Oshybki and ochepyatki (25 photos)
Samples of various "ashybok" and "ochepyatok»
"Sosuli" We already do not surprise, but "sosulki" - this is something new.
About horror.
I philological coma.
Some offer for -zhi / -shi fine.
And for -tsya / -tsya even fine - too light punishment.
The refrigerator is placed exactly three liter jars.
For children with advanced vybrazheniem.
Beware of building robots.
Unknown character of Mark Twain.
And the lack of commas.
At the site of the library, we would have taken offense.
Terminals Sberbank different intelligence and wit.
... And word forms.
Store Butichёk. Hello proletarians by the bourgeoisie.
Here is such a Iterburg.
In Raiders of the Lost.
Nothing, except for spelling.
All borsch!
When the price has no effect on literacy.
And this is - just a great publicity stunt.
We did not understand that the author wanted to say.
No advertising, but still very cute.
With the belief that in the future there will be fewer mistakes.
Today, tomorrow and always - smiling and do not abuse the comma!

"Sosuli" We already do not surprise, but "sosulki" - this is something new.

About horror.

I philological coma.

Some offer for -zhi / -shi fine.

And for -tsya / -tsya even fine - too light punishment.

The refrigerator is placed exactly three liter jars.


For children with advanced vybrazheniem.

Beware of building robots.

Unknown character of Mark Twain.

And the lack of commas.

At the site of the library, we would have taken offense.

Terminals Sberbank different intelligence and wit.

... And word forms.

Store Butichёk. Hello proletarians by the bourgeoisie.

Here is such a Iterburg.

In Raiders of the Lost.

Nothing, except for spelling.

All borsch!

When the price has no effect on literacy.

And this is - just a great publicity stunt.

We did not understand that the author wanted to say.

No advertising, but still very cute.

With the belief that in the future there will be fewer mistakes.

Today, tomorrow and always - smiling and do not abuse the comma!
Genuine attempts to make contact with aliens (16 photos + video)
Gastronomic journey through the streets of Korea (29 photos)