A journey to lake Baikal. Part 5
A continued trip to lake Baikal.
Read the previous part of the journey:
A journey to lake Baikal. part 1
A journey to lake Baikal. part 2
A journey to lake Baikal. part 3
A journey to lake Baikal. part 4
Fear and Passion – the bridges development
Passion and fear are very similar fill the body with vibrations. And although the mind is much different things, the body is almost the same. Alpha and omega sex and death.
As for the casual observer, unrestrained laughter and desperate crying look almost identical. So here, to consider the test for the mind, certainly not less delicious than to consider the mind temptations for the body.
The idea float away in the night with strange men like me and the Shaman. But she said that swimming would not. I don't ask her why. Later she will say that I could not let my friend alone in this "gamble", and the idea of a good ride night on lake Baikal, it is also very Manila.
We took the face from a fire and was stunned by the view of the lake. It was Smoking, as Smoking would be burning grass. It was a low mist over the water, illuminated by the full moon. He moved the white veil, which shoot water surface. The fog was lifting in the silhouettes, and they tried to go ashore to our fire. It was like the scenery of some of the Lord of the Rings. It was obvious in this action that “the Creator to surpass”. Whatever is invented by man — all acts of plagiarism...
Motor boat cut low fog, drove the glowing wave under his veil, and we wrapped in a blanket, without a telephone, money and documents, with a deep sense of the correctness of what is happening, I sailed in the night. We sailed past the hologram taiga hills, turned the landscape illuminated by the cold bluish light of the moon.
The water in the font was very hot, hot enough that to enter it was only slowly and with frequent holotropic breathing. Pulse more frequent, and, it seemed, stirred the hair on his head. Breathing punctuated by interjections, and one could think that it's not water, and the people affect each other.
This background sound added to the pleasure of swimming and all cheered up, and not only temperature. I liked to be here in the company of wonderfully built men, and again, as it happens in the mountains, I am one woman among the best for many miles men. And I told them no and I especially like it because I can enjoy the moonlight reflecting on the beautiful bodies and it will not move, and no need to zoom or Vice versa defensively, to push back, it is nothing sexual and social role.
That is the beauty of freedom and fun in its pure form, which does not need to improve immediately to implement, or else have to use or assign. It is about the adequacy and completeness of the experience itself, space, the other in it. And most importantly, it's about the respect between these three elements of action.
Here appears the well-forgotten in social games people sacredness. Sanctification I call the Purity of that feeling don't want to break the stereotypical careless to this situation, "movement." As experienced these moments as a mystic or a magic self – sufficient in its aesthetic beauty.
After the return, the shaman will tell me that the senior approached the boat in which she sat and waited for us and told her sneak: "you're so Vain... you will not Ever relax, as your friend".
"Worried for her "well" — I thought — wow — what a thoughtful and warm..." This reliability, security, and the desire to do good was manifested in this one gesture. He, like most healthy men in this world, did not want to be feared...
We swam back. Now, after the body of the source, specifically felt the cold coming from the lake.
At the campfire, went back to the conversation and we discussed the point of our acquaintance. Oleg said, "You, Ukrainians, are strange people are against the law. Once one of your I asked the documents, and he told me: "You whites have the documents you ask? So I do the same thing!"
I tell him smiling, "It is, creativity. We respect Russia's southern people and the South people, the more there is emotional freedom, liberty and spontaneity".
Saying goodbye, Oleg, from which, felt like the "very man" of few words, suddenly spoke. Significantly, it was weighty on his every word and pause between them. Slowly, without formal courtesy, "alive", from their inner truth, imputing meanings to the words, said, "Thank you, and especially your leader — here he paused and in that pause read his own new decisions about your future, and added: - a Very unexpected... thank you!
And I, looking as fresh thoughts on their abilities displayed on his face, got up and handed him to shake my hand.
...Somehow, already eh! Already really wanted to know, looking forward, that there had come a couple of years, so it was a considerable pause, and a strong syllable from the silent, contemplative person with the energy of a born leader. Something called to him clearly and more clearly, that his name was for a long time. So called what will not give him peace until it does not merge with the realization of their dreams.
When they swam in the night mist, filled with new meanings, I thought just for the sake of this night in such strange circumstances to tell these young men about big mountains, it was necessary to arrive at Baikal. They just got here not what I expected. And that's good. That can expect to people? Only a repetition of past experience, own or someone else's, and perhaps even compare the pleasant past experience with the novelty of the unknown?
Past experience has its existence through comparisons and projections in memory will interfere with live new live points. But when the real draws us so strongly, eclipsing all analogy with the past, and we like losing ourselves on the fact we are at this point not to lose, and find.
And we lose your controlling and streamlining the mind, and find Themselves Alive, warm, moving, one that exists in us somewhere below the neck. The head in this action, with his "mind has nowhere to go!", begins to take place right 5th limb, whose function, like that of other limbs, to bring the owner to a place where he realizes its nature.
Morning wondrous beauty, the dawn mist over the river, now a brand new, illuminated pinkish tints of sunrise, was reminded that the fairy tale continues.
Shaman, waking, I saw right near him (and we slept on mats near the fire) bear trail. The trail is clearly imprinted with the pads and claws at the edge of the water, and while she was behind the camera, the trail was washed away.
Zasobiralis berries in abundance, we struck camp and sailed out of the Bay. Now you can slowly see banks, sand banks and suede hills illuminated by the afternoon sun. They have become your own in this space. How to become our own people, with whom we are emotionally volumetric met. When we managed to see them in joy and in sorrow, acquainted intimately with their light and dark side.published
To be continued...
Mount Kailash – the heart of the world, the earth's axis and the center of the Universe
Session instant getting rid of bad luck
Author: Natalia Walicka
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: valitskaya.com/wp/
Read the previous part of the journey:
A journey to lake Baikal. part 1
A journey to lake Baikal. part 2
A journey to lake Baikal. part 3
A journey to lake Baikal. part 4
Fear and Passion – the bridges development
Passion and fear are very similar fill the body with vibrations. And although the mind is much different things, the body is almost the same. Alpha and omega sex and death.
As for the casual observer, unrestrained laughter and desperate crying look almost identical. So here, to consider the test for the mind, certainly not less delicious than to consider the mind temptations for the body.

