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Unlived emotions — unstoppable destiny

Often in our lives it happens that we drop midway their emotional trauma.

After a divorce, women often switch to a new relationship or find an outlet in the children, religion or creativity. Losing some opportunities in life, the woman is trying not to think about it, to forget, to turn my attention to something else, consoling himself with many "but".

Having lost a child (miscarriage, abortion, non-developing pregnancy), a woman leaves her emotions and focuses on prayer and awareness of the causes of the incident.

When there is something traumatic in life, we begin to look for the causes, remedies and relief or try to forget. But the pain and trauma do not go anywhere, they stay deep inside us and prevent the feeling of fullness of life and joy. And in a particularly gloomy day, we think about how could be, if not... .

Because of unlived until the end of the psychological trauma, the negative emotions continue to visit us year after year, until we learn to live with this background pain — "Well, it turned out, this is my cross and I carry it to the end."

In addition to internal dissatisfaction and depression, unlived emotions shape the events in our lives. They are looking for an opportunity to incarnate, finally, fully, a woman they've lived and let go. And every new escape from pain brings a woman back on the circle.

My close friend lost a child in childbirth. It happened in Soviet times. Mourning was not accepted. For a long time they kept her in the hospital, where she could not get rid of your pain. She spent five crazy days in the hospital, watching the happy mothers who feed their newborn babies. She just pushed my emotions.

Coming out of the hospital, waiting for her life of comfort and empathy, without the ability to be alone and just be aware of what happened. She even showed her the dead child. Time helped to hide the pain deeper. And a year later she got pregnant again. All 9 months of pregnancy, she went wild stress, fear and sense of foreboding. In the end, a boy was born, which began to seriously hurt.

The following pregnancy — again emotions of horror and fear. A daughter that almost died in infancy. Her children were very sick and were weak. All 7-10 years of growing up her mother was in fear. Imagine what kind of life?!

Other case.

Woman meets man, falls in love with him, begins to feel his heart. And then he offers to leave and disappears. Even a single year she is going to wait and believe that he will return. She will build relationships with men, worthy men, which could create happiness. Why? Past relationships haven't lived.

When some pain does not find its end remains unlived — our consciousness will scroll it until then, until it will find an outlet in reality.

That's why the fears that we carefully drives away from itself, are very often realized. We do not live them, run from them, but our consciousness is committed to harmony and liberation from fear — so they again and again overtake us.

Unlived emotions, like used film, the unfinished verse. Our consciousness has to come back to it again and again to complete the job and to calm down.

In this case, for the consciousness of any finals is better than broken (even something good) scenario.


Unlived emotions from a breakup with a man

It is the eternal fear of abandonment. And it could work in a vacuum.

Before marriage I am 6 years dated a guy. I had very strong feelings, but he was completely unpredictable. He could disappear for two months, then return as if nothing had happened. During this time I went crazy, didn't understand what was happening, the calls and messages he never responded. And it happened all the time, until one day he was gone forever.

It was, as usual, only he never returned. A year has passed my expectations. And after some time I got married.

But the horror of the unlived separation is reflected immediately on my family. As soon as my husband was going to go somewhere, I was hysterical. I started to cry, I felt bad, but I knew that he had to go. And every time he managed to escape, I could not find a place. But all that pain and horror were addressed not to him.

And only after a while, I began to live what was left halfway in the distant past. Then my hysteria abruptly ended and I began to ask my husband to go for a walk when I wanted to be alone.


Unlived emotions of losing a child

Whether abortion or miscarriage — is the eternal fear for the children, guilt, Hyper, tension, control, or, conversely, pandering to them all the weaknesses. Both have a negative effect on a child's life.


Unlived emotions from the loss of valuables

It is an eternal search for her inability to live in the present, enjoying every moment.

My mother once lost is very important to her diamond earrings. It took 7 years, but still, when it comes to the kitchen (she often left the jewelry there), and she has a free moment, she begins to explore the cupboards and drawers in search of these earrings, wailing and frantically, in one million fifty-fifth time asking me if I had seen them.


Unlived emotions from the loss of a pet

Fear of other animals, eternal sadness at the sight like dogs or cats, the feeling of sadness from seeing others rejoice relationship with animals.

As we left unfinished scenario inside our peace of mind will never be absolute. There will always be something to pull from inside and get worried out of nowhere. Therefore, there are key moments in life that should be lived to the finals.


What kind of situation you have to live necessarily?


• divorce (separation)
• the death of her husband
• abortion
• miscarriage
• the loss of a child
• the death of a loved one
• the death of a beloved animal
• losing important things
• diseases private ones
• shameful situation from the past
• rejection of any situation
• unrecognized emotions (unexpressed love or gratitude)
• not given a duty (moral or material).


We reserve the "tails" are not only unlived pain, but also unlived love. And then we send similar people and learn to love us again and again.

How to live the situation from the past?

First, you need to remember. Often our consciousness displaces a particularly painful situation, from memory, to have the ability to live at least at minimum speed. And when we gain strength to live — the memory suddenly returned.

Often in psychotherapeutic sessions of customers remember from the past such traumatic situations to which, it would seem, is simply impossible to forget. But the wise psyche was just forced to do it. After memories of the situation — give her emotional paint, give it the pain you froze inside.

Look at the pain (emotion, sensation):

  • How big is it?
  • Do you have enough power now to live it?
  • How much time do you need to live it?
  • How to live it, to come out of you?

If you feel that the injury is very large, then most likely, you will fail with it. Think about the visit to the psychologist.

