About stalkers
Greetings, comrades!
Today I want to talk to you about stalkers and stalking.
On Yap issue was raised several times, but sensible review and could not find. I will try to make even the most common, additions are welcome!
13 bit images and text.
Just want to note that we are not just going on a well-known video game series STALKER We also recall the Strugatsky brothers, will go along with the "Stalker" by Tarkovsky difficult route in the zone from which "will never return in the same way." Let's try to understand the principles of stalking, described by Carlos Castaneda. In this review, I will not touch on the fantastic work, as with stalkers from his "Metro", to be honest, I am not familiar. Also, I did not touch the book series STALKER, forgive me fans. We do not consider numerous artistic groups, online communities, that somehow use the word "stalker" as part of its name. Review I'll make only very general, it will touch the most classic "stalkers." Try to understand what they are different, they have in common and what we can learn, following them through the maze of trails of various "zones". Still very much like to discuss the movement of "real Stalkers" - those people who really lay their routes in abandoned industrial complexes, ghost towns and the Chernobyl Zone of Alienation. But, again, it is difficult to judge their purpose and motivation that they receive as a result of the risk (sometimes fatal), which are ready to go. I think, on Yap there are the activists of these movements, which themselves want to tell us more about yourself and your outings. We will begin his acquaintance with stalkers, go!
Image: A scene from the film Tarkovsky. Stalker leading scholars and writers to the room.
In fact, "stalker", translated to English, means "hunter" "hunter". The word is derived from the verb "to stalk" - chase. But, in recent times, the word "stalker" has acquired its own meaning in Russian. To be quite honest, it is possible to identify even a few different values. The most common existing today: stalker - a man-versed in the various exclusion and little-known places and the wider community areas, often - a conductor. Also common way stalker lone breadwinner who risked their lives takes place in remote places with a view to bring out something of value - "swag." I personally closest image of a stalker, a researcher who goes deep into the unexplored and incomprehensible) What attracts so many different people in this idea?
Image: Hunter - the epitome of concentration and endurance.
Stalker Strugatsky brothers.
The protagonist of the novel "Roadside Picnic" by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky is a stalker Redrick Shewhart. In the story, the story is very determined, sometimes sharp and impulsive person. Those who have not read this work - highly recommend it carries the real thing. The zone is located in the Strugatsky novels in the fictional town of Harmont and the surrounding area. In the world there are still other areas, they are located a smooth line on the Earth's surface, following the "Radiant Pilman." The most likely cause of the zones considered to be an extraterrestrial visit. Harmont Zone in a fenced and protected by the military and police units area. Total population evacuated from the zone, since the conditions within a zone are extremely dangerous for life. Very near to the Zone works Research Institute, where periodically "proveshennomu" route in the area includes a group of scientists to study the most areas, its anomalies and the search and investigation "artifacts" - mysterious objects with amazing properties. Also in the zone to penetrate stalkers whose sole purpose is to find "artifacts" and their resale dealers. But there are also stalkers that are found artifacts destroyed or hidden, to save mankind from the "diabolical creatures of the Zone." Area Strugatsky extremely dangerous stalker must verify every step immediately following every detail of the world to follow clear principles and never panic. Any errors, inaccuracies or extra step means death. Often - excruciating.
Image: Illustration for the story Strugatsky "Roadside Picnic". Stalker lay down and watches)
Anomalies have Strugatsky diverse and dangerous. Some of them move, some invisible and hidden. To check the safety of the path stalker Redrick uses nuts, tossing them in the course of the movement, and monitors the slightest deviation in their path, the sound of falling and how exactly it is in contact with the ground. This allows you to identify and work around dangerous anomaly. In the Zone Strugatsky stalkers move mainly at night, which multiplies the risk of death, but it reduces the risk of getting the police or a soldier's bullet. The movement is mainly crawling "on the belly, on the ears in the mud." We often spend hours lying motionless to avoid trouble on the observation posts, or pretend to be dead in case of detection. Mortality among stalkers is high, and the money received for "swag" not large enough to justify such a risk. When Redrick in the expedition of the Institute included in the zone - it happens quite differently. Official trips to the zone occur in the afternoon, the participants are dressed in high-quality protective clothing, the movement takes place at a pre-proveshennoy track on a special platform. But despite all precautions, the risk of death is still high, and demands maximum discipline.
