Photo project, showing the beauty of mixed blood children
Photo project, which aims to show how extraordinarily beautiful children receive from parents of different nationalities.
The author of Beauty mixed blood / The beauty of mied blood photographer Naira Hovhannisyan:
For many years, I always caught myself thinking, what an incredibly interesting children receive from parents of different nationalities. Most often, the children take the best from each nation, and I was always very curious to watch for this: some of the eyes, hair color and shape of the nose child will inherit. And nature knows how to surprise each time.
I've been wearing this idea in my head, and then in one minute, just took it and wrote an ad in a parent group, I was looking for children of different national project. I responded, to my surprise, more than 200 parents. It was very difficult to select, for all children in their own adorable, so I set myself certain restrictions and tried to follow them. For example, I needed the age kids aged 6-9 years, not least because they can sit on a chair exactly 1 minute. Or I tried not to take children with the same mixture, though the temptation was great and I even once could not resist.
Special thanks to the parents who have helped realize my idea, organized, responsible, and strongly supported.
Maya 5 years. Russian Dad, Mom
Daniel 6.5 years. Nigerian Dad, Mom Russian
Lukyan, 5 years. Pope Ukrainian / Russian, Turkmen Mom / Tatar
Ksenia, 9 years. Dad German Jew, Mama Russian / Tatar
Vagif, 9 years. Pope Azeri / Russian, my mother was Armenian / Russian
Timur, 7 years. Azerbaijani Dad, Mom Russian
Eva, 5 years. Korean Dad, Mom Russian / Ukrainian / Jewish
Lucas, 5 years. Belgian Dad, Mom Russian
Salma, 4, 5 years. Pope Uzbek, Armenian mother
Daniel, 7 years. Tatar Dad, Mom Georgian
Anna, 8 years old. Armenian Dad, Mom Russian
Leon, 5 years. The exact nationality is unknown
Alice, 5 years. Dad Russian, Uzbek mother / Tatar
Dominic, 6 years. Pope Georgians / Tatar, Ossetian mother
Eliza, 5 years. Pope Armenian / Georgian, Russian Mom
: Zefirka.net
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The author of Beauty mixed blood / The beauty of mied blood photographer Naira Hovhannisyan:
For many years, I always caught myself thinking, what an incredibly interesting children receive from parents of different nationalities. Most often, the children take the best from each nation, and I was always very curious to watch for this: some of the eyes, hair color and shape of the nose child will inherit. And nature knows how to surprise each time.
I've been wearing this idea in my head, and then in one minute, just took it and wrote an ad in a parent group, I was looking for children of different national project. I responded, to my surprise, more than 200 parents. It was very difficult to select, for all children in their own adorable, so I set myself certain restrictions and tried to follow them. For example, I needed the age kids aged 6-9 years, not least because they can sit on a chair exactly 1 minute. Or I tried not to take children with the same mixture, though the temptation was great and I even once could not resist.
Special thanks to the parents who have helped realize my idea, organized, responsible, and strongly supported.
Maya 5 years. Russian Dad, Mom

Daniel 6.5 years. Nigerian Dad, Mom Russian

Lukyan, 5 years. Pope Ukrainian / Russian, Turkmen Mom / Tatar

Ksenia, 9 years. Dad German Jew, Mama Russian / Tatar

Vagif, 9 years. Pope Azeri / Russian, my mother was Armenian / Russian

Timur, 7 years. Azerbaijani Dad, Mom Russian

Eva, 5 years. Korean Dad, Mom Russian / Ukrainian / Jewish

Lucas, 5 years. Belgian Dad, Mom Russian

Salma, 4, 5 years. Pope Uzbek, Armenian mother

Daniel, 7 years. Tatar Dad, Mom Georgian

Anna, 8 years old. Armenian Dad, Mom Russian

Leon, 5 years. The exact nationality is unknown

Alice, 5 years. Dad Russian, Uzbek mother / Tatar

Dominic, 6 years. Pope Georgians / Tatar, Ossetian mother

Eliza, 5 years. Pope Armenian / Georgian, Russian Mom

: Zefirka.net
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