If unlived emotion fits into the framework of your ability, give yourself the opportunity to live it. You need to allow yourself to otherevery, cry and even profit their emotions. Give yourself the opportunity to walk to the end of the script, to live all the fears, liberation from them, to let love and ease.

In psychology there is a practice when we bring any fear to the very end, and then he leaves. After that comes peace of mind and confidence in their abilities.

In Chinese culture there is a wonderful technique for releasing pain. If there is pain somewhere in the body, it is necessary to pay attention to the pain, to consciously bring it to the limit, and then it goes away.

The same applies to our emotions. You have to live to the end, go through the most terrible fears in his mind and to let go.

Someone needs to do it gradually, because the mind is not ready to do it all at once. And someone may one psychological therapy to release the pain and allow yourself to otherevery the situation for an hour.


How is it done?
  • Give yourself time on the mountain.

Select the day or days in which you consciously will live your emotions about any situation.


  • Consciously pay attention to it.

Let it be sincere. Someone will be quietly crying at the window, wrapped in a blanket. Someone will cry and roll on the floor, someone will howl into the pillow, and others will growl and beat all around.

If words, then connect them too. To Express all that is left clamped and locked.

Phrase can be anything:

"Forgive me, please..."
"How could you!"
"I hurt so much. God, I hurt!!!"
"I love you...".

Some phrases you'll want to scream, not once, but dozens or even hundreds of times. So this emotion was sharp and stiff. Just repeat these words. With each new repetition, the emotion will come out, then will come a calm.


  • Try not to dwell on one thought too long and logically move on, no matter how terrifying.

For example, if a situation is associated with the breakup, the woman may just survive the stress and 30 minutes just to cry, "How could you!". After that comes the process of making what he did, and it happened, then the next logical thought — "I'm all alone. I'll never love again".

Another 20 minutes the woman may be living in his loneliness. And then the desperation follows fear — "What will I do now?! How am I going to live?!".

She lives in fear of life without a man. The next pier, her emotions, when she's already accepted that there will be another life comes another fear — "I would be hard! I can't stand".

Some time it will be in this. But when emotions come out and she will feel that she actually will stand and will, then there can be included a completely unexpected awareness "But actually I really need this. It will bring into my life this is it."

Thus the woman in the logical chain comes to love. This is an approximate scheme. And usually at the accommodation each step takes a little more time.


  • After each stage the spot ask yourself the question — "what then?"
If You live in fear, go to him and ask — "what happens next?"

For example: "I'm afraid of losing work." Then you imagine that you lost her, live in fear and terror, and then ask yourself, "what now?"

And thus continue on.

Some of you are living your fears will come to the spot fear of death. And go through it completely normal and natural. A full life starts only after overcoming the fear of death. While you fear death, you live. The fear of death takes away the colors of life.

I spent the training "Living death experience", after which people's lives have become significantly more conscious, there were the true values and had time for the most important.


  • Time on the mountain and stay in for each day should be limited.

There is a risk of — deep dive into emotions and start the process of self-destruction. The maximum stay per day is 2.5-3 hours. After this, you have to walk to do chores or children. The process of accommodation will continue inside.

The first day is the hardest because it was at this time released the maximum amount of pain. By the second day becomes much easier.

Sometimes after one day of grief our mind habitually wants to get into a shell and nothing more to test. We must understand this and consciously take in these emotions. To live we to a state of emptiness, lightness and love.


  • After the situation will be passing, inside will be safer. The first signal that the process pity party ends is a state of emptiness inside.

For someone it will be unpleasant and even a little wild, because a huge space inside of us the whole time was filled with pain. Now that there is a void, You choose what to fill it. You released your spiritual "vessel" for the pain.

You can send gratitude and love, because it's the best inhabitants of our souls that we create and protect. You can fill that void to God and Holiness.

The choice is yours, but be filled with must, because the law of similarity, if we do not fill this place with something new, there will attract energy similar to the last one.


  • Thank your situation for the lessons it brought, see how she taught you to love and accept. Recognize its value.

If you see yourself in excessive emotionality and easy hysteria, obsession, negative emotions, weak heart, if you are pregnant in this practice have to go very carefully, clearly limiting itself in time, not to dive deep into our grief.

In any case, the unlived emotion must be brought to an end. And no matter what way you do it — work with a psychologist, crying in a closed room or write letters.

After that, she leaves your slim body, leaving space for new, important and valuable!


Psychological secrets of successful women:

  • Bad you have to live through and to let go of: fear, resentment, illness. Only then you have a real chance to avoid them later in life. Because you have lived this experience, why is it you in reality?
  • Desired, on the contrary, you should never watch the end in your head. Never let to enjoy their dreams in his head for too long! The greatest period of pleasure thoughts — 2-3 seconds, then you need to drive them away from yourself and to do things. And then our consciousness will want to donelaitisa, watch until the end, depoziti. And for this he will have to create it in reality, because you're not allowed to walk to the end of this in my head!

Try to live emotions as they come. Then your life will be bright and saturated. You will feel alive and real.

  • Don't preserve the pain — learn to live it in the moment when it comes, then you will avoid many diseases, distrust in people, a closed and broken heart that prevents you embody our dreams!
  • Don't hide your love, because sometimes it is too late to say the main words! Love, feel life — in sorrow and in joy, because often it is great pain later reveals in us the divine and unconditional love.published

Author: Julia Sudakova


P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©

Source: womansanga.ru/neprozhitye-emotsii-nepreodolimaya-karma/