Ayurveda — living in harmony with each other

How often do we hear lately is ” Oh, it hurts, but I guess I have this Karma.” Often people can't really explain what he understands by the word “Karma”, but there talking about it, blaming all the misfortunes and failures on the Karma. I'm good, but that's Karma I got a bad. People sometimes ask, ” do you think I have Karma?”.Karma is at all. But most of our diseases have a simple explanation – our ignorance, ignoring the rules of Nature.
Often the person lives in a certain way, because I just do not know that it is possible to live differently. He was not interested in it, tortured her daily life with her “need more, more...”. Where “more soon..” – he himself could not explain. And lives in nationname something from a parenting left, type “Everyone needs a hearty Breakfast” (and that's not all, Kapha, for example, better to skip Breakfast entirely and take a small amount of food only 2 times a day when it is slow metabolism that is enough). Or frantically taking vitamins, counts the number of eating protein (protein) and carbohydrates (starches), having heard from all sides – that is the most important in nutrition
In Ayurveda everything in terms of energy product, its effect on your Constitution. It is clear that Pitta is hot (increased metabolism) don't need products with a strong energy, and Kapha, they are at the time (in large quantities that will allow at least a little to stir her lazy nature). The most important thing in Ayurveda is that it not only works with the physical body, but also controls psihologicheskoe. Because almost always people interested in Ayurveda, comes to Hatha Yoga, it becomes more balanced. The execution of one only Sarvangasana (Birch, Stands on the shoulders) is much calms excitability, because it is one of the few Asanas (postures), which internally massages the thyroid gland, which is responsible for changing our mood.
Over time (quite fast) when a person is drawn into a new lifestyle, he gets compliments from okrujayuschih “You've changed so much, she became much more like glow”. Women often ask “You became suspicious to look good, probably changed yourself a beauty salon?” – “No, we live now according to Ayurveda “. So without any medication much goes by itself, the body responds with gratitude for your willingness to live in harmony.
The well-known story, when one famous doctor said that most poets are just sick people and if they were brought to him, he would cure them, and they ceased to be poets. For example, he read the poems of Byron, who spoke of his melancholy, and immediately diagnosed: “he was just zatekstovye the blood due to insufficient removal of the bile from the body. If he has to clean the liver and blood, to prescribe anti-Pittaway diet, he would not have written about your melancholy”.
Restructuring your life according to the rules of Ayurveda is very sobering and lets actually look at the material reality and the physical body, look at the material body and its frailty. Ayurveda describes in detail what is happening in this conglomeration of mucus, bile and air, which we call “I”. Comes the understanding that “I” is something different. And here begins the search for yourself – probably the most entertaining lesson in this world.
Source: aayurveda.ca/basics/ayurveda-the advantage/#more-103