Image: Illustration too. Redrick Shewhart and his two companions are sent to the Institute by the side of the Zone. At this point, visited Redrick thought that it would be nice to get a suit and repainted in a less conspicuous color)
If someone decided to make a computer game strictly by Strugatsky campaign setting - it would be an incredibly difficult game. About any shootings and speech could not be. The player would spend long hours of real time, practically nothing doing: waiting out, waiting cautiously "crawling" to at the most dangerous routes in the almost complete lack of visibility, and on arrival "at the base" would have been severely shocked by the small amount of remuneration) and the number of deaths at each location it is likely to be transshipped hundreds.
Stalkers have Strugatsky incredibly courageous and determined people associated with the Zone sometimes very deep feelings. Despite the threat of arrest and terrible death, they still continue to visit the zone. Also, these stalkers or do not have children, or children with severe disabilities. Due to the high risk of a lot of stalkers are prone to alcoholism in a moderate form) Fate Redrick Shewhart, the "main" stalker in the story, is very difficult, almost broken. Nevertheless, it is my happy. We need to learn stalker Strugatsky maximum discipline and prudence, composure and determination. For me personally, this option stalker is a favorite from childhood, but then when I got older and saw the film Tarkovsky's awareness of some of the ideas that have invested Strugatsky in his work, reached a new level. So, go ahead.
Image: An unusual illustration. There Redrick with colleagues from the Institute moves to the platform on the Zone. Also in the picture the presence of death-lamp - a semi-mythical artifact weapons.
"Stalker" Tarkovsky
Just want to say to those who have not watched, do not try to find in this fine film adaptation of the novel by Strugatsky. The ideas here are very similar to the story, the brothers themselves have done a great job with Tarkovsky on compiling the script a lot of options were rejected. But the result is definitely worth attention. In this film we find we have become home to a desperate Redrick here stalker quite different.
Andrei Tarkovsky himself once said that in this film he is "legally touched the transcendent." The film is filled with silence, inner wind and some close secret touch us) Tarkovsky's Stalker, too cautious. It leads into the depths of the Zone two people: writers and scientists. No one has a name, just a nickname. As in the novel, infiltration zones is illegal. The perimeter is also protected by the military forces, and the heroes of the film break through the roadblock, at the risk of being shot brainer. It is incredibly mystical area, it can "lead" and "destroy" people of their own free will unexplained. In one scene, zone, even with the hero says, warning him of the dangerous action. Stalker here is more like a shaman, Indian tracker. It relies mostly on hunches and intuition.
Image: Stalker home. He was in the zone. & quot; ... I am here and so well ... & quot ;.
Way also prospected using abandoned nuts) zone so as dangerous as that of the Strugatsky, but obviously gives you more freedom of movement. Trap it is invisible and deadly. If Redrick have personified the power of the Strugatsky, inner strength-discipline and concentration, it is more intuitive Tarkovsky's Stalker. Note that in the film Stalker sharply protested against the carrying of weapons in the Zone, "With whom are you going to shoot here?". In Tarkovsky weapons in the Zone is absolutely useless, even contraindicated. This is evidenced by the corpses in military vehicles, by which the heroes are on their way.
Image: Scientist Writer Stalkers and earnings to top the dangerous stretch of road in the heart of the Zone.
Comment the film and the characters is difficult, probably, everyone has something to myself to decide for yourself. But I personally liked the film very much, its dynamics plunges us into the very depth of the mystical atmosphere of the Zone, its secrets and consciousness. Many of the principles of Tarkovsky's Stalker can be applied in real life of every person, it is also worth noting the character of the protagonist's wife. Oh, yes, it is love. Show me an American science fiction film, where someone could show so love his wife to her husband) Well, digression over.
