8 interesting ceremonies and traditions of the English schools
Britain is a country anxious to maintain the traditions rooted in the deep past. A separate "niche" in a host of traditional rituals is the ceremony of the English schools, which is considered to be the "cradle" of many prominent historical figures: Winston Churchill, Damian Lewis and enlightened personages of the British Royal house.
If you are dedicated to quality secondary education and wish to use study abroad, this article will help you to understand the traditions of the most famous schools in the UK.
1. Eton College.
History popular and exciting game called "Eton pristenok" (wallgame), one of the most famous of the ancient rituals of the English private schools, has more than a hundred years. The essence of the game described in the mid-18th century, is the active movement of two groups of players, consisting of scholars and ordinary students, respectively, on a strip of land five-meter width.
This band is called "furrow" (furrow) and is located along the top wall of the College. The main aim of the competition is holding the ball to the opposite end of the aforesaid wall without the use of hands and scoring a goal. It is worth noting that, despite the undoubted comicalest and complexity of the tradition, this fun, usually held on 30 November, still has not lost its relevance.
2. Harrow.
A special love of British schools for singing is embodied in the creation of their own unique anthems. Harrow is no exception and even introduced a new fashion in the vocal art. The fact that in addition to the national anthem in the walls of the school performed a lot of original works, timed to any festive also to the average case.
Students sing at picnics and meetings, in meetings of graduates and high school parties and even have their own hit under the original name. This tradition, zealously supported, including former pupils helped to win the school's extraordinary popularity.
3. College Winchester.
This is a wonderful ritual called "illumination", which emerged in the mid 19th century in honor of the demolition of the wall which divided the scholars (Scholars) who lived on campus, and paid students (Commons). Initially, such illuminations were used candle stubs accumulated over time.
Currently, this tradition is carried out in the last day of the autumn short term supported with a specially made for these purposes candles. Hundreds of lights are placed along the main walls and playgrounds, creating an amazing living light, and members of the staff, pupils and parents are arranged around the fire, symbolizing the approach of Christmas, sing songs and eat pies with a signature punch.
4. School Westminster.
In this school every year since the mid-18th century on Tuesdays each of Maslenitsa decided to arrange a fun ritual called Greaze ("Association"), the essence of which is competition a fraternity, "hryvnia" larger piece of the huge pancake, hanging on high beam. For a desperate contest watching extensive company from Directors, school staff, pupils and the Abbot of the Abbey of Westminster. Sometimes also invited representatives of the Royal clan.
The reward for the champion is a sovereign of gold, and for students at the request of the Abbot arranged a day off, heralding the occasion. It is interesting that in the old days the cook, who could not successfully throw the proverbial pancake on the beam, throwing books on Latin. Now this tradition is not used very often, to the delight of the servants dining room of the school of Westminster.
5. Charterhouse.
The elite of this school, particularly the inquiring minds and the highest level of intelligence among the pupils, is called "the brotherhood of the apostles." Meeting of the brotherhood held on Mondays and is to read individual reports on any school subject. A club usually have very stringent academic requirements that ensure reliable and win-win basis for admission to such prestigious institutions as Cambridge.
The "apostles" are distinguished among the mass of other students special "Cambridge" tie and scarf a pale blue color. Personal growth and intellectual development are cultivated in the English private education very carefully, unlike the state, which, undoubtedly, stands out first when choosing an educational institution.
6. School Rugby.
The name of this school speaks for itself – she is the founder of the famous game of Rugby originated in the early 19th century as a result of accidental violations of a graduate of the Webb Ellis rules of the ongoing soccer match. From accidentally caught in the hands of the ball he rushed to the gate of the opposing team. So, a new sport that has become quite popular not only in English schools, but in the whole of Albion. Now in honor of this event in the school Rugby anyone can see a memorial plaque and a monument Ellis. In addition, winners of the world Championships Rugby awarded the Ellis Cup, decorated with gold leaf.
