I want to share a story of one syroedki.

1. Who am I?
2. Motivation for the transition to a raw food diet.
3. The first steps to raw food, the fight against hunger a constant first 1-3 months.
4. Barriers to the raw food diet, the force of habit, break the stereotype of the power for himself.
5. Overcoming the confrontation itself and the people around them.
6. Breaking the usual food, periodic breakdowns in the raw food diet, during the 1st year.
7. The first syroedcheskie meals diet.
8. Disappointment in raw food, uncontrolled weight loss, change of appearance for the worse, worsening state of health.
9. The continuation of a raw food diet.
10. The first signs of improvement on a raw food diet for the 2nd year.
11. Separate food without blending food, diet.
12. The joy of living power, rejuvenation, health promotion from the 2nd year, the Council of Europe.
13. The introduction of fresh juices in the 3rd year of CoE.
14. The liquid food. The joy of life.
September 2014, I was 50 years old, on the raw food diet 2 years 7 months., Moved to the Council of Europe in 48 years, abruptly, without any transition.
And this is my story a raw food diet.
I am 48 years, I can not look at myself in the mirror. In my heart I feel myself young, blossoming and good-looking woman with luminous eyes, which I remembered years after 35. And in the view of an old woman with nothing from a fairy tale, AS Pushkin.
I begin to catch myself thinking that the stop loving trips to clothes shops, not because I do not want a new dress, but because in the dressing room with bright lighting and large mirrors, you see all the naked truth undisguised. The result of 48 years of valiant and soviet perestroika life and vseyadeniya.
Mirrors do not hide anything, but emphasize every fold, not only on the abdomen, a sort of caterpillar in the prime of life, wrinkled face, and eyes dimmed. Kind is very unsightly,
who want to cover up something and at the same time to squeeze into a smaller size to soothe the soul.
With each visit to these shops, all no longer wanted to walk in them.
Complete disappointment in himself, even trips to beauty salons ceased to please, due to the rapidly melting results. Beauty for a moment and just. During the chase for a long time held a youth, it was all good (endless diets, saunas, salons, expensive creams, dietary supplements, vitamins, periodic cleaning of the body, fasting), but all in vain and fleeting.
What is a woman 48 years? So languish to exist until the end of life?
But I have not a grandmother and retired. How to be? To live or not to live? That is the question the eternal?
Exit I suggested a daughter, she is already a month has passed to syroedcheskoe food and I strongly urged her to go with him and eat something nutritious and tasty (I confess). But she staunchly defended its CE power line and at the same time subtly showed only benefit from such power. Knowing all my complexes and suffering, she found me a key to the raw food diet - a rejuvenation and recuperation
. She gave me a book by Vadim Zeland "Living Kitchen", which I read avidly, I recommend to all the doubters, very motivating.
So, February 20, 2012 I went on a raw food diet, which I do not regret, passed simultaneously and irrevocably.
For 1-2 years before the Council of Europe I have deliberately refused to sausages, meat dishes, many baked dishes, etc., recognized only chicken and fish boiled, mostly prefer vegetarian food and cereals, renounced all kinds of carbonated beverages ( very hard to force the will of only withstood), instead of water and juices.
At first, it was a raw food diet is very scary, hungry, cold and strange. The feeling of hunger during the first 3 months was constant. In the first 2 weeks were failures 2 times on boiled chicken (chicken when cooked cat). During the 1-year CE, she allowed herself a red fish Salted, somewhere 1 time per week. Really miss the taste familiar food. Periodically, 1 time a month break on unleavened bread and cheese, veggie soup.
Sometimes on holidays break on sandwiches with fish and cheese, salad, Greek salad.
The aroma of fried foods and coffee just drove me crazy, I tried to get all the cafes and departments in supermarkets to fast food side, with melancholy eyes I passed departments with the usual sweets (cakes, pastries, yogurt, and more. Al.)
