served them a sign, advice, warnings of the Higher World, thus avoiding getting help from above. They carry a certain harm to humanity by delaying its evolutionary development. Status of thin bodies of earthly men during sleep much like their after-death state. No wonder they say that sleep is like death.
These ignorant lowland people throughout their stay in the Subtle World after physical death are sleepy, lethargic, continuing as long as the irresistible rhythm of the law will not bring them out of the unconscious for a new incarnation of poor quality. Denying the real meaning of life, these people in the Subtle World bring their shameful ignorance and vices, delaying the evolution not only of his spirit, but also all over the mankind.
For the man who seeks to purify his spirit, sleep is an important component of this work. Dream - the most sincere, the most truthful human condition. To external human behavior exhibited by day, at night added a hidden behavior, which is revealed only in the feelings, thoughts, usually hidden from others. In the dream, man discovers his true visage, unvarnished and pretense. Thought ugly, admitted during daytime wakefulness, but hidden from everyone, will appear in a dream, even against the will. Therefore, for a person having control over their emotions, desires, and habits of other astral dream can be regarded as a litmus test, indicating how successfully it has overcome its shortcomings, has mastered his astral body. Bright thoughts and good wishes will save a person from the effects of the dark night whisperers.
The Indian Vedas, for example, do not make no difference between sleeping and waking, considering the dream as the world lives in the nearby Universe.
"Sleep has much to teach, if we adjust the thoughts on the aspiration to Light before you dive into a dream ..." - says, "The Living Ethics". Thus, thoughts, actions, activities, components of the aspirations of man living in the world, has withdrawn his place in this or that sphere of the Subtle World. With the expansion of consciousness, refinement of the body sleep can be an effective communication channel with the Higher Worlds for not only help in this life, but also the knowledge of the spiritual Masters of the Solar System, allowing continually improved.
The ancient Hindus, for example, wrote EP Blavatsky, a child brought up in the traditions of the sacred philosophy, constantly working to improve his body and spirit, achieved remarkable abilities.
Definitions have psychic powers and some of our contemporaries, ie, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychometry etc.
"The ultimate goal of every soul - is its absolute perfection" - says, "The Living Ethics". It is pursuing this goal, some of us are dreaming about your future stay in clean areas of the Subtle World, on establishing contacts with him in this earthly life, purposefully follow the path of internal purification, improving awareness, establishing strict control over their thoughts and feelings. His dreams - natural channels to communicate with the spiritual master of the planet - they are seen as a kind of lessons
. "The most important learning takes place at night and in the morning only partially possible to restore the man received in a dream. Fullness memories of what he has seen and heard can not be given, because then people will not want to live in the physical world. But gradually, as the thinning of the body, sleepy impression will become brighter, fuller. Home life - at night, for the human spirit to the higher worlds and carries with it traces of these touches in his earthly consciousness »
. "Of course, night dreams and visions in one way or another often reflect the state of mind the day or give it direction. Status of thought before going to sleep is very important. You can fall asleep, giving himself a certain task. Even mathematical problems can be solved in a dream. Human consciousness as it were trained at these events. The results achieved at once. As always and everywhere, and here it takes time and perseverance. When a man wakes up in exactly the specified time, it acts according to the orders given to bedtime. Orders will be very diverse. Perhaps the enrichment of consciousness on certain issues. Thought because magnetic and sent into space, works perfectly. It is in the space increases, acquiring tune elements. You need to know the laws of the Subtle World. One of the principal - is a cosmic law of consonance, the similarity law. Perceptions and impressions obtained by consonance in accordance with the mood of consciousness. The mood on the way beauty is always fruitful. Similarly, the solemnity of raises. But the driving force harmonies - this aspiration to the Light. Aspiration gives accord the right direction. Approve the desired aspiration bedtime extremely important. Random, isolated and spasmodic attempts in this direction will not bring the desired consequences. Only persistent, consistent effort will bring results. In the field of spiritual attainment all taken by force, and applying force reaches. »
With the growth and expansion of consciousness and a person gets certain powers and abilities, and the synthesis of which involves the evolutionary development of mankind. This is clearly confirmed by the well-known saying of Christ: "You are - the Gods!". "Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams: in, and the young will have visions»
. Unfortunately, now the spiritual level of the majority of earthlings is very low. Few are aware of the urgent need to improve their moral and spiritual level.
When you reach a certain level of spiritual development of man during his sleep will work in the Subtle World the world, helping those in need. At one point, he folds his astral body as many times dumped their physical case. Man stops a series of life and death and rush to the further improvement of his spirit in the mental body - in another, higher world of the solar system. Reaching and in the upper world a certain level of development of their mental body and spirit, he will reset and the mental body, and perhaps in the most perfect its fiery body will join the Supreme Cosmic Beings, which indicate a simple earthlings in their dreams the way to limitless perfection!