Chakra - one of the symbols of Eastern philosophy, money - one of the symbols of Western thought. We can say that the chakras - are aspects of spiritual development of man, and the money - it is an aspect of the material world of man. As far as these two aspects of human life are far, just as they are similar. If the chakras - the energy centers is a man and bearing power of certain qualities, the money - this is the material equivalent of energy. And in the case of the chakras, in the case of money anywhere in the first place there is the energy.
There is the required amount of energy chakras - have the ability and skills, there are good spirits and health when the energy is too much or too little "there" distortions and problems. Small or large cash flow also creates problems and difficulties. What can we find a lot of examples. For example, the case of a man who has won 13 million in America, or the situation with our pensioners whose pensions are barely enough to pay the "debt" to the state. It is important to have just the right amount of energy, which you can dispose of, or, in other words, to manage. Well, of course good, when our energy potential is gradually increasing.
For you, probably no secret that the quality of a person's character and his achievements are linked directly. Or, as the proverb says: "The thickness of your wallet depends on the level of your development." In other words, the level of development of the chakras depends on the level of your financial prosperity. So how do the chakras are connected with the money?
* Leading chakra - this is the chakra abilities and skills which are prevalent in the astral and mental body of man.
Let's start with Ajna - Chakra located in the area (zone) of the head. A well-developed or leading * Ajna is the ability of man to count financial schemes, see opportunities to make money on the whole, clearly see the details of the transactions and their possible consequences. At the same chakra and ability for comprehensive understanding of the financial circuits and possible pitfalls in the process of their implementation.
People with well-developed ajna easily see new prospects for making money, multi-step options scroll money, can find the most lucrative circuit multiplication equipment. But, unfortunately, strong Ajna chakra others with weak inactivity. That is, he knows all about the money, but does nothing to ensure that this knowledge is to bring to life. The frequent manifestation in the life of these people theorists - is teaching financial literacy.
Vishuddha - a chakra located in the throat. Developed vishudha manifested in the ability to be holistic, harmonious and self-sufficient person. A person with a leading vishudha characterized by a creative approach to any situation. They tend to direct their attention to the improvement of existing ideas or material assets and create new and find the best solution in every situation. They are characterized by solemnity, originality, sophistication and originality. Well developed vishudha manifested in qualities such as aristocracy, artistic taste, creative fulfillment in art and science. It is a pity that these qualities directly nothing to do with money. Of course, creative people can be very creative to spend money. If they wish to do everything perfectly, then to not be ashamed to show results to others and to see the work, not to mention the cases have neither the time nor the energy.
Anahata - a chakra located in the heart.
People with leading anahata the first place is ethics, including in financial matters. And if a method or means to make money, in their opinion, are not ethical, they usually give up the money (as opposed to people with leading Manipur, for which the end justifies the means). Such people usually say: "Life." The decisions are based on the sensory perception of events. And it is easy to part with money for the sake of well-being, however, mainly other people. Such people are usually a lot of debtors who do not require a refund because they disturb people uncomfortable such "trifles».
Manipura - a chakra located in the press. A well-developed, Manipur is manifested in the ability to be persistent, persistent and active, especially in matters of money. In fact, the main qualities that contribute to making money, are found in the Manipur. Man with leading or well-developed manipura can get money out of thin air. It - bodied, enterprising, persevering people to achieve the goal, strong and confident in their abilities. They often live on the principle of "everybody loves a winner." And the achievement of any cost to them as typical. And so Manipur facilitates the flow of a lot of money.
Svadhisthana - a chakra located in the groin area. Svadhisthana characterized by the following traits: Happy, unmotivated activity, lack of facilities, a positive view of the world, the spontaneity. People who have this chakra is a leading, active life position inherent, emotional and sensual emancipation, open attitude to the world and all-conquering love of pleasure. These qualities are key to spending money. It is because of these qualities, people are living beyond their means, wanting everything at once, "suddenly" discover that living in debt, they tend to gain an inordinate number of credits down every cent. Why think about tomorrow when today so well. But they, as no one can enjoy the money. It is a pity that they have the money do not stay.
Muladhara - a chakra located in the coccyx. Mula characterized by the ability to adapt to the outside world, the ability to survive in difficult situations, dedication, patience, including in matters of money. For people who have this chakra is a leading, characterized by a gradual and methodical, including in financial matters, plus the practicality and thoroughness in investing money as their own and not only. These people know how to patiently accumulate, very reluctant to spend money, often become masters of business millionaires.
Sahasrara - a chakra is above the head, promotes communication with the cosmos, nature, or God. If a person has a well-developed Sahasrara, he clearly understands the desire of nature, including in financial matters, with the result that the money he will always be. While he will realize what he recommends Nature. And best of all, he does not need to think about where to get the money. However, they are often the most part, mediate the money flows.
In sum, we can say that only people with the leading manipura hundred percent focused on the process of making money, or a lot of money, including any cost.
When leading muladhara people can reliably save and multiply money patiently as his and not only.
And with leading ajna people more focused on the in-depth knowledge of financial issues, rather than on the practical application of this knowledge.
The rest of the chakras are in most cases "prefer" to spend money on themselves, other people or ideas. Vishuddha - the beauty, Anahata - gifts and help others, SWADHISTAN on the fun. Almost all successful people are financially well-developed and balanced three chakras: Manipur, muladhara, Ajna. Or have the people on their team with leading chakras.
Odna of the best parables of Solomon, which brought together all the wisdom of the world.
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