It is noteworthy that thanks to the new for almost two centuries the history of English sport to the invention, a list of popular sayings added another one, called where Rugby hooligan game gentlemen, referring to "high" the origin of this sport: the competitive fun. To this day, Rugby is considered to be the entertainment for the British elite, and the "culprit" of the invention – football – game "regular" people.
7. Eton College.
In addition to the "Eton pristine" in College there is another important tradition is the main celebration, called "June 4," the date of birth of the monarch George III, the first English king for special favor in the Sciences, active patronage of Eton and contribution to the organization of learning in the UK. Students of the College met the king in return, and often visited Windsor castle at the invitation of the Royal family. The birthday of George is only the official date of the holiday, in fact it is celebrated on the Wednesday before the first weekend of June.
Memorable event — the performance of a fleet of wooden boats under the control of the most skilled rowers in naval uniform of the 19th century. Rowers swim to watching at a safe distance and in greeting lift the oars, sometimes resulting in flipping of the vessel. But no mishaps do not spoil this magnificent celebration. The crowd cheers the procession, they cast a festive speech, organized sports competitions, exhibitions, and then – the perfect summer picnic for students, family and employees of Eaton. The springboard for this action on the annual tradition speaks of the famous game field cricket Agar''s Plough.
8. College Winchester.
Along with the ritual of "illumination", an ancient private school is one more wonderful tradition. Ritual of the College of Winchester, received the romantic name "morning hills", appeared in 1884 as a celebration of gaining school historical rights to land.
Twice a year, mainly in autumn and spring, many of the orphans wakes up before sunrise to do the famous climb to the nearest hill – the hill of St. Catherine. After climbing, which is carried out in a school uniform, read the common prayer and the disciples head back. This unusual ritual, no doubt, have to taste "lark", nor accustomed to Wake up at the crack of dawn.
Describes the tradition of British private schools will help the reader better understand the mores of the British and to feel the "ancient legends" in order to make a reasonable choice of school for their children. Education in England is considered one of the world's most prestigious and private schools – among the best in terms of organization of the educational process and systematization of knowledge.
Source: efamily.ru

If you are dedicated to quality secondary education and wish to use study abroad, this article will help you to understand the traditions of the most famous schools in the UK.
1. Eton College.
History popular and exciting game called "Eton pristenok" (wallgame), one of the most famous of the ancient rituals of the English private schools, has more than a hundred years. The essence of the game described in the mid-18th century, is the active movement of two groups of players, consisting of scholars and ordinary students, respectively, on a strip of land five-meter width.
This band is called "furrow" (furrow) and is located along the top wall of the College. The main aim of the competition is holding the ball to the opposite end of the aforesaid wall without the use of hands and scoring a goal. It is worth noting that, despite the undoubted comicalest and complexity of the tradition, this fun, usually held on 30 November, still has not lost its relevance.
2. Harrow.
A special love of British schools for singing is embodied in the creation of their own unique anthems. Harrow is no exception and even introduced a new fashion in the vocal art. The fact that in addition to the national anthem in the walls of the school performed a lot of original works, timed to any festive also to the average case.
Students sing at picnics and meetings, in meetings of graduates and high school parties and even have their own hit under the original name. This tradition, zealously supported, including former pupils helped to win the school's extraordinary popularity.
3. College Winchester.
This is a wonderful ritual called "illumination", which emerged in the mid 19th century in honor of the demolition of the wall which divided the scholars (Scholars) who lived on campus, and paid students (Commons). Initially, such illuminations were used candle stubs accumulated over time.
Currently, this tradition is carried out in the last day of the autumn short term supported with a specially made for these purposes candles. Hundreds of lights are placed along the main walls and playgrounds, creating an amazing living light, and members of the staff, pupils and parents are arranged around the fire, symbolizing the approach of Christmas, sing songs and eat pies with a signature punch.
