The Tibetan way of rejuvenation of the whole organism
This recipe “The Tibetan way of rejuvenation” were found in the seventies of the last century in one of the Tibetan monasteries, and it dates from about IV century BC.
That allows you to make the body with this wonderful method:
Cleanses the body of fat and calcium deposits.
Cleans the blood vessels, including the eyes (!)
Expels parasites.
Greatly improves metabolism.
The effect of this Tibetan way of rejuvenation you will notice on the tenth day of application.
First of all it will manifest the energy that will not only increase efficiency, but will provide a consistently good mood;
secondly You will become less sensitivity to irritating factors;
thirdly improved well-being.
The Tibetan way of rejuvenation so much acting, that to repeat it will be possible only after 5 years.
Sixty nine million three hundred eighty eight thousand eight hundred forty six
Preparation of infusion
350 g of garlic finely chop, mash with a wooden pestle, and taking 200 g of this mass (take the bottom, where more juice), put it in a glass or clay container, pour 200 g of vodka. Then, close the container tightly and put in a dark place. The steeping time of 20 days. After that, the composition of the strain through a thick cloth (the remainder of the press too).
The use of infusion
Infusion be taken with 50 ml of water (preferably milk) pouring dropwise strictly according to the following scheme:
Day For Breakfast lunch In dinner 1 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 4 10 11 12 5 13 14 15 6 15 14 13 7 12 11 10 8 9 8 7 9 6 5 4 10 3 2 1 the Remaining days until the end of the infusion 25 25 25 1. Make 2 copies of the regimens. One copy of the post house, next to the receiving means, the second put in the purse (he's always with you?)
2. Prepare 2 pipettes – one for home use, the second outside the home.
3. Prepare a small bottle with an airtight lid, pour back the infusion of garlic. Bring the bottle and the dropper every time leave the house for a long time (for example, You work, and a dinner party to not miss!).
4. Don't be afraid of the smell - it is not, especially if taken with milk. But if You are so insecure - sedate a sprig of parsley, it interrupts the smell of garlic.
What to do if missed any appointment? First, not to get upset, and secondly, continue according to the scheme as if You were on time!
Use the Tibetan way of rejuvenation , stay young, healthy and beautiful! published
Author: Galina Apolonskaya
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.prodolgoletie.ru/tibetskiy-sposob-omolozheniya-chesnok-s-molokom
That allows you to make the body with this wonderful method:
Cleanses the body of fat and calcium deposits.
Cleans the blood vessels, including the eyes (!)
Expels parasites.
Greatly improves metabolism.
The effect of this Tibetan way of rejuvenation you will notice on the tenth day of application.
First of all it will manifest the energy that will not only increase efficiency, but will provide a consistently good mood;
secondly You will become less sensitivity to irritating factors;
thirdly improved well-being.
The Tibetan way of rejuvenation so much acting, that to repeat it will be possible only after 5 years.
Sixty nine million three hundred eighty eight thousand eight hundred forty six
Preparation of infusion
350 g of garlic finely chop, mash with a wooden pestle, and taking 200 g of this mass (take the bottom, where more juice), put it in a glass or clay container, pour 200 g of vodka. Then, close the container tightly and put in a dark place. The steeping time of 20 days. After that, the composition of the strain through a thick cloth (the remainder of the press too).
The use of infusion
Infusion be taken with 50 ml of water (preferably milk) pouring dropwise strictly according to the following scheme:
Day For Breakfast lunch In dinner 1 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 4 10 11 12 5 13 14 15 6 15 14 13 7 12 11 10 8 9 8 7 9 6 5 4 10 3 2 1 the Remaining days until the end of the infusion 25 25 25 1. Make 2 copies of the regimens. One copy of the post house, next to the receiving means, the second put in the purse (he's always with you?)
2. Prepare 2 pipettes – one for home use, the second outside the home.
3. Prepare a small bottle with an airtight lid, pour back the infusion of garlic. Bring the bottle and the dropper every time leave the house for a long time (for example, You work, and a dinner party to not miss!).
4. Don't be afraid of the smell - it is not, especially if taken with milk. But if You are so insecure - sedate a sprig of parsley, it interrupts the smell of garlic.
What to do if missed any appointment? First, not to get upset, and secondly, continue according to the scheme as if You were on time!
Use the Tibetan way of rejuvenation , stay young, healthy and beautiful! published
Author: Galina Apolonskaya
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.prodolgoletie.ru/tibetskiy-sposob-omolozheniya-chesnok-s-molokom