He died last member of the "Group Dyatlova"
This morning, April 27, 76, died Yuri Yudin - participant of one of the most tragic hikes. He was the tenth in the group Igor Dyatlov, who died under mysterious circumstances in 1959. Then, a few days before the tragedy, Yuri had gone the route - he got sick and went home. What happened next changed his life forever. He was almost to his last breath trying to learn the cause of death of their comrades.
- Only yesterday talked to him on the phone, discussing some of the details of my new book about the campaign of 1959 - wrote in his LiveJournal Tyumen writer Oleg Arkhipov. - He was talking bad, but I was convinced: call me at any time, ask. Until the very last day of his lively interest in the theme of the tragedy. Recent decades have tried with all his might to understand the cause of death of their comrades. Every day he is doing their own investigation. Back in December, he was in good health.
Recently, Yuri E. seriously ill. Doctors diagnosed him: varicose veins. The stage was hard, running, he urgently needed an operation. Two weeks ago, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" has helped the group Dyatlova Memorial Fund to raise money for the treatment of Yuri Yudin.
- The position of the heavy, - said at the time the head of the Foundation for the Memory Group Dyatlova Yuri Kuntcevich. - After living Yudin one to help him, no one can. We want to hire a babysitter, nurse and collect money for the operation. We convince him to go to hospital, but he stubbornly did not want to.
Photo: Yuri Yudin, a few days before the tragedy
The money for the surgery in good health center collected. With about fifteen thousand. But the operation Yuri Yefimovich refused. With this money, friends bought him medicine, television, pay the nurse, so she visited him every day and put a dropper.
Our reporters then contacted Yuri Yudin, tried to persuade him to go to hospital. But he did know and did not want to hear, spoke only about the trouble -to Solikamsk (where he lived Yuri Yudin) have closed the only tourist club, which he once created.
- You know, city officials have used the fact that I am helpless and sick and shut down the city's only tourist club - Yuri E. complained. - Apparently, someone had to be the room. I can not walk the chain of command, I do not know where to turn. In words spoken about the development of youth policy, and in fact, the opposite is impossible. Instead of helping to attract young people to develop tourism, and closed just took!
Perhaps this situation is even more shaken the pensioner's health.
In the photo: A sick Yuri Yudin embraces Lyudmila Dubinin goodbye.
Our correspondents contacted the head of the Foundation for the Memory Group Dyatlova Yuri Kuntsevich - it is one of the last conversation with Yuri Yefimovich.
We're with him called up yesterday, his voice was weak, - told the "KP" Yuri Roerich. - Yesterday, he finally agreed to go to the hospital. This morning his nurse could not reach him. I came 11 to his home, and it is cold. Heart stopped! I'm going to Solikamsk. We fulfill his last wish - bring the body in Yekaterinburg and buried in a mass grave, with the rest dyatlovtsami.
A recent interview with Yuri Yudin - here.
Recall, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" wrote a lot about this terrible tragedy. A new round of investigations begun last summer, a few weeks after the disappearance of the Sverdlovsk region in the north of the AN-2 maize. Then, June 11, 2012 aircraft with 13 people on board went missing without a trace. It has not yet been found. Enigmatic and mysterious disappearance of his recalled the tragedy that occurred in the north of the Urals half a century ago. In August, the correspondent "KP" Natalia KO Nikolai Varsegov went on an expedition to pass Djatlova to understand what happened in 1959 (Devil's Pass: Who hides the truth about the death of nine tourists half a century later? - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6 parts).
© KP
- Only yesterday talked to him on the phone, discussing some of the details of my new book about the campaign of 1959 - wrote in his LiveJournal Tyumen writer Oleg Arkhipov. - He was talking bad, but I was convinced: call me at any time, ask. Until the very last day of his lively interest in the theme of the tragedy. Recent decades have tried with all his might to understand the cause of death of their comrades. Every day he is doing their own investigation. Back in December, he was in good health.

Recently, Yuri E. seriously ill. Doctors diagnosed him: varicose veins. The stage was hard, running, he urgently needed an operation. Two weeks ago, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" has helped the group Dyatlova Memorial Fund to raise money for the treatment of Yuri Yudin.
- The position of the heavy, - said at the time the head of the Foundation for the Memory Group Dyatlova Yuri Kuntcevich. - After living Yudin one to help him, no one can. We want to hire a babysitter, nurse and collect money for the operation. We convince him to go to hospital, but he stubbornly did not want to.
Photo: Yuri Yudin, a few days before the tragedy

The money for the surgery in good health center collected. With about fifteen thousand. But the operation Yuri Yefimovich refused. With this money, friends bought him medicine, television, pay the nurse, so she visited him every day and put a dropper.
Our reporters then contacted Yuri Yudin, tried to persuade him to go to hospital. But he did know and did not want to hear, spoke only about the trouble -to Solikamsk (where he lived Yuri Yudin) have closed the only tourist club, which he once created.
- You know, city officials have used the fact that I am helpless and sick and shut down the city's only tourist club - Yuri E. complained. - Apparently, someone had to be the room. I can not walk the chain of command, I do not know where to turn. In words spoken about the development of youth policy, and in fact, the opposite is impossible. Instead of helping to attract young people to develop tourism, and closed just took!
Perhaps this situation is even more shaken the pensioner's health.
In the photo: A sick Yuri Yudin embraces Lyudmila Dubinin goodbye.

Our correspondents contacted the head of the Foundation for the Memory Group Dyatlova Yuri Kuntsevich - it is one of the last conversation with Yuri Yefimovich.
We're with him called up yesterday, his voice was weak, - told the "KP" Yuri Roerich. - Yesterday, he finally agreed to go to the hospital. This morning his nurse could not reach him. I came 11 to his home, and it is cold. Heart stopped! I'm going to Solikamsk. We fulfill his last wish - bring the body in Yekaterinburg and buried in a mass grave, with the rest dyatlovtsami.
A recent interview with Yuri Yudin - here.
Recall, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" wrote a lot about this terrible tragedy. A new round of investigations begun last summer, a few weeks after the disappearance of the Sverdlovsk region in the north of the AN-2 maize. Then, June 11, 2012 aircraft with 13 people on board went missing without a trace. It has not yet been found. Enigmatic and mysterious disappearance of his recalled the tragedy that occurred in the north of the Urals half a century ago. In August, the correspondent "KP" Natalia KO Nikolai Varsegov went on an expedition to pass Djatlova to understand what happened in 1959 (Devil's Pass: Who hides the truth about the death of nine tourists half a century later? - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6 parts).
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