So, Tarkovsky's Stalker, we can learn the inner silence and intuition, sensitivity to the delicate matter of the world, as well as an understanding of other people, sometimes even enemies. Redrick at Strugatsky - a warrior. Stalker Tarkovsky - sage sorcerer. Mystical such a guide in the depths of the subconscious)
Image: Stalker and his companions carefully go through the "meat grinder" - the deadliest stretch of road.
Stalker Castaneda.
Since we touched the transcendent, it's time to talk about stalkers and stalking in the description of Carlos Castaneda. In my personal experience, a lot of my friends have read only the first book of Carlos and threw this thing, for the grass, mushrooms, cacti) Oh nafig) Check out the other books, there are only some 11 of their like)))
This topic certainly deserves a separate topic. But still, no mention of stalkers line sorcerers of don Juan, this review would not complete)
Castaneda Stalkers do not go for the swag to the Zone, not lead to people and do not wear camouflage with a gun (unless, of course, this does not require perfection of the way of the warrior)).
For stalkers Zone Castaneda is the whole world around us, every moment they lead their battle. Their goal - to achieve perfection of life, allowing them to release the energy of the pathological pitfalls of everyday life and direct it to achieve the magical purposes. They can be anything to look at, to dress as you like, but there are some general principles to follow these stalkers:
(list taken from here: wiwk.narod.ru/stalk.html , but it is also present in the text of the books).
1st place for the battle you have to choose himself. Do not enter into battle without knowing the environment.
2.Otbros all that is not necessary.
3. Any battle - a battle for their lives.
4.Rasslabsya, retreating from themselves, do not be afraid.
5.Vstrechayas unexpected and incomprehensible - at some time receded, allowing his thoughts to wander aimlessly. Turn to something else.
6.Szhimay time, even seconds are counted. The second is an eternity that may decide the outcome of the battle. Whether aimed at success, so saving time, without losing a moment.
7.Stalker never exposes itself to the fore.
Image: faced with the inexplicable, we can only observe, absorb. You can not immediately find a rational explanation, you have to be careful not to scare off a miracle.
Do you see something that is familiar to us from previous stalkers) Indeed, this stalkersky spirit undoubtedly unites all stalkers from Arrow, running with the "Vintar" the dark transitions Chernobyl Sarcophagus, ending Stalker Tarkovsky.
It is worth noting that the concept of "battle" and "battles" here should not be understood only in the sense of an armed or unarmed conflict. Battle will also be a battle with the reluctance to get up in the morning on the first call alarm, the need to tell the hard truth in a conversation with relatives, a trip to a crowded subway, and even tying shoelaces. Every second - Battle of the stalker, it tracks themselves, yes, he hunts himself. Its area - around him. His mistakes will be the last. What are seeking stalkers Castaneda?
Here's what:
Stalker is trained never take themselves seriously, to be able to laugh at yourself.
Acquires infinite patience, never in a hurry and do not care.
Infinitely expanding its ability to improvise.
Stalker inherent flexibility, the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions.
Laughing at a meeting with his own importance.
(list is also taken from the site wiwk.narod.ru/stalk.html ).
On this difficult path stalker faced with a lot of traps, anomalies within itself, prejudices and shortcomings.
Not everyone decides to go on a raid deep into himself. I think the "mutants" there is enough for all.
What can we learn from these stalkers? Here it is up to you)
Cat on the hunt - the very embodiment of pure stalking Castaneda. He once gave a similar example in a conversation with Don Juan)
Stalkers of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.a.
Here, we come to the so-beloved / hated subject. Series Games S.T.A.L.K.E.R. It has been described repeatedly on Yap, so I will not go into details. We describe only themselves stalkers.