To dampen the feeling of hunger, I ate a lot of fruit, nuts, vegetables (bananas, grapes, apples, kiwi and many others. Etc.) to saturation. It saves leguminous sprouts (mung bean, lentil, chickpea, buckwheat). At first I did not like the taste, and I tried to make them a variety of cereal blended in a blender such as: mung bean sprouts, tomato and garlic, a very tasty and healthy porridge (took with him to work, at lunch)
During the 1st year I ate a mixture of sprouts and tomatoes with garlic. Do different mixes, smoothies (banana, apple, banana, strawberry, etc.), preparing a variety of syroedcheskie cakes soaked and shredded dried nuts almond, walnut with the addition of different fruit, dried apricots, raisins and honey. And salads of raw fresh mushrooms with the addition of herbs and garlic with olive oil, syroedcheskaya adjika (tomatoes + peppers + hot pepper + garlic and lemon juice with olive oil), walnut-garlic mass (very satisfying), doing various syroedcheskie sweets the form of beads (soaked chopped nuts + honey + + Kerob apricots, obvalyanye in sesame or coconut chips), drinking almond milk (almonds soaked and crushed with water in a blender and then strained).
At first, I was, you might say, settled in the shops "Vega" a healthy diet, I bought everything (live cereals, flax flour, carob powder, cheese, toffee, a variety of candy of dried fruits and vegetables, nuts, honey, seaweed). I felt like I was chronically hungry.
Somewhere in six months CE gradually my diet has become selective. On the morning of fruits and germinated legumes in pure form with the addition of olive oil and spices, nuts, flax cereal, vegetables in the evening the usual vegetable salads, gazpacho with the addition of herbs and celery. Refused sugar turned to honey.
It was difficult to eat without bakery products, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, for a start I replaced on the unleavened rye buns, then bread, in the first 3 months, and then I do without them quite comfortably.
My advice to a beginner raw foodists, listen to your body, it will tell you exactly what it wants.
My weight dropped from size 48 became the 42 th resolution. Face and neck limp, highlighting many new wrinkles. I was shocked myself, outwardly I was like of frozen hunger and exhaustion disease grandmother from the siege of Leningrad. Instead of energy, I feel even more tired. Exacerbated my illness, aching joints, stomach, spine, kidneys, sores in the mouth, sore throat, colds, cold sores, etc.
To keep yourself physically, I started to practice yoga, enrolled in a fitness club. Before the CE engaged Bodyflex, pour cold water on a daily basis.
Familiar and work openly laughed at me, so I brought myself. Compassionate tried to feed me, especially trying to close friend.
Sometimes it seemed to me that a raw food diet is not for me. Several times I wanted to go back to eating habits and "healthier." Instead of rejuvenation for CE I aggravated his condition.
But a powerful motivation, rejuvenation restrained me and I persisted CE.
In late November 2012, I passed a medical examination and another internally afraid that will reveal all of my illness and I did not pass a normal physical examination. But surprisingly, blood tests were the best in my whole long life. And it was the biggest plus in the history of my raw food diet.
Gradually, my body is cleared of debris, toxins, become saturated faster, less food. Portions have decreased in 2 times. Diseases aggravated all gone, gone fatigue, began to feel a burst of energy. When I used to come home from work and was emptied down, forgetting in his sleep and in the morning not having slept not rested, I got up and went to work.
So now, I stopped noticing the time, after work, a lot of things could do at home, without getting tired. The work brings me pleasure, there is no longer one of chronic fatigue in the struggle to live up to the sofa.
From the 2nd year, I gradually came to monotrofnomu food, trying not to mix fruits, germinated cereals of leguminous vegetables, abandoned salt and spices, except the bitter chili. Refused mushrooms. Disruption was not, except for intentional (Greek salad vegetable with cheese and olives) on holidays. The body has become stronger and inanimate products are very rapidly eliminated. When the heat gets processed foods, you can feel it, there is a heaviness in the stomach and discomfort, a feeling of clay mass. After that, I want to unload, cleanse.
I note that if forced to account for raw foodists eat the cooked food (on the road, on a business trip, etc.), the supply of such prints are deposited the next day, you wake up with a swollen and puffy face, which can be compared with the poisoning of the body. It is better to arrange a hungry day, unloading and great benefit to the organism.
Only in the third year, I felt an external rejuvenation of the body. The weight started to normalize, the body standing at attention, from the stomach and the larvae was gone, pulled a face and neck, back the freshness of the skin, fine wrinkles disappear, eyes lit up. The mood got better. Always cheerful and fresh. In a dream given less time, get up early. There was a taste for life. Shopping trips become happy. I began to make themselves externally and internally.
Now I'm on the way to the liquid feed on freshly squeezed juices.
Three times a day I drink fresh juices from apples, carrots, beets.
It's nice to feel like a changed dramatically. And this is only the beginning of a new phase of revival. And I have yet to come ...
I do not agitate the raw food diet, everyone has his own path.
I wish you all happiness and prosperity !!!