Thyroid diseases: psychological causes of their occurrence
This group includes diseases that lead to pathological changes in the normal size, structure and function of one of the most important endocrine organs - the thyroid gland, causing at the beginning deviations in homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment of the body) and metabolic disorders. Then - to the emergence of organic and even irreversible lesions of all vital organs and tissues of our body. And in the absence of proper treatment - to the inevitable occurrence of death.
The thyroid gland located on the front surface of the neck has a weight of 20 to 40 g. It is the organ that has the strongest blood supply, several times the blood supply to the liver and kidneys. It absorbs 99.99% of all iodine entering the body and synthesizes three hormones - triiodothyronine (T3), tetraiodothyronine or thyroxine (T4) and thyrocalcitonin. Its function is controlled at the level of the physical body by the pituitary thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), at the level of the energy-informational body - visudha chakra, and at the level of the psyche - by creative intelligence.
Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) during the growth period of the body stimulate the development of all organs and tissues of the body. The gray matter of the brain is especially sensitive to them, and with their deficiency, the child lags behind in development and may even become weak-minded. These hormones also support the work of the respiratory and vaso-motor centers of the medulla, the sinus node of the heart.
They stimulate the activity of the immune system and all antitoxic and antioxidant systems of the body. Without their help, most body hormones, bone marrow, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines and kidneys cannot function.
In the case of tissue damage, they stimulate their regeneration factors. Especially important role is played by thyroxine, which is produced several times more than triiodothyronine. In order to create a depot (sufficient supply), the thyroid gland synthesizes much more thyroxine than our body needs. Therefore, the liver synthesizes special transport proteins (thyroxine-binding albumin and globulin), which neutralize its physiological effect. To meet the needs of the body, a free content of thyroxine in the blood plasma is necessary - 0.04%. If necessary, the liver breaks down transport proteins and increases levels of free thyroxine.
Another thyroid hormone, thyrocalcitonin, affects the absorption of connective tissue (bone, cartilage, ligaments, hair, nails, skin and interstitial tissue) of calcium and other necessary microelements involved in its metabolism.
Modern medicine distinguishes mainly five types of chronic thyroid diseases Endemic goiter, sporadic goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis, Basedova disease and Graves disease. According to the prevalence, among the so-called “diseases of civilization”, various forms of thyroid pathology occupy the seventh place. And while it is currently rare to directly die from thyroid disease, the consequences that result from its dysfunction can be catastrophic for various vital organs. Among women, thyroid damage occurs 10-12 times more often than in men.
Ayurveda believes that regardless of external causes, the basis of most of these pathologies is an energetic weakening or blocking of the visudha chakra.
The Nature of Vishudha Chakra
Vishudha chakra is an energy-informational sphere projected in the area of the cervical spine. It has the shape of an ellipse directed from the bottom up, from the VII cervical vertebra, at an angle of 30-35 degrees to the chin. In general, its size can range from 5-7 cm to 25 cm depending on the degree of development of creative intelligence.
Vishudha Chakra, together with Anahata, Ajna and Sahasrara, belongs to the sphere of manifestation of buddhic consciousness (intellect) and is responsible for the harmonization of man in his inner and outer manifestation.
The energy captured by the senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste) causes ambiguous sensations in our mind (manas), perceived as pleasant, unpleasant or indifferent. Next, the mind (subconscious sphere) forces the physical body to find objects of sense pleasant for it in order to re-experience the pleasures received.
To do this, he creates the corresponding elementals (thought images) born at the level of the manipura chakra, fills them with the energy of shakti stored in the svadhisthana and projects them into space. Elementals find the desired objects of sense and, like a magnet, attract our body to them.
Very often we do not even realize how it happens. People with insufficient intelligence are constantly in this stream. However, manas (mind) is not interested in the consequences of such pleasures, for our body, for the people around us and other living beings, for the planet, and finally for our spiritual evolution. This leads not only to premature destruction of the body and the emergence of various chronic diseases, but also to numerous sufferings that we unwittingly cause others, violation of the ecology of the planet and spiritual impasse in our own development.
The Vishudha Chakra associated with the intellect controls the elementals created by the mind in accordance with the laws of harmony of the universe. Although the senses are always attracted to the objects of the senses like an iron and a magnet, and the mind immediately receives the corresponding information, nevertheless, with the help of our intellect we can destroy the negative elementals produced by the manipura.
Vishudha Chakra is connected on the subtle plane with the goddess of harmony and beauty Sarasvati. In fact, this chakra is the place of manifestation of its consciousness in our body. Therefore, information about the laws of harmony of the universe is recorded at the level of vishudhi. If a person develops this energy information center, he gets the ability to distinguish between favorable and unfavorable objects of feelings, as well as ways to achieve them.
