Rejuvenation knowledge, or how to live three hundred years

The search for ways of prolonging life and rejuvenation has always attracted many researchers. Applied and tested a variety of ideas and methods. To nyneshnego time preserved some texts in a hidden and encrypted form containing the ancient secrets.
Some modern Teachers share with their students so nativeamerican long life (harmonizing internal energy and enhancing the five elements), resulting in healing, rejuvenation and increased life span. Such practices are carried out for many nynezhivuschih tibetskih Teachers by their students. But there are other ways.

It is known, for example, that representatives of the tribe of Hunza, though, and live in a harsh climate, but the basis of their power in summer and winter are low calorie apricots. The people don't know diseases. Youth have lasts 40 years, and in 70 years they are active and healthy as a thirty year old European. This condition they remain for a long time and usually die at the age of 130-140 years. Other researchers argue that it is possible to live about 300 years, remaining young, strong and healthy. You only need to follow the natural rhythm of time and in a special way to regulate life processes.
In his work “Medicine of immortality and 280 years of earthly life” wolf wrote, the only natural cause of Death is “lack of photosynthesis pink (Magenta) respiratory pigment of man, a gem ... the Main point of photosynthesis is the blood-forming bone of the person. The main goal of photosynthesis – biosynthesis of pink pigment, heme. To breathe and thus live.” Here I should add. all the ancient techniques of life extension and rejuvenation in some way connected with special breathing techniques. All the martial arts and qigong pay attention to the work with the bone marrow and breathing skin.
Why? The answer is simple: “Skin is the driver of the biorhythm of the photosynthesis. Everything else, including the brain, is subject to the skin. The other "drivers" rhythm, which may consist of specialists biorythmology is the drivers second, third, etc. order... the Transmission of the light signal from the skin to the fourth layer cells of the cerebral cortex, there is distributed all the remaining five layers of cortical cells, and from there the signal is sent to the implementing bodies."
In his research, the author convincingly proves that the person lives due to the presence of hydrogen protons in human cells that come to us in the body as water and air. It is important that the chemical composition of this water was not H2O, and Н3О. This water is in limited quantities the body produces itself, so that the water that we drink is not a fuel for the cells. Makeup for such a proton to water in our body, it is necessary to obtain 100 — 150 g per day. Scientific studies show that the water contains and in the air. The amount of water in one cubic kilometer of air is 10 thousand tons, that is about three trains.
Our bodies can obtain it directly, it has such mechanisms, but we don't use them. The human body has numerous "power stations" built into it in various places for quick energy, if this becomes necessary. It remains to know how to turn them on and how to use them correctly.
The diet of the centenarians from the Volkov TIME of YEARthe RAYS of the SPECTRUMTHEREWHAT NOT to EATWHAT to DO Winter (15 November — 27 January) and winter-spring season (January 27 — February 15) Blue and gamma-rays in the offseason — blue and x-ray to perform a winter biorhythm of the photosynthesis, you need to eat bitter and sour foods and drink plenty of water, it protects cells from gamma-rays. Useful decoction or infusion of rose hips (there are a lot of ascorbic acid and iron necessary for heme synthesis), or any stewed fruit of red color and sour taste of currant, cranberry, cherry. Drink kefir and yogurt. The total amount of fluid per day is 2.5 liters.
Useful pickled vegetables, pickled apples, all bitter — onion and garlic, various peppers, mustard, radish. Beets, carrots, dill, parsley, porridge, soup borscht. Animal protein is enough of 80 — 100 g / day (meat, poultry, fish, cheese). Blue pigments of the blood, which is especially needed in the winter — hemocyanin containing copper. Food sources of copper: shrimp, crab, squid, liver, cucumber, zucchini, mushrooms. All vegetables and fruits green open the way to the green rays eat them for health beneficial green onions. Winter is also a good yellow gifts of nature, blue and blue (blueberries, prunes, eggplant), purple (beets, purple onion). Harmful food analogs of the red and infrared rays: salt and starchy foods — potatoes, corn, pasta, rice, bananas, jam, chocolate, cakes, jellies — all made from flour and sugar: these products conform to the biological summer and winter completely knock the body out of rhythm of photosynthesis. Winter is a time of sleep, rest and peace. Best carried out in bed all night at least 12 hours. That night there is a "repair" DNA, so during the winter you can manage to patch up the cells. Do not bother to exercise. Spring (February 15 — April 27) and the spring-summer season (April 27 — may 15) Ultra-violet and violet in the offseason — purple Food should be sour-bitter: fermented milk and yoghurt, horseradish, radish, mustard. Healthy vegetables, fruits, nuts. Best purple: beets, purple onion, radish, buckwheat. Cod liver oil (a source of vitamin D), fish oil. Vegetable soups, soup, borscht. If you follow the Orthodox Great lent — you just run the program, spring of photosynthesis. Water — 1.5 liters per day. Food analogs are yellow and low-frequency rays — fats and sodium, and animal proteins. Sunbathe in the Solarium — it is useful from mid-February to April, when in nature, dominated by the ultraviolet rays. High physical activity: run, go to the gym, commute to work on foot. Summer (15 may — 27 July) and summer-autumn season (July 27 — August 15) Red and infrared in the offseason — orange rays of the summer Taste — sour-bitter-sweet (in the offseason — acidic and moderately bitter). Products better there are red, orange, blue: raspberries, strawberries, apples, oranges, plums, sweet peppers. Animal proteins, do not hesitate — 150 — 200 grams of meat, liver, poultry, cottage cheese a day. Add to dishes pepper and mustard. The main "pests" — carbohydrates (bread, sweets, pasta) and excess water. Drink no more than 1 l per day: yogurt, broth hips, juice — better red color, cherry, tomato, mineral water. Less of salt. More are on the air, sunbathe and do sports. Autumn (15 August — 27 October) and autumn-winter season (27 October — 15 November) Yellow and low frequency, in the offseason, green and ultra-short beams, the Food is bitter, sour and vegetable: parsley, dill, horseradish, radish, onions, carrots, berries, apples, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, citrus fruits, green peas, eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, cabbage. Drink 1.5 liters of water per day. In the offseason, especially pitch in all green vegetables and fruits and bitter spices. Try to completely avoid animal protein at least a month. Fats use only for cooking (i.e. deep-fry you, but chewing sandwiches — no). Physical activity is high, but the closer to winter, the safer they should become your life. published
Source: www.quantumcristal.com/omolojenie-znaniem/