Stalkers in these games charismatic and romantic) They travel zone when fully armed, formed a group of beliefs and a rally in criminal gangs. Skirmishes, mutants, dangerous anomalies - with all these stalkers have to face, and perhaps solve the riddle of the Monolith - a mythical sverhartefakta, grants wishes. Spoil there will not be that, inadvertently, not to spoil anyone first experience of passing game.
Stalkers move in the game is very loose on the Zone except for the central areas. There's even possible to run) In the area of Strugatsky this would most likely instant death. It has come to the fore relationships in society, such a diverse and motley. Often, asking difficult questions of moral ends simple headshot of SVD or BCC and further plundering enemy corpse)
The atmosphere in STALKERe very distinctive, it is impressive and addictive.
In place of nuts bolts came, now the player will check the way, throwing himself in front of an unlimited number of large bolts)
The anomalies here are dangerous, especially at the highest difficulty level.
By the way, here's the secret of an exciting game in the STALKER: bet on the maximum level of difficulty and try to beat the game is not "dead" never! Any death, even the most stupid - not important. You died. Now, all over again. The effect is striking: thoughtless running around and shooting ends and begins a real stalking)
Personally, I really liked the game, it is atmospheric. But again, here is the main enemy of man, an armed man. Still, labor stalker, in my opinion, first of all comes into the fight with the unknown. And, suddenly decides not to his reaction and fighting skills or coolness of weapons and armor, namely the inner fortress, poise and iron self-discipline.
What can we learn STALKER?
Just as it is important to trust, and what the consequences might be traitors.
Reactions basics of tactics and the undoubted advantage of BCC ("Vintar" aka "Vintorez") in urban conditions with special operations.
With respect to the allocation of resources.
Love of normal animals.
And, do not forget that in real life from the high doses of radiation and bullet wounds can not be healed in 4 seconds "scientific" first aid kit)
Thank you for your attention, the survey is not as detailed, as we would like, but I tried to convey the main points.
All the images from the search results in Google for the keywords diverse sources) Descriptions to add it now.
Today I want to talk to you about stalkers and stalking.
On Yap issue was raised several times, but sensible review and could not find. I will try to make even the most common, additions are welcome!
13 bit images and text.
Just want to note that we are not just going on a well-known video game series STALKER We also recall the Strugatsky brothers, will go along with the "Stalker" by Tarkovsky difficult route in the zone from which "will never return in the same way." Let's try to understand the principles of stalking, described by Carlos Castaneda. In this review, I will not touch on the fantastic work, as with stalkers from his "Metro", to be honest, I am not familiar. Also, I did not touch the book series STALKER, forgive me fans. We do not consider numerous artistic groups, online communities, that somehow use the word "stalker" as part of its name. Review I'll make only very general, it will touch the most classic "stalkers." Try to understand what they are different, they have in common and what we can learn, following them through the maze of trails of various "zones". Still very much like to discuss the movement of "real Stalkers" - those people who really lay their routes in abandoned industrial complexes, ghost towns and the Chernobyl Zone of Alienation. But, again, it is difficult to judge their purpose and motivation that they receive as a result of the risk (sometimes fatal), which are ready to go. I think, on Yap there are the activists of these movements, which themselves want to tell us more about yourself and your outings. We will begin his acquaintance with stalkers, go!
Image: A scene from the film Tarkovsky. Stalker leading scholars and writers to the room.

In fact, "stalker", translated to English, means "hunter" "hunter". The word is derived from the verb "to stalk" - chase. But, in recent times, the word "stalker" has acquired its own meaning in Russian. To be quite honest, it is possible to identify even a few different values. The most common existing today: stalker - a man-versed in the various exclusion and little-known places and the wider community areas, often - a conductor. Also common way stalker lone breadwinner who risked their lives takes place in remote places with a view to bring out something of value - "swag." I personally closest image of a stalker, a researcher who goes deep into the unexplored and incomprehensible) What attracts so many different people in this idea?
Image: Hunter - the epitome of concentration and endurance.

