The Best Procedures for Periorbital Rejuvenation
You are still young, and suddenly noticed swelling or circles under the eyes, found the first early wrinkles around the eyes and dry skin – this is a signal to action!
Typical problems of women in 25-30 years:
With age, the number of problems increases. What usually bothers women in 35-40 years?
Today, there are many methods of periorbital rejuvenation:
Source: estet-portal.com
Typical problems of women in 25-30 years:
- Early wrinkles caused by subcutaneous fat deficiency and dry skin.
- Bruises under the eyes, caused by venous stagnation or the fact that the capillaries are too close to the surface of the skin.
- Swelling under the eyes deserves special attention. First of all, it is necessary to check the cardiovascular system and the work of the kidneys. If the tests do not show any deviations, make sure that you use cosmetics correctly. Perhaps the reason is that you just incorrectly apply night cream under the eyes.
With age, the number of problems increases. What usually bothers women in 35-40 years?
- Fragile, thinned skin around the eyes
- Mimic wrinkles under the eyes and in the corners of the eyes
- Overhanging the upper eyelid above the eyes
- The appearance of molar sacs and nasolaceous grooves
- Cooperosis (vascular mesh) under the eyes
- Pigment spots around the eyes
Today, there are many methods of periorbital rejuvenation:
- Radiofrequency RF lifting Renews and shrinks the skin at the cellular level, gives it elasticity, density, reduces deep and smooths small wrinkles.
- Elos rejuvenation - eliminates visible vessels and pigmentation, stimulates the process of neocollagenogenesis (production of new collagen), increases skin turgor.
- Innovative peels Modern drugs that provide renewal, freshness and alignment of the skin, as well as help get rid of wrinkles.
- Biorestructuring andbiorevitalization Deep nutrition and moisturization of the skin with injections that smooth wrinkles, eliminate dryness and guarantee an instant rejuvenation effect after the first procedure.
- Plasmolifting or PRP therapy stimulates the body’s own reserves and triggers active regeneration processes, due to which the skin acquires elasticity, elasticity and natural moisture.
- Botulinum therapy The fastest, easiest and most effective way to deal with facial wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead. Eliminates excessive facial expressions.
- mesonithi or hedgelifting - effective fight against ptosis of the skin of the face, lifting various areas of the face, correction of nasolabial folds. The procedure is easily tolerated and is practically painless, carried out without anesthesia or using an anesthetic gel. Mesonithi gradually dissolve, forming a collagen frame, so that the effect of lifting lasts up to 2 years.
Source: estet-portal.com
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