The standard of beauty for the past 100 years: the United States against Russia
Can you imagine, would have taught in modern universities "history of sexuality" Sit yourself and hour and a half an eye on the beauties on the slides, study options and to understand that when and why the care and concern of mankind! Certainly, and the girls would be interested to learn about it.
We offer a spectacular competition, not only between epochs, but also between Russia and the rest of the world. As for the last hundred years it was tempting and desirable "they" and "we»?
< 1900
Here is a true "hourglass", covered in bone corset, to which "was attached" special servant, possessing great strength. The girls swoon, but it worked out, "haughty posture" because they could not keep it only as your back straight and shoulders squared. And because the dresses were completely closed, very juicy part of the body was considered the neck, ideally thin and long. She stressed the graceful necks and lace collars.
Reference beauty of the time actress Camille Clifford
In Russia
Since the days of Peter I Russian nobility in no way kept pace with fashionable European capitals. The men sent to London, women - Paris and Vienna. And sexuality was a paradoxical: the lady had to look "air and weightless" and at the same time, the "full-bodied"; most "heavenly" (a nymph, mermaid, exotic flower - anything but not an ordinary woman with her household cares) and at the same time healthy and prolific (in urban households had 6-8 children in the provincial - 10-12). < br>
woman in the image of a mermaid 1905 Snapshot court photographer Basil Chekhov
This was the era of miniature (1, 55-1, 60 m), but very busty beauties with narrow sloping shoulders and long brown hair, arranged in an elaborate hairstyles such as "Japanese". And they are very valued "noble pallor" - used rice powder and never sunbathed (tan differed only commoners)
Singer, actress and operetta singer Anastasia songs Vyaltseva, 1900
In Hollywood came to his majesty makeup. The legendary Max Factor (pictured below) opened cosmetics shop, and screen stars first to appreciate its tonal resources. The founder of the famous brand Rimmel, Eugene Rimmel invented the mascara, and Maybelline company in 1917 began producing a similar product for the eyebrows.
However, do make-up in the "narration" of life is considered shameful, and if beauty buying newfangled color cosmetics, it is only to a very quietly correct facial features, hiding flaws and highlighting the virtues.
In Russia
A turning point for our country a decade has radically changed and fashion, and the concept of sexuality. After the revolution of 1917 began intensively to create a "Soviet style": there were workshops so-called overalls - that is, for production and for everyday wear. The new authorities have dreamed to dress all in uniform, to emphasize the "universal equality". But the main attribute of the revolutionaries were "squeaky" leather jacket, in which women often have been mistaken for men.
By sex, too, came up with "proletarian" approach announced that it is a simple physiological need, that does not need a "bourgeois relic" as love
<. br> Meanwhile, the bourgeois ladies long shunned the bright make-up: in the 20s, all these tubes, jars, sklyanochki become their best friends. However, focusing on the person, the woman no longer emphasize form. Instead of the "hourglass" became fashionable "boyish" silhouette, and some even tied the breast, making it flatter.
In Russia
Like any manifestation of "individualism", exquisite appearance was unacceptable under the new order. Not satisfactory one who wore simple, discreet, functional, and more "economical" - that is, not to spend money on a new and alter old. Women are at the time this ingenuity: in the course were the curtains, tablecloths, bed linen, priests' robes, and especially striped mattress cloth - perhaps the only one available. And almost all the women wore short haircuts. Moscow fashionista era of the NEP, 1927
In this decade, women's sex appeal has acquired one more "masculine" trait: fashionable silhouette became clearer, with virtually no smooth lines and curves, and straight hard shoulder line. At the hearing it is not very attractive, but take a look at these photos of Marlene Dietrich and Joan Crawford: image of a strong, confident and a little "bitchy» femme fatale today's crazy
In Russia
By the 30 th year of attempts to impose a "proletarian mass" stalled, but fashion is not developed because of the poverty of the population and the acute shortage. In the minds of the Soviet people "fashion" was replaced by "stout", whether it is a coat, hat, bag or shoes. And most recognizable trends Soviet 30s steel sports muscular style and white color as a kind of symbol of "happiness and joy».
Actress Tatyana Gorecki
From the previous decade in the new migrated skid shoulders - such as actress Katharine Hepburn emphasized their rigid line of his austere beauty
But during the war back into fashion blatant femininity. Sex has become a symbol of the girl Pin-up girl style, as an actress and dancer Betty Grable on this iconic 1943 photo. It was said: "The million-dollar legs»
In Russia