Then his speech becomes soft, beautiful and even poetic, the manners of behavior are aristocratic, the taste is refined, both in food and in clothes, the ability to organize the surrounding spaces is fantastic. People who are in the higher stages of spiritual evolution usually have these qualities from birth.
It is believed that the Vishudha Chakra is well developed among talented artists, composers, musicians, poets, writers, designers, actors, directors, singers and speakers. However, this is not always the case. In life, we often see people of these professions leading a completely inharmonious lifestyle and writing music or books, not only devoid of taste, but sometimes destroying people’s minds.
Why is this happening? The point is that our principal centers of the etheric body (marma-granthi) must be revealed more evenly and work in harmony with each other. But in practice, this is only found among people of a very high spiritual plane. Most have a dominant one, two or three chakras. People of creative professions mainly developed svadhisthana and vishudha (sometimes it is combined with either manipura, Anahata, or Sahasrara).
Usually these people have a very strong astral plane (the world of senses) due to the developed svadhisthana. However, they do not allow the mind to create an infinite number of elementals by literally de-energizing them. Every elemental requires a certain amount of Shakti energy for its existence.
This can be compared to a car that can only travel with fuel. Therefore, the elementals are “fueled” by the energy of shakti and then begin to program space and time. However, with developed vishudha, a person takes the energy of shakti, directed into the elemental by the mind, and uses it for creative purposes.
In addition, all talented artists, poets, composers and other people of art have the ability to spill their emotional experiences, even negative ones, into a certain material form - a picture, music, sculpture, an image created on stage or poems. In doing so, they simply transform the elementals created by the mind and animate them in a new, visible form with the help of Shakti energy.
Moreover, they are able to harmonize even negative thought images. Therefore, when we look at the works of genius of the masters or hear their music or poetry, we admire and get joy, because we are in touch with the law of harmony of the universe.
However, if a person is not very developed visudha, and more dominated by the influence of the manipura chakra, he will inevitably have only greater ambitions for the ability to create. In practice, this will not look the best.
For example, now we see a huge number of books that so-called “writers” create in a month, without putting their soul, true knowledge, or sufficient creative energy into it. Their usual motivations are desires for fame and money. After reading such a book, people are not satisfied and quickly forget the plot. And if this book represents science or philosophy, then it is not just information garbage, but also an object dangerous to our consciousness.
The Vishudha Chakra is physically related to the thyroid and parathyroid glands., as well as with some parts of the pituitary gland, thalamus and cerebral cortex. On the energy-informational one, mainly with sahasrara chakra and svadhisthana chakra, with vayu-marma (the tuning center of the respiratory system) and brahmi-marma (the tuning center of the brain). At the level of the psyche – with creative intelligence, mind (manas) and feelings (indria). Together with vayu-marma and brahmi-marma, it controls the second signaling system.
Causes and pathogenesis of various thyroid diseases
Karmic and psychological causes
In all cases of thyroid diseases, it is necessary to identify the “subtle” causes of their occurrence, associated with certain negative stereotypes of personality behavior. There are undoubtedly diseases arising from purely external causes, such as endemic goiter. But their treatment is usually not difficult, unless the developed complications have not yet had time to cause serious organic damage to the internal organs.
However, according to our observations, at least 70% of patients with thyroid pathology were able to identify “subtle” causes, usually coming from past incarnations or inherited from their ancestors negative character stereotypes, often along the maternal line. Perhaps, even without any karmic predispositions, the disease affected the thyroid gland, because man has been very successful in destroying the harmony of his inner world and the surrounding space.
From the point of view of Ayurveda, in most cases, the “subtle” causes of various thyroid diseases are at best not desire, inability and indifference to create internal and external harmony, but at worst – to the unconscious or conscious destruction of the already existing harmony. As a rule, these causes are interrelated, and the first inevitably pass into subsequent ones.
Why most often thyroid pathology occurs in women? Because their primary dharma (human duty) is to harmonize themselves, their husband, their children, and their surroundings. A woman must always, regardless of age, look beautiful. To do this, she must carefully monitor her body, regularly engaged in restorative exercises, breathing practices, cleansing and correcting the work of all organs and tissues, using natural cosmetics, herbal remedies and minerals.
She should have excellent taste in clothes, in the use of perfumes and various jewelry. Seeing a woman, a man should get aesthetic pleasure. A soft smile, calm and friendly speech, inner charm should always accompany a woman.
At the same time, she should not provoke sexual desires in men, except her husband. It is a great art to learn such communication with the opposite sex. It is very destructive for men to look upon women who are not their wives as objects of their adoration and passion. The righteousness of men often depends on the behavior of women around them.
Only a woman can perfectly create harmony in the interior of her apartment, house or place of work. She can teach good manners of behavior of her children and constantly, regardless of life trials, maintain the emotional balance of her husband.
