5 Lost Tribes: People who do not know of Civilization!

Strikingly, but in this age of nuclear energy, laser guns and study Pluto still exist primitive people, hardly familiar with the outside world. In all the earth, except in Europe, a huge amount of scattered tribes. Some live in complete isolation, may not even know of the existence of other "two-legged". Others know and see more, but not in a hurry to go on contact. And still others are ready to kill any intruder.
How to be us, civilized people? Trying to "make friends" with them? Carefully monitor them? Completely ignore?
Just in these days of debate resumed when the Peruvian authorities decided to make contact with one of the lost tribes. Advocates Aboriginal strongly opposed, because then contact those may die from diseases to which they had no immunity: it is not known because, if they agree to care
. Let's see who they are, and what still infinitely far from civilization tribes are found in the modern world.
< 1. Brazil
It is in this country live most uncooperative tribes. Only for 2 years, from 2005 to 2007, confirmed their number grew by 70% (from 40 to 67), and today it appears more than 80 in the lists of the National Indian Foundation (the FUNAI) There are tribes to very small, only 20-30 people, others can count and 1, 5 thousand. And all together they make up less than 1% of the Brazilian population, but the "ancestral lands" that they set aside - is 13% of the country (the green spot on the map)

To search for isolated tribes and accounting authorities periodically overflying the dense forests of the Amazon. So in 2008 near the border with Peru were seen hitherto unknown savages. First, anthropologists have noticed from the plane of their huts, similar to the elongated tent and half-naked women and children.

But during repeated fly-in a few hours at the same place were the men with spears and bows, from head to toes painted red, and the same militant woman, all black. Perhaps they took the plane for the evil spirit of the bird.

Since then, the tribe still remains unexplored. Scientists can only guess that it is a very great and prosperous. The photo shows that people in general are healthy and well fed, their baskets full of roots and fruits, even from an airplane noticed something like orchards. It is possible that this nation has existed for 10,000 years and since then keeps primitiveness.
< 2. Peru
But that same tribe, with whom want to contact the Peruvian authorities - this is the Indians Mashko Piro, also living in the wilds of the Amazon forest in the National Park of Manu in the south-east of the country. Previously, they have always rejected outsiders, but in recent years have often come out of the thicket in the "outside world." Only in 2014, there are more than 100 times noticed in populated areas, especially along the banks of the river, where they pointed to the passers.
"It seems that they go to the contact, and we can not pretend that we do not notice this. They also have the right to do "- say in the government. They emphasize that in no case would not force the tribe or to a contact or to a change in lifestyle.

Officially Peruvian law forbids contact with the Lost tribes, which the country has at least a dozen. But Mashko pyro-already "talk" a lot, from simple tourists to Christian missionaries, who shared with them clothes and food. Maybe also because of the violation of the prohibition provided by any punishment.

However, not all contacts were peaceful. In May 2015 Mashko-Pyro came to one of the local villages and met people, attacked them. One man was killed instantly, pierced by an arrow. In 2011, members of the tribe killed another and injured local arrows superintendent of the national park. Officials hope that the contact will help to prevent deaths in the future.
This is probably the only civilized Indian Mashko-pyro. As a child, local hunters stumbled upon it in the jungle, and took with them. Since then, he bears the name of Alberto Flores.

3. Andaman Islands (India)
The tiny island of this archipelago in the Bay of Bengal between India and Myanmar inhabit the extremely hostile to the outside world Sentinelese people. Rather, it is the direct descendants of the first Africans who risked to leave the black continent about 60,000 years ago. Since then, this small tribe and engaged in hunting, fishing and gathering. How did they kindle the fire is unknown.

Their language is not identified, but, judging by his striking difference from all other dialects of the Andaman, these people for thousands of years did not enter with anyone in contact. The number of their community (or a disparate group) is not installed: presumably, from 40 to 500 people

Sentinelese people - a typical Negritos, as they are called ethnologists: rather undersized people with very dark, almost black skin and short hair with small curls. Their main weapons - spears and bows with different types of arrows. Observations have shown that they accurately hit the target height of a man from a distance of 10 meters. Any alien tribe considers enemies. In 2006 they killed two fishermen who were sleeping peacefully in a boat accident arrived to their shore, and then met with a hail of arrows search helicopter.

It was only a few 'peaceful' contact with Sentinelese people in the 1960s. One time for them on the shore left coconuts to see them sit down or eat. - Ate. On another occasion, "presented" live pigs - the savages they were immediately killed and buried .... The only thing that seemed to them useful - it's red buckets, as they rushed to carry out inland. And exactly the same buckets of green color was not touched.

But you know that the most strange and inexplicable? Despite its primitiveness and extremely primitive shelter, Sentinelese people as a whole survived the terrible earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004. But all along the coast of Asia, killing nearly 300 thousand people, making it the deadliest natural disaster in modern history!

4. Papua New Guinea
Extensive island of New Guinea in Oceania holds many unknown secrets. His inaccessible mountainous areas covered with forest-grounds, only seem to be uninhabited - in fact it is home to a plurality of non-contact tribes. Due to the nature of the landscape, they are hidden not only from civilization, but also from each other: it happens that between two villages just a few kilometers away, but they are not aware of the neighborhood

The tribes live in isolation so that each has its own customs and their language. Just think - linguists distinguish about 650 Papuan languages, and all in this country speak more than 800 languages

Similar differences can be in their culture and lifestyle. Some tribes are relatively peaceful and generally friendly as funny to our ears nationality, which the Europeans learned only in 1935.

But on the other go most sinister rumors. There were cases when members of expeditions, special equipment to search for Papuan savages, disappeared without a trace. That is how in 1961, disappeared one of the richest members of the American family, Michael Rockefeller. He separated himself from the group and, as a suspect, was caught and eaten.
< 5. Africa
At the junction of the borders of Ethiopia, Kenya and southern Sudan live several ethnic groups, numbering about 200 thousand people, which are collectively referred to Surma. They raise cattle, but did not migrate, and share a common culture with a very violent and strange traditions.

Boys, for example, for the conquest of the bride suit cane fights, which can result in serious injuries and even death. And the girls decorate themselves for the wedding of the future, remove the lower teeth, pierced lip and stretch that has gone in to the special plate. The larger it is, the more the bride will give the cattle, so that the most desperate beauty manage to cram a 40-centimeter dish!

However, in recent years, young people from these tribes began to learn something about the outside world, and more and more girls are now Surma refuse this ritual of "beauty". However, women and men continue to adorn themselves with curly scars that are very proud of.

In general, the introduction of these peoples to civilization is very uneven: they are, for example, and are illiterate, but quickly mastered the AK-47 machine guns, came to him during the civil war in Sudan

And one more interesting detail. The first people from the outside world, came into contact with the Surma in the 1980s, were not Africans, but a group of Russian doctors. The natives then terrified, mistaking them for the walking dead - because earlier they had never seen white leather
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