Stalker Strugatsky brothers.
The protagonist of the novel "Roadside Picnic" by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky is a stalker Redrick Shewhart. In the story, the story is very determined, sometimes sharp and impulsive person. Those who have not read this work - highly recommend it carries the real thing. The zone is located in the Strugatsky novels in the fictional town of Harmont and the surrounding area. In the world there are still other areas, they are located a smooth line on the Earth's surface, following the "Radiant Pilman." The most likely cause of the zones considered to be an extraterrestrial visit. Harmont Zone in a fenced and protected by the military and police units area. Total population evacuated from the zone, since the conditions within a zone are extremely dangerous for life. Very near to the Zone works Research Institute, where periodically "proveshennomu" route in the area includes a group of scientists to study the most areas, its anomalies and the search and investigation "artifacts" - mysterious objects with amazing properties. Also in the zone to penetrate stalkers whose sole purpose is to find "artifacts" and their resale dealers. But there are also stalkers that are found artifacts destroyed or hidden, to save mankind from the "diabolical creatures of the Zone." Area Strugatsky extremely dangerous stalker must verify every step immediately following every detail of the world to follow clear principles and never panic. Any errors, inaccuracies or extra step means death. Often - excruciating.
Image: Illustration for the story Strugatsky "Roadside Picnic". Stalker lay down and watches)

Anomalies have Strugatsky diverse and dangerous. Some of them move, some invisible and hidden. To check the safety of the path stalker Redrick uses nuts, tossing them in the course of the movement, and monitors the slightest deviation in their path, the sound of falling and how exactly it is in contact with the ground. This allows you to identify and work around dangerous anomaly. In the Zone Strugatsky stalkers move mainly at night, which multiplies the risk of death, but it reduces the risk of getting the police or a soldier's bullet. The movement is mainly crawling "on the belly, on the ears in the mud." We often spend hours lying motionless to avoid trouble on the observation posts, or pretend to be dead in case of detection. Mortality among stalkers is high, and the money received for "swag" not large enough to justify such a risk. When Redrick in the expedition of the Institute included in the zone - it happens quite differently. Official trips to the zone occur in the afternoon, the participants are dressed in high-quality protective clothing, the movement takes place at a pre-proveshennoy track on a special platform. But despite all precautions, the risk of death is still high, and demands maximum discipline.
Image: Illustration too. Redrick Shewhart and his two companions are sent to the Institute by the side of the Zone. At this point, visited Redrick thought that it would be nice to get a suit and repainted in a less conspicuous color)

If someone decided to make a computer game strictly by Strugatsky campaign setting - it would be an incredibly difficult game. About any shootings and speech could not be. The player would spend long hours of real time, practically nothing doing: waiting out, waiting cautiously "crawling" to at the most dangerous routes in the almost complete lack of visibility, and on arrival "at the base" would have been severely shocked by the small amount of remuneration) and the number of deaths at each location it is likely to be transshipped hundreds.
Stalkers have Strugatsky incredibly courageous and determined people associated with the Zone sometimes very deep feelings. Despite the threat of arrest and terrible death, they still continue to visit the zone. Also, these stalkers or do not have children, or children with severe disabilities. Due to the high risk of a lot of stalkers are prone to alcoholism in a moderate form) Fate Redrick Shewhart, the "main" stalker in the story, is very difficult, almost broken. Nevertheless, it is my happy. We need to learn stalker Strugatsky maximum discipline and prudence, composure and determination. For me personally, this option stalker is a favorite from childhood, but then when I got older and saw the film Tarkovsky's awareness of some of the ideas that have invested Strugatsky in his work, reached a new level. So, go ahead.
Image: An unusual illustration. There Redrick with colleagues from the Institute moves to the platform on the Zone. Also in the picture the presence of death-lamp - a semi-mythical artifact weapons.