Healthy diet and lifestyle of family members largely depends on the woman. Her example and behavior should inspire her loved ones for spiritual development. Peace, inner and outer purity, order and balance are created by women.published
Igor Ivanovich Vetrov
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: www.facebook.com/vetrovayurveda/posts/615045428668828

The thyroid gland located on the front surface of the neck has a weight of 20 to 40 g. It is the organ that has the strongest blood supply, several times the blood supply to the liver and kidneys. It absorbs 99.99% of all iodine entering the body and synthesizes three hormones - triiodothyronine (T3), tetraiodothyronine or thyroxine (T4) and thyrocalcitonin. Its function is controlled at the level of the physical body by the pituitary thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), at the level of the energy-informational body - visudha chakra, and at the level of the psyche - by creative intelligence.
Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) during the growth period of the body stimulate the development of all organs and tissues of the body. The gray matter of the brain is especially sensitive to them, and with their deficiency, the child lags behind in development and may even become weak-minded. These hormones also support the work of the respiratory and vaso-motor centers of the medulla, the sinus node of the heart.
They stimulate the activity of the immune system and all antitoxic and antioxidant systems of the body. Without their help, most body hormones, bone marrow, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines and kidneys cannot function.
In the case of tissue damage, they stimulate their regeneration factors. Especially important role is played by thyroxine, which is produced several times more than triiodothyronine. In order to create a depot (sufficient supply), the thyroid gland synthesizes much more thyroxine than our body needs. Therefore, the liver synthesizes special transport proteins (thyroxine-binding albumin and globulin), which neutralize its physiological effect. To meet the needs of the body, a free content of thyroxine in the blood plasma is necessary - 0.04%. If necessary, the liver breaks down transport proteins and increases levels of free thyroxine.
Another thyroid hormone, thyrocalcitonin, affects the absorption of connective tissue (bone, cartilage, ligaments, hair, nails, skin and interstitial tissue) of calcium and other necessary microelements involved in its metabolism.
Modern medicine distinguishes mainly five types of chronic thyroid diseases Endemic goiter, sporadic goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis, Basedova disease and Graves disease. According to the prevalence, among the so-called “diseases of civilization”, various forms of thyroid pathology occupy the seventh place. And while it is currently rare to directly die from thyroid disease, the consequences that result from its dysfunction can be catastrophic for various vital organs. Among women, thyroid damage occurs 10-12 times more often than in men.
Ayurveda believes that regardless of external causes, the basis of most of these pathologies is an energetic weakening or blocking of the visudha chakra.

The Nature of Vishudha Chakra
Vishudha chakra is an energy-informational sphere projected in the area of the cervical spine. It has the shape of an ellipse directed from the bottom up, from the VII cervical vertebra, at an angle of 30-35 degrees to the chin. In general, its size can range from 5-7 cm to 25 cm depending on the degree of development of creative intelligence.
Vishudha Chakra, together with Anahata, Ajna and Sahasrara, belongs to the sphere of manifestation of buddhic consciousness (intellect) and is responsible for the harmonization of man in his inner and outer manifestation.
The energy captured by the senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste) causes ambiguous sensations in our mind (manas), perceived as pleasant, unpleasant or indifferent. Next, the mind (subconscious sphere) forces the physical body to find objects of sense pleasant for it in order to re-experience the pleasures received.
To do this, he creates the corresponding elementals (thought images) born at the level of the manipura chakra, fills them with the energy of shakti stored in the svadhisthana and projects them into space. Elementals find the desired objects of sense and, like a magnet, attract our body to them.
Very often we do not even realize how it happens. People with insufficient intelligence are constantly in this stream. However, manas (mind) is not interested in the consequences of such pleasures, for our body, for the people around us and other living beings, for the planet, and finally for our spiritual evolution. This leads not only to premature destruction of the body and the emergence of various chronic diseases, but also to numerous sufferings that we unwittingly cause others, violation of the ecology of the planet and spiritual impasse in our own development.
The Vishudha Chakra associated with the intellect controls the elementals created by the mind in accordance with the laws of harmony of the universe. Although the senses are always attracted to the objects of the senses like an iron and a magnet, and the mind immediately receives the corresponding information, nevertheless, with the help of our intellect we can destroy the negative elementals produced by the manipura.
Vishudha Chakra is connected on the subtle plane with the goddess of harmony and beauty Sarasvati. In fact, this chakra is the place of manifestation of its consciousness in our body. Therefore, information about the laws of harmony of the universe is recorded at the level of vishudhi. If a person develops this energy information center, he gets the ability to distinguish between favorable and unfavorable objects of feelings, as well as ways to achieve them.
Then his speech becomes soft, beautiful and even poetic, the manners of behavior are aristocratic, the taste is refined, both in food and in clothes, the ability to organize the surrounding spaces is fantastic. People who are in the higher stages of spiritual evolution usually have these qualities from birth.