4. School Westminster.
In this school every year since the mid-18th century on Tuesdays each of Maslenitsa decided to arrange a fun ritual called Greaze ("Association"), the essence of which is competition a fraternity, "hryvnia" larger piece of the huge pancake, hanging on high beam. For a desperate contest watching extensive company from Directors, school staff, pupils and the Abbot of the Abbey of Westminster. Sometimes also invited representatives of the Royal clan.
The reward for the champion is a sovereign of gold, and for students at the request of the Abbot arranged a day off, heralding the occasion. It is interesting that in the old days the cook, who could not successfully throw the proverbial pancake on the beam, throwing books on Latin. Now this tradition is not used very often, to the delight of the servants dining room of the school of Westminster.
5. Charterhouse.
The elite of this school, particularly the inquiring minds and the highest level of intelligence among the pupils, is called "the brotherhood of the apostles." Meeting of the brotherhood held on Mondays and is to read individual reports on any school subject. A club usually have very stringent academic requirements that ensure reliable and win-win basis for admission to such prestigious institutions as Cambridge.
The "apostles" are distinguished among the mass of other students special "Cambridge" tie and scarf a pale blue color. Personal growth and intellectual development are cultivated in the English private education very carefully, unlike the state, which, undoubtedly, stands out first when choosing an educational institution.
6. School Rugby.
The name of this school speaks for itself – she is the founder of the famous game of Rugby originated in the early 19th century as a result of accidental violations of a graduate of the Webb Ellis rules of the ongoing soccer match. From accidentally caught in the hands of the ball he rushed to the gate of the opposing team. So, a new sport that has become quite popular not only in English schools, but in the whole of Albion. Now in honor of this event in the school Rugby anyone can see a memorial plaque and a monument Ellis. In addition, winners of the world Championships Rugby awarded the Ellis Cup, decorated with gold leaf.
It is noteworthy that thanks to the new for almost two centuries the history of English sport to the invention, a list of popular sayings added another one, called where Rugby hooligan game gentlemen, referring to "high" the origin of this sport: the competitive fun. To this day, Rugby is considered to be the entertainment for the British elite, and the "culprit" of the invention – football – game "regular" people.
7. Eton College.
In addition to the "Eton pristine" in College there is another important tradition is the main celebration, called "June 4," the date of birth of the monarch George III, the first English king for special favor in the Sciences, active patronage of Eton and contribution to the organization of learning in the UK. Students of the College met the king in return, and often visited Windsor castle at the invitation of the Royal family. The birthday of George is only the official date of the holiday, in fact it is celebrated on the Wednesday before the first weekend of June.
Memorable event — the performance of a fleet of wooden boats under the control of the most skilled rowers in naval uniform of the 19th century. Rowers swim to watching at a safe distance and in greeting lift the oars, sometimes resulting in flipping of the vessel. But no mishaps do not spoil this magnificent celebration. The crowd cheers the procession, they cast a festive speech, organized sports competitions, exhibitions, and then – the perfect summer picnic for students, family and employees of Eaton. The springboard for this action on the annual tradition speaks of the famous game field cricket Agar''s Plough.
8. College Winchester.
Along with the ritual of "illumination", an ancient private school is one more wonderful tradition. Ritual of the College of Winchester, received the romantic name "morning hills", appeared in 1884 as a celebration of gaining school historical rights to land.
Twice a year, mainly in autumn and spring, many of the orphans wakes up before sunrise to do the famous climb to the nearest hill – the hill of St. Catherine. After climbing, which is carried out in a school uniform, read the common prayer and the disciples head back. This unusual ritual, no doubt, have to taste "lark", nor accustomed to Wake up at the crack of dawn.
Describes the tradition of British private schools will help the reader better understand the mores of the British and to feel the "ancient legends" in order to make a reasonable choice of school for their children. Education in England is considered one of the world's most prestigious and private schools – among the best in terms of organization of the educational process and systematization of knowledge.
Source: efamily.ru