Treatment trigeminal folk remedies

Trigeminal nerve is a pair of branched nerve passing on both sides of the face. Three branches of this nerve are responsible for the sensitivity on the face. Upper branch is responsible for the forehead, eyebrow, upper eyelid, eyes. Secondary over lower eyelid, nose, cheek, upper jaw. Lower – the lower jaw and some of the chewing muscles.
During inflammation of the trigeminal nerve pain, nervous twitching, atrophy of facial muscles, blanching or redness of the skin and other symptoms. If You notice such symptoms, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor who will prescribe medication. And the treatment of the trigeminal nerve folk remedies used as an auxiliary, in the initial stages of the disease or a few cases and as prevention.
Trigeminal neuralgia can occur for various reasons. This disease can be both separate and occur as a result of complications from other diseases. But mostly arise from various infections, stress, fatigue, hypothermia, injuries that affect the face area.
The first thing you need to do quickly is to remove the terrible pain. Does well juice of black radish. Squeeze some juice, soak a cotton wool in it and RUB into the pain location, and in the course of the trigeminal nerve. By the way, this method helps with sciatica and even with intercostal neuralgia.
The same effect has such a popular tool like fir oil, but it also treats inflammation of the trigeminal facial nerve. Soak a cotton wool in the oil and in the same way as in the case of radish juice, RUB along the nerve, but not too intensely, because you can get burned. This procedure is recommended to be done up to 6 times per day for 3 days.
I once wrote an article about the three medical bags that have to be in every home. Read it – there are very helpful people. So, take the first bag, salt warmed in a frying pan, place back in the bag and apply to the sore spot on his face. Too bad relieves pain.
About the same has the effect of warming up the nerve hot boiled egg. But unlike the treatment of rhinitis, when we heat sinuses the crude egg, it should be cleaned, cut in half and attach to the sore spot cut to the skin. How do You wish to heat the pouch or the egg — You decide. In either case, the result is the same.
If the pain affected the gums and teeth, it helps such a good folk remedy — chamomile infusion. 1 h spoon of chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water, allow about 10 minutes to infuse, strain. Then type at the mouth of the infusion, an acceptable temperature (the hotter it is, the better) and rinse to cool, then swallow. Rinse until the liquid end. You can do several times a day.
The popular treatment trigeminal Treatment zastuzheny of the trigeminal nerve, has a whole set of activities:
it is necessary to warm your feet in a basin of hot water every evening at bedtime;
take morning and evening for 1 h spoon of flower pollen and the tablet of vitamin B;
smear the Vietnamese asterisk all the problem areas of the trigeminal nerve, also 2 times a day;
at night you can drink hot tea with honey and any soothing grass (lemon balm, chamomile, motherwort, etc.) and sleep in a rabbit hat with earflaps.
If You are growing at home this medicinal plant as a geranium, you should undergo treatment. Tear a leaf and simply apply to the sore spot and fix. Walk with him for a few hours. It is recommended to carry out this procedure twice a day. Very good relieves the pain.
Tinctures to treat trigeminal nerve To folk remedies of treatment of the trigeminal nerve are tinctures, which are made at home.
Tincture of hops fruit hops filled with vodka at the rate of 1 to 4 by weight of raw insist 2 weeks, shaking the bottle daily. This tincture drink 10 drops 2 – 3 times a day after meals, diluting with water. As a sedative and hypnotic action, hop cones stuffed pillow.
Garlic oil To the folk methods of treatment of the trigeminal nerve include garlic oil treatment that is sold in pharmacies. So the essential oil does not escape, because it makes alcohol tincture. 1 h tablespoon of oil stirred into a glass of vodka and this mixture RUB the forehead and temples 2 times a day, a few days prior to the termination of seizures.
Tincture of roots of marshmallow are Very good folk remedy and is also very easy. 4 teaspoons marshmallow root filled with the morning Cup of cold boiled water. In the evening before bed, soak a piece of gauze in the infusion and apply to problem areas in the course of the trigeminal nerve. On top of impose cellophane and wrap something warm. After an hour or two a compress, remove, cover face with a handkerchief and go to sleep. Usually enough weeks of compresses to the pain stopped.
Tincture of duckweed For removing edema neurological origin applies tincture of duckweed on vodka. But for it You need to have duckweed, which is harvested in the summer. One tablespoon of duckweed poured a glass of vodka and insist week in a dark place. Then carefully filtered several times. To take to relieve swelling 20 drops diluted in 50 ml of water 3 times a day to get a result.
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