It is believed that the Vishudha Chakra is well developed among talented artists, composers, musicians, poets, writers, designers, actors, directors, singers and speakers. However, this is not always the case. In life, we often see people of these professions leading a completely inharmonious lifestyle and writing music or books, not only devoid of taste, but sometimes destroying people’s minds.
Why is this happening? The point is that our principal centers of the etheric body (marma-granthi) must be revealed more evenly and work in harmony with each other. But in practice, this is only found among people of a very high spiritual plane. Most have a dominant one, two or three chakras. People of creative professions mainly developed svadhisthana and vishudha (sometimes it is combined with either manipura, Anahata, or Sahasrara).
Usually these people have a very strong astral plane (the world of senses) due to the developed svadhisthana. However, they do not allow the mind to create an infinite number of elementals by literally de-energizing them. Every elemental requires a certain amount of Shakti energy for its existence.
This can be compared to a car that can only travel with fuel. Therefore, the elementals are “fueled” by the energy of shakti and then begin to program space and time. However, with developed vishudha, a person takes the energy of shakti, directed into the elemental by the mind, and uses it for creative purposes.
In addition, all talented artists, poets, composers and other people of art have the ability to spill their emotional experiences, even negative ones, into a certain material form - a picture, music, sculpture, an image created on stage or poems. In doing so, they simply transform the elementals created by the mind and animate them in a new, visible form with the help of Shakti energy.
Moreover, they are able to harmonize even negative thought images. Therefore, when we look at the works of genius of the masters or hear their music or poetry, we admire and get joy, because we are in touch with the law of harmony of the universe.
However, if a person is not very developed visudha, and more dominated by the influence of the manipura chakra, he will inevitably have only greater ambitions for the ability to create. In practice, this will not look the best.
For example, now we see a huge number of books that so-called “writers” create in a month, without putting their soul, true knowledge, or sufficient creative energy into it. Their usual motivations are desires for fame and money. After reading such a book, people are not satisfied and quickly forget the plot. And if this book represents science or philosophy, then it is not just information garbage, but also an object dangerous to our consciousness.
The Vishudha Chakra is physically related to the thyroid and parathyroid glands., as well as with some parts of the pituitary gland, thalamus and cerebral cortex. On the energy-informational one, mainly with sahasrara chakra and svadhisthana chakra, with vayu-marma (the tuning center of the respiratory system) and brahmi-marma (the tuning center of the brain). At the level of the psyche – with creative intelligence, mind (manas) and feelings (indria). Together with vayu-marma and brahmi-marma, it controls the second signaling system.
Causes and pathogenesis of various thyroid diseases
Karmic and psychological causes
In all cases of thyroid diseases, it is necessary to identify the “subtle” causes of their occurrence, associated with certain negative stereotypes of personality behavior. There are undoubtedly diseases arising from purely external causes, such as endemic goiter. But their treatment is usually not difficult, unless the developed complications have not yet had time to cause serious organic damage to the internal organs.
However, according to our observations, at least 70% of patients with thyroid pathology were able to identify “subtle” causes, usually coming from past incarnations or inherited from their ancestors negative character stereotypes, often along the maternal line. Perhaps, even without any karmic predispositions, the disease affected the thyroid gland, because man has been very successful in destroying the harmony of his inner world and the surrounding space.
From the point of view of Ayurveda, in most cases, the “subtle” causes of various thyroid diseases are at best not desire, inability and indifference to create internal and external harmony, but at worst – to the unconscious or conscious destruction of the already existing harmony. As a rule, these causes are interrelated, and the first inevitably pass into subsequent ones.
Why most often thyroid pathology occurs in women? Because their primary dharma (human duty) is to harmonize themselves, their husband, their children, and their surroundings. A woman must always, regardless of age, look beautiful. To do this, she must carefully monitor her body, regularly engaged in restorative exercises, breathing practices, cleansing and correcting the work of all organs and tissues, using natural cosmetics, herbal remedies and minerals.
She should have excellent taste in clothes, in the use of perfumes and various jewelry. Seeing a woman, a man should get aesthetic pleasure. A soft smile, calm and friendly speech, inner charm should always accompany a woman.
At the same time, she should not provoke sexual desires in men, except her husband. It is a great art to learn such communication with the opposite sex. It is very destructive for men to look upon women who are not their wives as objects of their adoration and passion. The righteousness of men often depends on the behavior of women around them.
Only a woman can perfectly create harmony in the interior of her apartment, house or place of work. She can teach good manners of behavior of her children and constantly, regardless of life trials, maintain the emotional balance of her husband.
Healthy diet and lifestyle of family members largely depends on the woman. Her example and behavior should inspire her loved ones for spiritual development. Peace, inner and outer purity, order and balance are created by women.published
Igor Ivanovich Vetrov
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: www.facebook.com/vetrovayurveda/posts/615045428668828