. In the 40s the Soviet fashion finally moved closer to Europe. Our beauty drew ideas from magazines and postcards were still captured, the captured movies and, of course, the domestic movie stars and singers who imitate as best they could. But after only a few years after the war, women in the USSR again lagged behind global trends due to the shortage of tissues and continued to wear "school" flowered dresses and jackets in "a military-style».
Perhaps more than ever women's sexuality was not provided immediately, "two versions". Take a look at the sex symbol decades - Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly. Both were figures such as "hourglass", admired and envy, and both appeared in a rather open outfits. But if the image of a sultry Marilyn exploited, frankly alluring beauty, the Grace "played" cold prude.
In Russia
Old-fashioned style of Soviet women still wore the rough "broad-shouldered" things only after Stalin's death, somewhere in the mid-50s, began to adopt has long been popular in the West, feminine dresses, emphasizing the figure. The World Festival of Youth and Students, ENEA, 1957
Meanwhile, abroad has prepared a new surprise: curvaceous fallen out of favor, the chest has ceased to be a major trump women, but millions of beauties flaunt began in outrageous mini opening leg eyes "of ears." Role model was the British model Twiggy (Reed).
Another powerful incentive to lose weight was a beach fashion, which is now only won the separate swimsuit bikini (previously it was considered "obscene»).
< In Russia
Penetrating into the Soviet Union on a bit, almost clandestinely, new fashion trends slowly and belatedly, but still won the hearts of "thaw" of young people, often in spite of the Komsomol and party lines. Studs, miniskirts and even insidious bikini - all this gradually reigned in the wardrobes of fashionistas. However, Soviet-style classic 60s embodied "the most beautiful minister of culture" Ekaterina Furtseva.
Maybe a woman's body and lost in the volumes, but has found a new sexuality. One of the "Charlie's Angels" actress Farrah Fawcett has captivated men with their luxurious locks and photos in bathing suits made of thin fabric - nearly topless. This poster, for example, sold record 20 million copies!
< In Russia
Meanwhile, on the back side of the earth, no one could take his eyes off incredibly slim and elegant Zinochka from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Occupation" (Natalia Selezneva) ...
.Nadi Of "Twist of Fate" (Barbara Brylska) with its famous fox cap ...
... And Vera of "Office Romance" (Leah Akhedzhakova) with its "entirely foreign toilets", "very provocative boots" and a surprise for Soviet women "free gait from the hip».
New decade require more open body, and the body had to be fit, flexible and tanned. All this has combined in itself aerobics with its main star Jane Fonda, from which, by the way, went to fashion leggings and sweaters, falling down from the shoulder. And the entire second half of the 80's excited imagination appetizing variety birdie Sandra and Sabrina.
In Russia
And for the Soviet Union just came a moment of sexual liberation (though progressive Vera from the late 70's was already known about the "sexual revolution"!) And the end of the decade there was a real shock: out the first Soviet erotic - "Little Faith»
<. br> 1990
On the one hand, sexuality drove under the standard 90-60-90 - as in the famous top models of the time from Claudia Schiffer to Naomi Campbell. On the other, literally knocked out of the chest of all standards Pamela Anderson has produced a furor that women stood in line to plastic surgeons.
< In Russia
In the wake of drastic changes and hardships our country like it was not until the female parameters. But through the destruction of the old walls in Russia poured a stream of "freedom" that "sex" was literally everything, from politics to television. Leading the program "Today" on the old NTV Tatiana Mitkov, 1995 (Photo: RIA Novosti / Yuri Zaritkovsky)
The world still goes on models of the mind - tall and slender, long-legged and long-haired, but now all the attention paid to ... belly. It should be flat, embossed and bronzed, to boldly not only put him on display on the beach, but in the city, showing off in the shortened topic, like Britney Spears.
In Russia
Do you remember that's the beauty of this "zero", was very fond of our country? Monstrous slacks, capris and phone on a cord as the main accessory.
What will they say about the current decade, we'll see in another five years, but now the trend seems obvious ... reality TV star Kim Kardashian and Instagram with its hyped "bumper»
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We offer a spectacular competition, not only between epochs, but also between Russia and the rest of the world. As for the last hundred years it was tempting and desirable "they" and "we»?
< 1900
Here is a true "hourglass", covered in bone corset, to which "was attached" special servant, possessing great strength. The girls swoon, but it worked out, "haughty posture" because they could not keep it only as your back straight and shoulders squared. And because the dresses were completely closed, very juicy part of the body was considered the neck, ideally thin and long. She stressed the graceful necks and lace collars.
Reference beauty of the time actress Camille Clifford

