Baikal ice
Lake Baikal - the lake of tectonic origin in the southern part of Eastern Siberia, the deepest lake on the planet Earth (maximum depth 1642 m), the largest natural reservoir of fresh water. More than half of the year the lake is frozen, freeze-up period of January 15 - May 1, shipping is carried out from June to September. Local residents and many people in Russia traditionally call Baikal Sea.
Water reserves in Baikal giant - 23615, 390 cu km (about 19% of the world's fresh water - all freshwater lakes in the world contains 123 thousand. Cu km of water). By volume of water reserves Baikal ranks second among the world's lakes, second only to the Caspian Sea, but in the Caspian Sea water is salty. In Baikal water more than all put together the five Great Lakes and 25 times greater than in Lake Ladoga.
21 great photos of winter Baikal from Ilya Varlamov
View of Lake Baikal from the village Kultuk right ogli Slyudyanka.
From the lake follows only one river - Angara. Istok Angara never covered by ice flowing from the lake water has a temperature of about 2 degrees year-round.
It seems that here the heat, in fact, this is the coolest place I have visited. Strong winds, -30 degrees, even frightening to remember.
From a couple of trees on the shore covered with ice.
By the end of winter the thickness of ice on Lake Baikal up to 1 m, and in the bays - 1, 5-2 m. With a strong frost cracks that have the local name "becomes a gap" break the ice in the individual fields. The length of these cracks - 10-30 km, and width - 2-3 m. Gaps occur each year around the same areas of the lake. They are accompanied by a loud bang resembling thunder or shots from guns. The man standing on the ice, it seems that the ice cover breaks just under his feet and he is now plunge into the abyss.
Through the cracks in the ice fish in the lake does not die from lack of oxygen. Baikal ice, moreover, is very transparent, and through it to penetrate the sun's rays, so the water booming planktonic algae that produce oxygen. On the banks of the lake can be seen in winter ice caves and spatter.
The gap becomes very fond of cars to fall. The fact is that sometimes sweeps the snow, and motorists happily drown in the deep lake.
Locals say that the earlier children ice skating in the riding school.
Baikal ice scientist presents many mysteries. For example, in the 1930s, experts Baikal Limnological Station found unusual forms of ice that are unique to Baikal. For example, "hill" - conical hills ice up to 6 meters, hollow inside. Appearance they resemble ice tents, "open" to the opposite side from the shore. The hills can be arranged individually and sometimes form a miniature "mountain ranges". Also on the Baikal there is another type of ice called "sokuy."
Clean and clear water of Lake Baikal contains so little mineral salt (100 mg / L) that can be used instead of distilled.
Water reserves in Baikal giant - 23615, 390 cu km (about 19% of the world's fresh water - all freshwater lakes in the world contains 123 thousand. Cu km of water). By volume of water reserves Baikal ranks second among the world's lakes, second only to the Caspian Sea, but in the Caspian Sea water is salty. In Baikal water more than all put together the five Great Lakes and 25 times greater than in Lake Ladoga.
21 great photos of winter Baikal from Ilya Varlamov
View of Lake Baikal from the village Kultuk right ogli Slyudyanka.

From the lake follows only one river - Angara. Istok Angara never covered by ice flowing from the lake water has a temperature of about 2 degrees year-round.



It seems that here the heat, in fact, this is the coolest place I have visited. Strong winds, -30 degrees, even frightening to remember.

From a couple of trees on the shore covered with ice.

By the end of winter the thickness of ice on Lake Baikal up to 1 m, and in the bays - 1, 5-2 m. With a strong frost cracks that have the local name "becomes a gap" break the ice in the individual fields. The length of these cracks - 10-30 km, and width - 2-3 m. Gaps occur each year around the same areas of the lake. They are accompanied by a loud bang resembling thunder or shots from guns. The man standing on the ice, it seems that the ice cover breaks just under his feet and he is now plunge into the abyss.

Through the cracks in the ice fish in the lake does not die from lack of oxygen. Baikal ice, moreover, is very transparent, and through it to penetrate the sun's rays, so the water booming planktonic algae that produce oxygen. On the banks of the lake can be seen in winter ice caves and spatter.

The gap becomes very fond of cars to fall. The fact is that sometimes sweeps the snow, and motorists happily drown in the deep lake.


Locals say that the earlier children ice skating in the riding school.


Baikal ice scientist presents many mysteries. For example, in the 1930s, experts Baikal Limnological Station found unusual forms of ice that are unique to Baikal. For example, "hill" - conical hills ice up to 6 meters, hollow inside. Appearance they resemble ice tents, "open" to the opposite side from the shore. The hills can be arranged individually and sometimes form a miniature "mountain ranges". Also on the Baikal there is another type of ice called "sokuy."



Clean and clear water of Lake Baikal contains so little mineral salt (100 mg / L) that can be used instead of distilled.




