What to create from a roll of old wallpaper
If you have made repairs at least once in your life, you know that it is simply impossible to guess with the number of wallpapers. Either it will remain, or a small piece will not be enough and you will have to buy a whole roll. In any case, in every house somewhere dust roll-the second old unnecessary wallpaper. So why not let them do a good job?
Editorial "Site" He doesn’t like things to dust, so we’ll tell you how to do it. window blinds with their own hands And keep the wallpaper from going to waste.
Below will be a video in which a beautiful woman will clearly demonstrate how it is done, but in the meantime, let’s figure out what you need to create this beauty.
You'll need it.
Progress of work
Here's the promised video where you can watch the whole process of creating blinds.
It turned out a very beautiful and budget detail of the interior. In addition, it is very useful, in summer it will save from the heat and protect indoor plants that stand on the windowsill. Take it and do it, good luck!
Do you have any ideas for fancy old stuff? If yes, then be sure to share with us in the comments, and also do not forget to show this original idea for home to your friends on social networks!

Editorial "Site" He doesn’t like things to dust, so we’ll tell you how to do it. window blinds with their own hands And keep the wallpaper from going to waste.
Below will be a video in which a beautiful woman will clearly demonstrate how it is done, but in the meantime, let’s figure out what you need to create this beauty.
You'll need it.
- wallpaper
- lineage
- rope
- fixator
- slipper
- shears
- double-sided
- PVA glue
Progress of work
- The first thing you need to do is measure the width and height of the window. You will need wallpaper the same width as the window, and the height of a window and a half, so that when the window is completely closed, our blinds do not stretch completely, but leave beautiful folds. After all the measurements and calculations, cut the necessary pieces of wallpaper. If your wallpaper does not correspond to the width of the window, do not be upset. You can always add an extra strip on the side. Honestly, with stripes on the sides of the blinds look even more beautiful and elegant.
- Additional strips should be glued on both sides on PVA glue. Leave them for a while to dry.
- Now let’s start with the creation of the blinds. With the help of a ruler, fold the wallpaper with an accordion. Remember the hot summer days as a child and how you made a fan to protect yourself from the heat. Same principle here. The width of the folds should be approximately 4 cm. You can make markings along the entire length of the wallpaper and bend along these lines, or you can measure only the first fold, and then do everything by eye. It all depends on your skill. Honestly, the unevenness of the folds will be completely invisible.
- After you've folded the whole piece of wallpaper with an accordion, they need to be folded in half. On the fold will be the center of our blinds, it is there that you need to make a through hole with a stitch. Next, take a rope 20-30 cm longer than the length of the window. With the help of a large needle, put a rope into the fixator (a usual fixer from clothes, it can be bought in any sewing fittings store) and lower it at the very end of the rope. Now thread the rope through the through hole in the wallpaper so that the fixator is at the bottom. Lock the top edge of the rope with tape so it doesn't slip out.
- On the upper edge of the wallpaper, attach two strips of bilateral tape. Now all that remains is to attach the blinds to the window. That's it.
Here's the promised video where you can watch the whole process of creating blinds.
It turned out a very beautiful and budget detail of the interior. In addition, it is very useful, in summer it will save from the heat and protect indoor plants that stand on the windowsill. Take it and do it, good luck!
Do you have any ideas for fancy old stuff? If yes, then be sure to share with us in the comments, and also do not forget to show this original idea for home to your friends on social networks!
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