Recipe of the Tibetan monks: rejuvenation herbs

Tea the recipe for "Eternal youth" is quite simple and for its preparation you need to make a collection of 4 herbs, each of which we need to take 100 grams. This grass:
- chamomile;
- St. John's wort;
- Helichrysum;
- birch buds.
So, 100 grams of each herb to combine and mix thoroughly. Store fee must be in a clean, well-closed containers.
To cook 1 serving of tea, you must take fee in the amount of 1 tablespoon and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 20-30 minutes, drain. Measure out half of the resulting infusion, add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink after dinner. Before going to sleep nothing more to eat. Modify the recipe by adding additional components or removing something that is not recommended.
Ancient youth formula from Tibetan monks
At all times people were thinking about how to find a recipe means to preserve your health and youth. Different people have invented many miraculous elixirs, some of which have proven effectiveness, and second, if they acted only as a placebo, that is allowed to result only due to the fact that people believe in their assistance.
One of the secrets of preserving youth and beauty were found in the XIV century BC by monks from Tibet. Modern humanity the Tibetan recipe of rejuvenation has become available relatively recently, when in the course of studying one of the books was found a list of ingredients that tea "Eternal youth".
Recipe of rejuvenating herbs from the Tibetan monks
Tea the recipe for "Eternal youth" is quite simple and for its preparation you need to make a collection of 4 herbs, each of which we need to take 100 grams. This grass:
St. John's wort;
birch buds.
To prepare the collection independently, gathering herbs in the spring and summer (a must as far as possible from the city, motorways and various industries), or purchase dried herbs at the pharmacy.
dried herbs
So, 100 grams of each herb to combine and mix thoroughly. Store fee must be in a clean, well-closed containers.
To cook 1 serving of tea, you must take fee in the amount of 1 tablespoon and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 20-30 minutes, drain. Measure out half of the resulting infusion, add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink after dinner. Before going to sleep nothing more to eat. Modify the recipe by adding additional components or removing something that is not recommended.
The remaining infusion should the same way to use in the morning after Breakfast, but before that slightly heating and adding honey. After drinking before lunch nothing there and it is advisable not to drink, because the cleansing of the body, which starts after the reception of the collection, in this case may be broken.
Therefore, to use the Tibetan tea "Eternal youth" to be daily until dry collection does not come to an end, and this will happen in about 1.5 months.
The result
Tibetan rejuvenation formula has a complex effect and helps to improve the condition of the whole organism:
cleansing of vessels are exempt from the cholesterol and becoming more elastic;
toxins and calcareous sediments;
improved vision;
reducing weight and improving skin condition, is its purification from inflammation;
disappear headaches and joint pain.
In the early days of the use of the collection, there may be some deterioration of health, headaches and fatigue, which is a signal that the cleansing of the body began. Often the discomfort disappear in a few days, replaced by the ease and flow of inner energy. In some cases, before starting make the collection is very useful to have a colon cleanse for weight loss. published
Be healthy!
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.facebook.com/MySecretsGo/posts/1833635873527580:0
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