In Russia
Since the days of Peter I Russian nobility in no way kept pace with fashionable European capitals. The men sent to London, women - Paris and Vienna. And sexuality was a paradoxical: the lady had to look "air and weightless" and at the same time, the "full-bodied"; most "heavenly" (a nymph, mermaid, exotic flower - anything but not an ordinary woman with her household cares) and at the same time healthy and prolific (in urban households had 6-8 children in the provincial - 10-12). < br>
woman in the image of a mermaid 1905 Snapshot court photographer Basil Chekhov

This was the era of miniature (1, 55-1, 60 m), but very busty beauties with narrow sloping shoulders and long brown hair, arranged in an elaborate hairstyles such as "Japanese". And they are very valued "noble pallor" - used rice powder and never sunbathed (tan differed only commoners)
Singer, actress and operetta singer Anastasia songs Vyaltseva, 1900

In Hollywood came to his majesty makeup. The legendary Max Factor (pictured below) opened cosmetics shop, and screen stars first to appreciate its tonal resources. The founder of the famous brand Rimmel, Eugene Rimmel invented the mascara, and Maybelline company in 1917 began producing a similar product for the eyebrows.
However, do make-up in the "narration" of life is considered shameful, and if beauty buying newfangled color cosmetics, it is only to a very quietly correct facial features, hiding flaws and highlighting the virtues.

In Russia
A turning point for our country a decade has radically changed and fashion, and the concept of sexuality. After the revolution of 1917 began intensively to create a "Soviet style": there were workshops so-called overalls - that is, for production and for everyday wear. The new authorities have dreamed to dress all in uniform, to emphasize the "universal equality". But the main attribute of the revolutionaries were "squeaky" leather jacket, in which women often have been mistaken for men.

By sex, too, came up with "proletarian" approach announced that it is a simple physiological need, that does not need a "bourgeois relic" as love
<. br> Meanwhile, the bourgeois ladies long shunned the bright make-up: in the 20s, all these tubes, jars, sklyanochki become their best friends. However, focusing on the person, the woman no longer emphasize form. Instead of the "hourglass" became fashionable "boyish" silhouette, and some even tied the breast, making it flatter.

In Russia
Like any manifestation of "individualism", exquisite appearance was unacceptable under the new order. Not satisfactory one who wore simple, discreet, functional, and more "economical" - that is, not to spend money on a new and alter old. Women are at the time this ingenuity: in the course were the curtains, tablecloths, bed linen, priests' robes, and especially striped mattress cloth - perhaps the only one available. And almost all the women wore short haircuts. Moscow fashionista era of the NEP, 1927

In this decade, women's sex appeal has acquired one more "masculine" trait: fashionable silhouette became clearer, with virtually no smooth lines and curves, and straight hard shoulder line. At the hearing it is not very attractive, but take a look at these photos of Marlene Dietrich and Joan Crawford: image of a strong, confident and a little "bitchy» femme fatale today's crazy

In Russia
By the 30 th year of attempts to impose a "proletarian mass" stalled, but fashion is not developed because of the poverty of the population and the acute shortage. In the minds of the Soviet people "fashion" was replaced by "stout", whether it is a coat, hat, bag or shoes. And most recognizable trends Soviet 30s steel sports muscular style and white color as a kind of symbol of "happiness and joy».
Actress Tatyana Gorecki

From the previous decade in the new migrated skid shoulders - such as actress Katharine Hepburn emphasized their rigid line of his austere beauty

But during the war back into fashion blatant femininity. Sex has become a symbol of the girl Pin-up girl style, as an actress and dancer Betty Grable on this iconic 1943 photo. It was said: "The million-dollar legs»
In Russia
. In the 40s the Soviet fashion finally moved closer to Europe. Our beauty drew ideas from magazines and postcards were still captured, the captured movies and, of course, the domestic movie stars and singers who imitate as best they could. But after only a few years after the war, women in the USSR again lagged behind global trends due to the shortage of tissues and continued to wear "school" flowered dresses and jackets in "a military-style».

