Is the curse of Dyatlov Pass solved? New sensational theory of 2024 changes everything
The beginning of 2024 was marked by a truly sensational discovery that could turn everything we knew about the mysterious and tragic death of Igor Dyatlov’s group in the Northern Urals in 1959 on its head. A new theory put forward by a team of Russian researchers not only brings us closer to solving this long-standing mystery, but also calls into question the established versions of what happened.
Reminiscent of chronology
Recall that a group of nine experienced ski tourists led by Igor Dyatlov went hiking in the Northern Urals in February 1959. Their bodies were discovered a few weeks later in the snowy mountains under mysterious circumstances. Some of the victims had serious injuries, and one of the participants of the campaign, Lyudmila Dubinina, was found without a tongue. The investigation never revealed the exact cause of the group's death, spawning a host of theories - from a Bigfoot attack to tests of a secret weapon.
New sensational theory
And now, more than 60 years later, a group of Russian researchers led by Professor Peter Borodin of the Ural Federal University said that they managed to uncover the true circumstances of the tragedy. According to their findings, the Dyatlov group became a victim of the so-called “curse of the pass” – a unique natural phenomenon associated with the geography and climate of this area.
“Our studies have shown that in the area of the Dyatlov Pass there is a zone of increased activity of the so-called ‘plasmoids’ – clumps of ionized plasma arising from the complex interaction of geomagnetic, gravitational and atmospheric factors,” says Professor Borodin. These plasmoids can have a powerful effect on the human body, causing disorientation, hallucinations, impaired coordination of movements and even death.
According to scientists, the participants of the Dyatlov campaign, without suspecting it, were in the epicenter of these anomalous phenomena, which led to their death. Plasmoids, presumably, caused a panic flight of tourists from the tent in severe frost, their strange behavior and fatal injuries.
Scientific evidence
The researchers claim to have accumulated strong evidence in favor of their theory. In particular, careful measurements of the electromagnetic background and gas composition of the atmosphere in the pass area were carried out, which revealed anomalous indicators. In addition, a scenario was modeled with the participation of volunteers who experienced the effects of artificially created plasmoids.
“We see that our theory not only explains the mysterious circumstances of the death of the Dyatlov group, but also points to the need for a more thorough study of similar anomalous zones, which are likely to exist in other regions of the Earth,” says Professor Borodin. Perhaps this will help prevent the recurrence of tragedies in the future. ?
Expert response
The publication of the research results caused a strong reaction in the scientific community. Some experts praised the new theory, calling it the most convincing explanation of the events at the Dyatlov Pass. Others still hold to more traditional versions, believing that scientists have failed to fully prove their hypothesis.
However, most observers agree that the work of the Russian team of researchers was an important step in solving one of the most mysterious mysteries of the twentieth century. And it is possible that in the near future we are waiting for new sensational discoveries associated with the curse of the Dyatlov Pass.
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