The idea float away in the night with strange men like me and the Shaman. But she said that swimming would not. I don't ask her why. Later she will say that I could not let my friend alone in this "gamble", and the idea of a good ride night on lake Baikal, it is also very Manila.
We took the face from a fire and was stunned by the view of the lake. It was Smoking, as Smoking would be burning grass. It was a low mist over the water, illuminated by the full moon. He moved the white veil, which shoot water surface. The fog was lifting in the silhouettes, and they tried to go ashore to our fire. It was like the scenery of some of the Lord of the Rings. It was obvious in this action that “the Creator to surpass”. Whatever is invented by man — all acts of plagiarism...
Motor boat cut low fog, drove the glowing wave under his veil, and we wrapped in a blanket, without a telephone, money and documents, with a deep sense of the correctness of what is happening, I sailed in the night. We sailed past the hologram taiga hills, turned the landscape illuminated by the cold bluish light of the moon.

The water in the font was very hot, hot enough that to enter it was only slowly and with frequent holotropic breathing. Pulse more frequent, and, it seemed, stirred the hair on his head. Breathing punctuated by interjections, and one could think that it's not water, and the people affect each other.
This background sound added to the pleasure of swimming and all cheered up, and not only temperature. I liked to be here in the company of wonderfully built men, and again, as it happens in the mountains, I am one woman among the best for many miles men. And I told them no and I especially like it because I can enjoy the moonlight reflecting on the beautiful bodies and it will not move, and no need to zoom or Vice versa defensively, to push back, it is nothing sexual and social role.
That is the beauty of freedom and fun in its pure form, which does not need to improve immediately to implement, or else have to use or assign. It is about the adequacy and completeness of the experience itself, space, the other in it. And most importantly, it's about the respect between these three elements of action.
Here appears the well-forgotten in social games people sacredness. Sanctification I call the Purity of that feeling don't want to break the stereotypical careless to this situation, "movement." As experienced these moments as a mystic or a magic self – sufficient in its aesthetic beauty.
After the return, the shaman will tell me that the senior approached the boat in which she sat and waited for us and told her sneak: "you're so Vain... you will not Ever relax, as your friend".
"Worried for her "well" — I thought — wow — what a thoughtful and warm..." This reliability, security, and the desire to do good was manifested in this one gesture. He, like most healthy men in this world, did not want to be feared...
We swam back. Now, after the body of the source, specifically felt the cold coming from the lake.

At the campfire, went back to the conversation and we discussed the point of our acquaintance. Oleg said, "You, Ukrainians, are strange people are against the law. Once one of your I asked the documents, and he told me: "You whites have the documents you ask? So I do the same thing!"
I tell him smiling, "It is, creativity. We respect Russia's southern people and the South people, the more there is emotional freedom, liberty and spontaneity".
Saying goodbye, Oleg, from which, felt like the "very man" of few words, suddenly spoke. Significantly, it was weighty on his every word and pause between them. Slowly, without formal courtesy, "alive", from their inner truth, imputing meanings to the words, said, "Thank you, and especially your leader — here he paused and in that pause read his own new decisions about your future, and added: - a Very unexpected... thank you!
And I, looking as fresh thoughts on their abilities displayed on his face, got up and handed him to shake my hand.
...Somehow, already eh! Already really wanted to know, looking forward, that there had come a couple of years, so it was a considerable pause, and a strong syllable from the silent, contemplative person with the energy of a born leader. Something called to him clearly and more clearly, that his name was for a long time. So called what will not give him peace until it does not merge with the realization of their dreams.
When they swam in the night mist, filled with new meanings, I thought just for the sake of this night in such strange circumstances to tell these young men about big mountains, it was necessary to arrive at Baikal. They just got here not what I expected. And that's good. That can expect to people? Only a repetition of past experience, own or someone else's, and perhaps even compare the pleasant past experience with the novelty of the unknown?
Past experience has its existence through comparisons and projections in memory will interfere with live new live points. But when the real draws us so strongly, eclipsing all analogy with the past, and we like losing ourselves on the fact we are at this point not to lose, and find.
And we lose your controlling and streamlining the mind, and find Themselves Alive, warm, moving, one that exists in us somewhere below the neck. The head in this action, with his "mind has nowhere to go!", begins to take place right 5th limb, whose function, like that of other limbs, to bring the owner to a place where he realizes its nature.
Morning wondrous beauty, the dawn mist over the river, now a brand new, illuminated pinkish tints of sunrise, was reminded that the fairy tale continues.

Shaman, waking, I saw right near him (and we slept on mats near the fire) bear trail. The trail is clearly imprinted with the pads and claws at the edge of the water, and while she was behind the camera, the trail was washed away.
Zasobiralis berries in abundance, we struck camp and sailed out of the Bay. Now you can slowly see banks, sand banks and suede hills illuminated by the afternoon sun. They have become your own in this space. How to become our own people, with whom we are emotionally volumetric met. When we managed to see them in joy and in sorrow, acquainted intimately with their light and dark side.published
To be continued...
Mount Kailash – the heart of the world, the earth's axis and the center of the Universe
Session instant getting rid of bad luck
Author: Natalia Walicka
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: valitskaya.com/wp/