Hands rejuvenation with energoaparatura cosmetology
Many patients worry about the aging of their hands.
Dr. Werner(doctor of medical Sciences, dermatologist, has a private practice in tel Aviv, Israel, Deputy President of the Israeli society of dermatologic surgery and member of the Board of the European society for cosmetics and dermatology (ESCAD).) conducted a study on the efficacy of the combination of RF and light energy to rejuvenate the aging hands, the results of which were shared during the AMWC Eastern Europe.
The study doctors involved 13 patients aged 47-75 years with signs of photoaging on the dorsum of the hands. All were treated using the procedure of ELOS Plus 3 times with 3-4 week intervals.
On one hand patients were treatments of IPL and RF, while the other received only IPL. Patients were assessed in terms of discomfort, aesthetic improvement and satisfaction.
All subjects tolerated the procedure easily, the need for anesthesia was absent. A marked and rapid improvement if both IPL and RF treatment. Freckles, lentigines, and skin texture respond to treatment much better and faster. After the completion of the study, all patients expressed their desire to undergo both procedures in combination.
The results of the combination of two treatments (IPL and RF) exceed the results of applying only one IPL for the treatment of solar lentigines, and textural rejuvenation/tightening.
Source: estet-portal.com
Dr. Werner(doctor of medical Sciences, dermatologist, has a private practice in tel Aviv, Israel, Deputy President of the Israeli society of dermatologic surgery and member of the Board of the European society for cosmetics and dermatology (ESCAD).) conducted a study on the efficacy of the combination of RF and light energy to rejuvenate the aging hands, the results of which were shared during the AMWC Eastern Europe.
The study doctors involved 13 patients aged 47-75 years with signs of photoaging on the dorsum of the hands. All were treated using the procedure of ELOS Plus 3 times with 3-4 week intervals.
On one hand patients were treatments of IPL and RF, while the other received only IPL. Patients were assessed in terms of discomfort, aesthetic improvement and satisfaction.
All subjects tolerated the procedure easily, the need for anesthesia was absent. A marked and rapid improvement if both IPL and RF treatment. Freckles, lentigines, and skin texture respond to treatment much better and faster. After the completion of the study, all patients expressed their desire to undergo both procedures in combination.
The results of the combination of two treatments (IPL and RF) exceed the results of applying only one IPL for the treatment of solar lentigines, and textural rejuvenation/tightening.
Source: estet-portal.com