Hands are numb at night. There can be many reasons, so do not hesitate with treatment!
Numbness of the hands (or medically paresthesia) A fairly common feeling of discomfort, which manifests itself mainly at night. Its main signs are aching pain and tingling.
Often at night, a person wakes up, pain and numbness prevent him from sleeping further. When moving your fingers, tingling first increases, painful sensations increase, then gradually pass, and you can fall asleep further.
According to statistics, up to 45% of the population experiences painful nocturnal paresthesia. It is generally believed that the cause of numbness of the hands during sleep is improper blood circulation in the extremities. But what caused it?
Of course, if the hand once fell asleep due to an uncomfortable position of the body during sleep, do not worry. But if the hands during sleep fall asleep every night and constantly interfere with sleep, you should consult a specialist. These are the issues that should be of concern.
Unpleasant sensations can be very diverse in their localization. It is very rare to find numbness of the whole arm. More often, some part of it becomes numb, which completely depends on the cause of the disease.
What to do if your hands are numb in a dream
To get rid of numbness of the hands, it is necessary to improve the flow of blood through the vessels. This task will help to cope with regular physical exertion.
Long walks and morning exercises will help eliminate discomfort that occurs in the upper limbs during sleep. Also, a course of therapeutic massage will help, but only after an accurate diagnosis is established.
Physiotherapy procedures
Popular remedies
To prevent numbness of the hands, you need to strengthen the muscles that hold the intervertebral discs. To do this, there are specially designed exercises that can be performed only under the supervision of a doctor.
But the prevention of numbness should begin even before consulting a specialist. Simple actions will help to do this.
If numbness of hands at night Continue, immediately examine and consult a doctor. Such symptoms are better not to be ignored, because they can turn into a serious chronic disease. In some cases, you may have to change jobs. Bless you!

Often at night, a person wakes up, pain and numbness prevent him from sleeping further. When moving your fingers, tingling first increases, painful sensations increase, then gradually pass, and you can fall asleep further.

According to statistics, up to 45% of the population experiences painful nocturnal paresthesia. It is generally believed that the cause of numbness of the hands during sleep is improper blood circulation in the extremities. But what caused it?
Of course, if the hand once fell asleep due to an uncomfortable position of the body during sleep, do not worry. But if the hands during sleep fall asleep every night and constantly interfere with sleep, you should consult a specialist. These are the issues that should be of concern.

- If the hands are numb in sleep and after sleep.
- Eating your hands numb at the same time.
- If only the left hand or the right hand is numb at night.
- Simultaneously with an attack of paresthesia, vision deteriorates.
Unpleasant sensations can be very diverse in their localization. It is very rare to find numbness of the whole arm. More often, some part of it becomes numb, which completely depends on the cause of the disease.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
It occurs when the nerves going to the hand are compressed in a narrow channel formed by the bones of the wrist. The reason may be a constant uniform load on the brushes (work at the computer, playing musical instruments). At the same time, there is numbness of the entire hand or its parts strictly below the wrist, sometimes numbness of the fingers is observed. Extending parts of the hand in the pathological process are not involved.
DepositPhotos - Cervical osteochondrosis
Cervical osteochondrosis, spondylosis, hernia or protrusion of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spinal column, especially when the pathological process is localized in the lower cervical segments (from C5 to C7). It is from this part of the spinal cord that the nerves go to the hands. In this case, depending on the suffering nerve root numbness in sleep can be localized: on the inner surface of the hand, from the shoulder to the tips of the 5th and half of the 4th fingers of the hand (C7); on the back side of the shoulder and forearm, the back surface of the 2nd and 3rd fingers (C6); on the side of the hand to the thumb and index fingers (C5). - Polyarthritis of small joints of the hand
It is characterized by the presence of manifestations only in the fingers. - Diabetes and other metabolic disorders
Numbness at the same time has an ascending nature, begins with more remote departments and gradually, over time, rises up the arm. This happens as larger vessels are involved. Usually two hands are affected at once, the sensation is symmetrical. - Heart disease.
Here you should pay attention to which hand is numb. If unpleasant sensations occur in the right hand, this can be attributed to cervical osteochondrosis with a high percentage of probability. But numbness of the left hand can be a sign of serious heart problems, such as angina or heart attack. If numbness of the left hand occurred suddenly, especially at night, and does not go away within an hour, you should consult a doctor.
What to do if your hands are numb in a dream
- Check the pillow and mattress to see how much they contribute to a comfortable sleeping position.
- Check the pajamas so that the narrow opening of the sleeves does not squeeze the limbs at night.
- Monitor your body position during sleep.
To get rid of numbness of the hands, it is necessary to improve the flow of blood through the vessels. This task will help to cope with regular physical exertion.
Long walks and morning exercises will help eliminate discomfort that occurs in the upper limbs during sleep. Also, a course of therapeutic massage will help, but only after an accurate diagnosis is established.
Physiotherapy procedures
- Cervical magnetotherapy
- Phonophoresis, hand darsonvalia
- Paraffin on the hand, forearm
- Electrophoresis with lidase on the carpal canal area
Popular remedies
- Contrast baths. Alternately lower your hands in cold and hot water. After that, the hands should be rubbed with turpentine ointment and put on warm cosmetic gloves.
- Having cooked a porridge from a pumpkin, apply a hot mass on the whole arm from the neck and wrap it with a blanket. Repeat the procedure until the condition is relieved.
DepositPhotos - Pour one part of the bagulica with three parts of acetic acid and put the mixture for a week or two in a dark room. When the infusion is ready, rub their hand until the discomfort completely disappears.
- If numbness of the hands occurs constantly, then you should think about strengthening the vessels. To do this in the morning, it is advisable to drink a glass of hot water on an empty stomach.
- With numbness that occurs against the background of neuralgia or radiculitis, you can make baths from a decoction of birch buds, oak bark or aspen (for 1 liter of water take a tablespoon of raw materials and 5-6 tablespoons of salt). Do a bath for 25-30 minutes, then put gloves or warm (better wool) socks on your hands and leave them all night. During the course, you should make 12-15 such baths.
To prevent numbness of the hands, you need to strengthen the muscles that hold the intervertebral discs. To do this, there are specially designed exercises that can be performed only under the supervision of a doctor.

But the prevention of numbness should begin even before consulting a specialist. Simple actions will help to do this.
- Avoid long-term carrying a backpack or heavy bag on your shoulder.
- Avoid prolonged sitting with your hand thrown over the back of a chair or chair.
- Adjust your position in the work chair so that it is comfortable, especially for the hands (it is better to avoid doing work associated with a long lift of the hands above the level of the heart).
- Take short breaks in work in order to perform exercises with elements of stretching the spine and shaking hands.
- It is also good to relax 2-3 times a day while lying down.
- In the diet must be present fish, seafood, nuts, seeds.
If numbness of hands at night Continue, immediately examine and consult a doctor. Such symptoms are better not to be ignored, because they can turn into a serious chronic disease. In some cases, you may have to change jobs. Bless you!
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