"Stalker" Tarkovsky
Just want to say to those who have not watched, do not try to find in this fine film adaptation of the novel by Strugatsky. The ideas here are very similar to the story, the brothers themselves have done a great job with Tarkovsky on compiling the script a lot of options were rejected. But the result is definitely worth attention. In this film we find we have become home to a desperate Redrick here stalker quite different.
Andrei Tarkovsky himself once said that in this film he is "legally touched the transcendent." The film is filled with silence, inner wind and some close secret touch us) Tarkovsky's Stalker, too cautious. It leads into the depths of the Zone two people: writers and scientists. No one has a name, just a nickname. As in the novel, infiltration zones is illegal. The perimeter is also protected by the military forces, and the heroes of the film break through the roadblock, at the risk of being shot brainer. It is incredibly mystical area, it can "lead" and "destroy" people of their own free will unexplained. In one scene, zone, even with the hero says, warning him of the dangerous action. Stalker here is more like a shaman, Indian tracker. It relies mostly on hunches and intuition.
Image: Stalker home. He was in the zone. & quot; ... I am here and so well ... & quot ;.

Way also prospected using abandoned nuts) zone so as dangerous as that of the Strugatsky, but obviously gives you more freedom of movement. Trap it is invisible and deadly. If Redrick have personified the power of the Strugatsky, inner strength-discipline and concentration, it is more intuitive Tarkovsky's Stalker. Note that in the film Stalker sharply protested against the carrying of weapons in the Zone, "With whom are you going to shoot here?". In Tarkovsky weapons in the Zone is absolutely useless, even contraindicated. This is evidenced by the corpses in military vehicles, by which the heroes are on their way.
Image: Scientist Writer Stalkers and earnings to top the dangerous stretch of road in the heart of the Zone.

Comment the film and the characters is difficult, probably, everyone has something to myself to decide for yourself. But I personally liked the film very much, its dynamics plunges us into the very depth of the mystical atmosphere of the Zone, its secrets and consciousness. Many of the principles of Tarkovsky's Stalker can be applied in real life of every person, it is also worth noting the character of the protagonist's wife. Oh, yes, it is love. Show me an American science fiction film, where someone could show so love his wife to her husband) Well, digression over.
So, Tarkovsky's Stalker, we can learn the inner silence and intuition, sensitivity to the delicate matter of the world, as well as an understanding of other people, sometimes even enemies. Redrick at Strugatsky - a warrior. Stalker Tarkovsky - sage sorcerer. Mystical such a guide in the depths of the subconscious)
Image: Stalker and his companions carefully go through the "meat grinder" - the deadliest stretch of road.

Stalker Castaneda.
Since we touched the transcendent, it's time to talk about stalkers and stalking in the description of Carlos Castaneda. In my personal experience, a lot of my friends have read only the first book of Carlos and threw this thing, for the grass, mushrooms, cacti) Oh nafig) Check out the other books, there are only some 11 of their like)))
This topic certainly deserves a separate topic. But still, no mention of stalkers line sorcerers of don Juan, this review would not complete)
Castaneda Stalkers do not go for the swag to the Zone, not lead to people and do not wear camouflage with a gun (unless, of course, this does not require perfection of the way of the warrior)).
For stalkers Zone Castaneda is the whole world around us, every moment they lead their battle. Their goal - to achieve perfection of life, allowing them to release the energy of the pathological pitfalls of everyday life and direct it to achieve the magical purposes. They can be anything to look at, to dress as you like, but there are some general principles to follow these stalkers:
(list taken from here: wiwk.narod.ru/stalk.html , but it is also present in the text of the books).
1st place for the battle you have to choose himself. Do not enter into battle without knowing the environment.
2.Otbros all that is not necessary.
3. Any battle - a battle for their lives.
4.Rasslabsya, retreating from themselves, do not be afraid.
5.Vstrechayas unexpected and incomprehensible - at some time receded, allowing his thoughts to wander aimlessly. Turn to something else.
