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In continuation of my previous my themes: Yakutsk, Yakutsk 2 Miami, but the topic of talk about planes will not.

Many will have been in Mexico. The will of fate, and I had a trip to this country.
However, many were in Mexico only in resort areas, but my trip was far from the resort. And, as I understand it, the resort and spa in Mexico - are very different. Hopefully it will be interesting.
There is no photo of tequila, hotel rooms and beaches. This stuff on the internet and so completely.
Spelling and punctuation me lame, I know. You can optionally not talk about it.
It will be 50 pictures, a selection, please do not break. All photos - my.

Fasting is not the first, so that you can kick your feet ... ... strongly.

PS All pictures - clickable.

1. In Mexico City, was just passing through and all photographed out of the car. The impression of the city certainly strong. Truscheby and modern buildings stand side by side. City giant. However, I lived far away, in the city of Toluca de Lerdo,. In the pictures - full of the cathedral.

2. The same truscheby, near Mexico City. In the resort, I suspect it is not.

3. These same.

4. Beetle, handsome. By the way, the old beetles there are many.

5. And this is an office area of ​​Mexico City, and right behind him begin truscheby with images 2 and 3.

6. Mountain road to Toluca. More precisely scenery around this road.

7. A first aid kit is? A shovel? But seriously, in Mexico several types of police: municipal, federal, etc. So the federal police - the coolest. The police have the right to perform any of the functions of the police, perfectly equips and great physical shape. Next to them really feel safe.

8.Esche a couple of pictures on this subject. Do not look so dark. Author honestly tried to set the shutter speed, but it turned out only later.


10. But a couple of photos of rural landscapes and not very, filmed on the road to Toluca.






16. Well, here I am again nakosyachil delayed. So these people - a typical Mexican. Exactly half of all Mexicans, I have seen on the streets dressed just like these gentlemen in the back. Honestly, though not very visible, but the guys dressed up as well as Tajiks in Moscow, who in the midst of a construction change ran to a nearby tent to buy a bottle of water. And these people - in Mexico - half! Serezdno, poverty there is terrible ...

17. A pair of specimens of architecture in Toluca. As can be seen in all the curves and Koch.


19. And here is a pair of roadside houses. Here we see that things are much more colorful and zhivinko.


21. And now go to local attractions. The Tequila is famous in addition to Mexico? Well, of course Mayan pyramid (although this is a controversial issue that the pyramids on the second place after the tequila). Pyramids in Mexico is complete, but I was only in a complex Teotiukan. That photo of Google. I can say that the pyramid is very impressive.

22. Modern scholars believe that the area of ​​this ancient settlement was 26-28 square meters. km, and the population - about 200 thousand. man. It is the oldest city in the western hemisphere, its age - about 2 thousand. Years.
Teotihuacan - a later name.

23. Teotihuacan became a regional center in the 2nd. n. e. due to the fact that the former center, Cuicuilco, was abandoned after the eruption, and its inhabitants moved to Teotihuacan.
Proper network of streets intersecting at right angles to the central avenue of the city, suggests that Teotihuacan was developed by carefully thought-out plan. Around the center are located close to each other adobe homes of ordinary citizens, forming a separate city blocks, with narrow streets and blind walls of houses. All the houses were single-storey, flat-roofed and without windows. The only source of light and air were the door, be sure to face the inner courtyard open.
In the era of its peak (250-600 gg. BC. E.) Teotihuacan had a significant cultural impact on many areas of Mesoamerica. Teotihuacan clay vessels and figurines are found from northern Mexico to the mountains of Guatemala and from the Pacific coast to the Gulf of Mexico. In the heyday of his power Teotihuacan controlled the central highlands of Mexico and has been in contact with the centers of the neighboring civilizations - Oaxaca, Monte Alban, and the Maya city-states (Tikal).
In its heyday it was a city with a well-organized way of life, which was headed by rigid rulers. Priests who have knowledge of astronomy, followed the social life and exerted a significant influence on the minds of people. Religion penetrates deeply into the life of each family. Home altars have been found even in the poorest homes. Art and Mythology of Teotihuacan, reflecting the rich spiritual world of their creators, have been centered around a pantheon of deities. The most important place in the mythology of the tribe held Quetzalcoatl, the god with the body of a serpent covered with feathers. The inhabitants of the town worshiped as the supreme god of nature. Later, the Aztec feathered serpent became the patron of culture, it is often identified with the planet Venus.
The development of civilization of Teotihuacan will coincide with the flowering of ancient Rome, but the history of Mesoamerican city was more prolonged. The city was the main object of pilgrimage. Journey through the Valley of Mexico visited Teotihuacan, to conclude trade deals, find a job or to bow to religious shrines. Thousands foothill villages on certain days were almost empty and their inhabitants rushed to the area of ​​Teotihuacan, to take part in religious ceremonies and mystic celebrations to ensure the future prosperity of the city and all the inhabitants of the valley.

