Amazing walking trees of lake Baikal

Baikal has always been interesting for its natural treasures. This includes walking or and famous stilted trees: pines and larch. They have become the symbol of lake Baikal.
To see them, along with other attractions of this region, tourists flock from all corners of the earth. The phenomenon of trees on stilts unique to this climate zone. Typically, roots-legs have tropical plants, including trees.
Stilt roots have formed for additional support of the plant. They hold it in muddy or sandy soil, helping trees, for example, to withstand the onslaught of the sea tide, lifting them above the waves. These tropical trees, the formation of stilt roots genetically. Their young plants appear with the ability to form such roots.
Pines and larches tend not to have stilted roots. And observe this phenomenon on the lake all the more surprising.
The formation of similar roots of the Baikal trees is not due to genes. Purchased this fixture existence in the environment. Pines and larch trees with roots-stilts on sandy soil near the village of Turka, on the island of Olkhon and in Sandy Bay. Constant strong winds blowing in these places of lake Baikal, has exposed the roots of these trees, blowing from under their sand. Like a jewel their trunks held above the ground multiple bizarre roots-feet. Looking at some of them, it seems that the trees are going somewhere.

Source: www.ecology.md/section.php?section=fsociety&id=13809#.VNxdErCsWnE