What is plasma?

In this article you will find a brief description of two different answers to the question "what is plasma?". The plasma is important in physics and biology. question "What is plasma?" obvious to all young minds. The word is often found in the physics and biology, although the term in physics comes from the plasma in terms of biology. So, what's the difference? Plasma physics. In physics, the definition put very simply, plasma fourth state of matter that appears after solid, liquid and gaseous states. Plasma state is achieved when the gas or gases are heated to very high temperatures and thus the atoms begin to lose at least one of his Elektron, but the atoms retain svіy positive charge. The plasma thus can not occur naturally, t. E. In an environment free in the world. It needs a controlled environment of an electromagnetic field to survive without reacting. Stars that exist in space, are the best example of the plasma. The vacuum of space prevents them from responding. Scientists have established certain parameters that determine plasma. These parameters include the approximation of the ions and electrons, the frequency and volume of iterations size, lifetime, density, temperature and magnetic field. Artificially produced plasma is used in neon signs and plasma TV. Coincidentally, Irving Langmuir in 1928, called the phenomenon "plasma" because it strongly resembles blood plasma. What is plasma in biology? The term plasma in biology indicates human plasma and animal plasma occupies 55% of the total blood volume that is present in the body. In the blood plasma has a whitish-yellow color and a medium in which the cells are placed all our. This extracellular fluid and unlike cells, it is not biologically alive block this chemical. What is plasma? Well 90%, essentially water. The remainder of - proteins, glucose, clotting factors, mineral ions, hormones and carbon dioxide. Some other materials are also in the blood plasma. "Boom" at the plasma transfusion prishol on World War II. The plasma can be administered in a severe wound to revive energy damage cells and the body, accelerate wound healing, reduce blood loss, and finally, improve blood clotting.