Perhaps more than ever women's sexuality was not provided immediately, "two versions". Take a look at the sex symbol decades - Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly. Both were figures such as "hourglass", admired and envy, and both appeared in a rather open outfits. But if the image of a sultry Marilyn exploited, frankly alluring beauty, the Grace "played" cold prude.

In Russia
Old-fashioned style of Soviet women still wore the rough "broad-shouldered" things only after Stalin's death, somewhere in the mid-50s, began to adopt has long been popular in the West, feminine dresses, emphasizing the figure. The World Festival of Youth and Students, ENEA, 1957

Meanwhile, abroad has prepared a new surprise: curvaceous fallen out of favor, the chest has ceased to be a major trump women, but millions of beauties flaunt began in outrageous mini opening leg eyes "of ears." Role model was the British model Twiggy (Reed).

Another powerful incentive to lose weight was a beach fashion, which is now only won the separate swimsuit bikini (previously it was considered "obscene»).
< In Russia
Penetrating into the Soviet Union on a bit, almost clandestinely, new fashion trends slowly and belatedly, but still won the hearts of "thaw" of young people, often in spite of the Komsomol and party lines. Studs, miniskirts and even insidious bikini - all this gradually reigned in the wardrobes of fashionistas. However, Soviet-style classic 60s embodied "the most beautiful minister of culture" Ekaterina Furtseva.

Maybe a woman's body and lost in the volumes, but has found a new sexuality. One of the "Charlie's Angels" actress Farrah Fawcett has captivated men with their luxurious locks and photos in bathing suits made of thin fabric - nearly topless. This poster, for example, sold record 20 million copies!
< In Russia
Meanwhile, on the back side of the earth, no one could take his eyes off incredibly slim and elegant Zinochka from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Occupation" (Natalia Selezneva) ...

.Nadi Of "Twist of Fate" (Barbara Brylska) with its famous fox cap ...

... And Vera of "Office Romance" (Leah Akhedzhakova) with its "entirely foreign toilets", "very provocative boots" and a surprise for Soviet women "free gait from the hip».

New decade require more open body, and the body had to be fit, flexible and tanned. All this has combined in itself aerobics with its main star Jane Fonda, from which, by the way, went to fashion leggings and sweaters, falling down from the shoulder. And the entire second half of the 80's excited imagination appetizing variety birdie Sandra and Sabrina.

In Russia
And for the Soviet Union just came a moment of sexual liberation (though progressive Vera from the late 70's was already known about the "sexual revolution"!) And the end of the decade there was a real shock: out the first Soviet erotic - "Little Faith»
<. br> 1990
On the one hand, sexuality drove under the standard 90-60-90 - as in the famous top models of the time from Claudia Schiffer to Naomi Campbell. On the other, literally knocked out of the chest of all standards Pamela Anderson has produced a furor that women stood in line to plastic surgeons.
< In Russia
In the wake of drastic changes and hardships our country like it was not until the female parameters. But through the destruction of the old walls in Russia poured a stream of "freedom" that "sex" was literally everything, from politics to television. Leading the program "Today" on the old NTV Tatiana Mitkov, 1995 (Photo: RIA Novosti / Yuri Zaritkovsky)

The world still goes on models of the mind - tall and slender, long-legged and long-haired, but now all the attention paid to ... belly. It should be flat, embossed and bronzed, to boldly not only put him on display on the beach, but in the city, showing off in the shortened topic, like Britney Spears.

In Russia
Do you remember that's the beauty of this "zero", was very fond of our country? Monstrous slacks, capris and phone on a cord as the main accessory.

What will they say about the current decade, we'll see in another five years, but now the trend seems obvious ... reality TV star Kim Kardashian and Instagram with its hyped "bumper»
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