24. Teotihuacan was abandoned in the middle of the VII century. Those who came here much later Aztecs caught only majestic ruins.
There are two main hypotheses destruction of the city: foreign invasions and the revolt of the oppressed lower classes against the ruling caste of nobles and priests. The city was destroyed almost to the ground: all the caches with ritual offerings and looted tombs and sacred statues broken and disfigured. In addition, the death of Teotihuacan occurred in the era of its greatest prosperity. However, against both hypotheses says that no traces of violence or rebellion.


26. This - Pyramid of the Moon
Pyramid of the Moon is located at the northern end of the "Road of the Dead." In the depths of the pyramid of the Moon archaeologists have found the burial chamber with the remains of 12 human bodies. All of them had their hands tied behind their backs, but 10 of them were beheaded and thrown into disarray in the middle of the chamber. According to one version, they were enemies of the inhabitants of Teotihuacan.
Two other victims, apparently belonged to the local elite, as they were carefully planted, they were made of jade ornaments, necklaces products, simulating human jaw and other marks of high standing.
While unsettled, after which they were sacrificed to these people, but we know that the ritual was committed during a substantial restructuring of this ancient building. Apparently, it symbolized the growing religious and political influence of the city-state. The same was said and the center of the chamber, which has a large mosaic of jade, obsidian knives surrounded by 18. Nothing like in Mesoamerica has not been found before. Also in the chamber were found the skeletons of five wolves (or coyotes), three puma or jaguar skeleton and the remains of 13 eagles. Perhaps these animals were symbols of warriors (military alliances).


28. But - partially reduced cladding on the pyramid, which is located in the center of the so-called Citadel. It is believed that the original pyramid looked that way.
Here he writes about "Citadel" - Wikipedia. The inner area that can accommodate up to one hundred thousand people (half the population), is limited to four massive pyramids on platforms. The central part of the complex - Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (Quetzalcoatl). To adjoin two areas: North and South palaces were not only used as an administrative center, but also for housing and employment.

29. Pyramid of the Sun, by the way, she is depicted in the photo № 22.
The pyramid was discovered and first explored Leopoldo Batres in the first decade of the XX century.
Pyramid of the Sun, built around 150 BC. e., is a 5-tiered structure with a flat top, which was once a small church. The height of this colossus - almost 64, 5 meters, the length of the base 211, 207, 217 and 209 meters, total volume - 993 thousand. Cubic meters.
Pyramid of the Sun is made of cobblestone, clay and earth, lined with stone and was surmounted by a wooden temple.

30. I also visited the volcano Nevado de Toluca, with a height of 4577 meters. To the highest point of the volcano could not be reached. The highest point of a GPS was 4400 meters. Of course we did not climb the mountain of the height of the sea. We were able to take to the height of 3800, and after that peshochkom. Beauty indescribable. Interestingly, at this altitude, lighters do not work (like smoke on the "roof of the world") had to use trained spetsialnyo matches.

31. Since the volcano has the status of nationally park at the entrance is a barrier and you need to pay a small denyuzhku for entry. Frankly CPT landscape with pipes behind him made me not a very good impression.

32. Tower of mobile communication. Height approximately 3500.

33. Unloads the station. Height of 3800. Then - on foot.

34. subsequent photographs will not comment. Just enjoy the scenery.






40. View of the station, where we landed.





45.Nu and lastly, one more interesting place. All quadrupeds that Mexico - Catholic country. It affects the amount remaining from the time of Cortez temples and monasteries. With very interesting arhitikturoy. Your attention a couple of photos of one of the monasteries. By the way monasteries in Mexico - not like us. It is not a fortress with a wall, but only complex is finished without any fortifications.

46. ​​


48. And the most interesting, 2 waterfalls, just next to the monastery.


50. In general, it is everything. Photos are many more and post them all at once is not possible. Unfortunately, the report itself came out a few chaotic, but it is only due to lack of time.

And now a few tips from my experience, people who are going to go to Mexico:
1) If you eat in the resort place go anywhere for groups of at least 5 people. Especially in the evening. Even by twos and threes to go in Mexico - it is dangerous. (A real danger)
2) If you started photographing local people - run from there. It's not necessary to spend a couple of hours of his time, yet you do not perefotografiruetsya half of the local people. Personally for me after a couple of pictures with the natives (not experienced I was) then ran a hundred people who also wanted. I had to quickly hide.
3) Never never never sit down to the fish is (well, that's understandable) and try not to get even to the official-looking taxi on the street. If you need a car, the hotel always has exactly the official taxi drivers. Which, in this case, also in English often razgavarivayut (where I was - a rarity) and cost a penny (compared with Moscow, of course).
But the rest of the tips - are those that are found in all directories.

Everyone can comment.