6.Szhimay time, even seconds are counted. The second is an eternity that may decide the outcome of the battle. Whether aimed at success, so saving time, without losing a moment.
7.Stalker never exposes itself to the fore.
Image: faced with the inexplicable, we can only observe, absorb. You can not immediately find a rational explanation, you have to be careful not to scare off a miracle.

Do you see something that is familiar to us from previous stalkers) Indeed, this stalkersky spirit undoubtedly unites all stalkers from Arrow, running with the "Vintar" the dark transitions Chernobyl Sarcophagus, ending Stalker Tarkovsky.
It is worth noting that the concept of "battle" and "battles" here should not be understood only in the sense of an armed or unarmed conflict. Battle will also be a battle with the reluctance to get up in the morning on the first call alarm, the need to tell the hard truth in a conversation with relatives, a trip to a crowded subway, and even tying shoelaces. Every second - Battle of the stalker, it tracks themselves, yes, he hunts himself. Its area - around him. His mistakes will be the last. What are seeking stalkers Castaneda?
Here's what:
Stalker is trained never take themselves seriously, to be able to laugh at yourself.
Acquires infinite patience, never in a hurry and do not care.
Infinitely expanding its ability to improvise.
Stalker inherent flexibility, the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions.
Laughing at a meeting with his own importance.
(list is also taken from the site wiwk.narod.ru/stalk.html ).
On this difficult path stalker faced with a lot of traps, anomalies within itself, prejudices and shortcomings.
Not everyone decides to go on a raid deep into himself. I think the "mutants" there is enough for all.
What can we learn from these stalkers? Here it is up to you)
Cat on the hunt - the very embodiment of pure stalking Castaneda. He once gave a similar example in a conversation with Don Juan)

Stalkers of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.a.
Here, we come to the so-beloved / hated subject. Series Games S.T.A.L.K.E.R. It has been described repeatedly on Yap, so I will not go into details. We describe only themselves stalkers.
Stalkers in these games charismatic and romantic) They travel zone when fully armed, formed a group of beliefs and a rally in criminal gangs. Skirmishes, mutants, dangerous anomalies - with all these stalkers have to face, and perhaps solve the riddle of the Monolith - a mythical sverhartefakta, grants wishes. Spoil there will not be that, inadvertently, not to spoil anyone first experience of passing game.
Stalkers move in the game is very loose on the Zone except for the central areas. There's even possible to run) In the area of Strugatsky this would most likely instant death. It has come to the fore relationships in society, such a diverse and motley. Often, asking difficult questions of moral ends simple headshot of SVD or BCC and further plundering enemy corpse)
The atmosphere in STALKERe very distinctive, it is impressive and addictive.
In place of nuts bolts came, now the player will check the way, throwing himself in front of an unlimited number of large bolts)
The anomalies here are dangerous, especially at the highest difficulty level.
By the way, here's the secret of an exciting game in the STALKER: bet on the maximum level of difficulty and try to beat the game is not "dead" never! Any death, even the most stupid - not important. You died. Now, all over again. The effect is striking: thoughtless running around and shooting ends and begins a real stalking)

Personally, I really liked the game, it is atmospheric. But again, here is the main enemy of man, an armed man. Still, labor stalker, in my opinion, first of all comes into the fight with the unknown. And, suddenly decides not to his reaction and fighting skills or coolness of weapons and armor, namely the inner fortress, poise and iron self-discipline.
What can we learn STALKER?
Just as it is important to trust, and what the consequences might be traitors.
Reactions basics of tactics and the undoubted advantage of BCC ("Vintar" aka "Vintorez") in urban conditions with special operations.
With respect to the allocation of resources.
Love of normal animals.
And, do not forget that in real life from the high doses of radiation and bullet wounds can not be healed in 4 seconds "scientific" first aid kit)

Thank you for your attention, the survey is not as detailed, as we would like, but I tried to convey the main points.
All the images from the search results in Google for the keywords diverse sources) Descriptions to add it now.