In memory of Viktor Tsoi

Little Victor
At the age of 8 years old Viktor Tsoi played in a band called "The House of number 6". In addition, since early childhood, and showed a tendency to draw. Therefore, a fourth grade parents identified him in art school, where he studied until 1977. Gradually Viktor learned to draw and understand art.

Listening to rock festival 1984
Our heart works like the new engine,
We know all the fourteen years that we need to know,
And we will do whatever we want,
Until you ruined the whole world.
As we have done before the birth of holes,
And where is the tailor that they will be able to patch?
What about the fact that we have a little order,
So what we want to dance?
In the summer of 1981, Viktor Tsoi and his friends Alexey Rybin and Oleg Valinsky founded the group "Garin and hyperboloids", which in the autumn became a member of the Leningrad rock club. They often went to listen, willing to act in concert in the capital. During one of these trips with a guitar singing now in the train noticed Boris Grebenshchikov. He offered assistance and support to Victor. Soon Valinsky drafted into the army, and the band began recording their first album.
One day toward the metro station "Technological Institute", friends noticed a luminous sign of the cinema "Astronaut." And then they decided to change their name to the more long concise and simple. "Cinema" they liked it immediately. The meaning of the title is in himself - it is a short, capacious, as well as "synthetic", that is artificial.

Viktor Tsoi resting after concerts
"Night, the day - to sleep lazy - there's smoke - To hell with him»
In the famous "Kamchatka" Choi became good fireman. But many friends say that he was not so much a workaholic. From the memoirs of the same Rybin: "Victor was a terrible bummer! Like all of us. Just I songwriting there was for his effort. He was engaged in this case between.
In general, a favorite pastime Tsoi was lying on the couch. I remember, I come, and he, with his feet, with the "White Sea" in the teeth of the book reads ».

Viktor Tsoi and «Cinema»
"I was waiting for this time, and that time has come, those who kept silent, no longer silent»
In early 1984, Choi has newly guitarist Yuri Kasparian started recording this second album, again played the role of producer Grebenshchikov, calling for recording many of his friends. "The album was electric and somewhat experimental in sound and form.
I can not say that the sound and stylistic direction it turned out the way we would like to see, but in terms of the experiment, it looked interesting, "- he said in an interview with the leader of the team. The popularity of "Cinema" has risen steadily over the years, beginning when the musicians played only appartment and subjected to harsh criticism from both the official and the underground press, at the end of the decade their plate already distributed millions of copies, and going to concerts whole stadiums of fans. < br /> The group has created the phenomenon of "cinephiles". Attitude of the romantic hero tsoevskih songs proved to be very in tune with the mood of the young generation of listeners 1980s.

Viktor and Marianne Choi, photos from family archives:

"Death is to live, and love is worth waiting for ...»
Of all the girls Viktor Tsoi greatest influence on him was his wife - Marianna Tsoi. That it strongly supported yet no known group of "Cinema».
According to the memoirs of participants, it provided them with a unique concert wardrobe, consisting of retired circus costumes. Viktor and Marianne were married three years later, after they met. They had a son, Sasha.
"We were poor as a church mouse" - she recalled. "I rent a room in a communal apartment, they eat what God sends. Even a decent wedding could not play. Instead of a wedding dress I put on a white jacket and skirt with stripes svetlenkie ».
Despite the fact that soon fell in love with Choi translator Natalia Razlogova, they decided not to divorce officially and kept in touch.

Viktor Tsoi and his son Sasha
When I see how you dance
I kid you care about you,
When you look so serious
Babe, I love you.
When you kiss me timidly
I kid you care about you,
But I can not, I can not
I'm sorry I can not.
Song flies over the waves
It flies like a tsunami,
But the ship on the horizon
What happened to us,
What happened to us
This question me peace
Do not give.
Little Sasha Tsoi, was born on July 26, 1985, his mother Marianne and Viktor Tsoi had lived together for many. Even when Alexander was a year old, Victor left the family. However, he never ceased to communicate with his son. That he was dedicated the song "Kid».

Hotshots film "Igla", 1988:

"Instead of heat - green glass, instead of fire - smoke. From the calendar grid snatched day. Red sun burns down »
In addition to musical creativity Viktor Tsoi he was known for his work in cinema. He starred in the films "XXa Ya!" (Directed by Rachid Nugmanov), "End of holiday" (directed by Sergei Lysenko), "Rock" (directed by Alexei Uchitel) and "Assa" (directed by Sergei Solovyov).
The film Rashid Nugmanova "Igla" (1988) Viktor Tsoi starred Moreau. Incidentally, after the needles Choi offered to play Mowgli in the musical, but he did not like this idea.
"I'm not an actor. And to do it professionally, to portray someone to transform into other people to me as something quite a thrill. Not interested. So I would love to act in films, if I were given the right there is no akterstvovat and express themselves, "- said Choi when he was asked about future plans for the movie.

Victor, Joanne and Jury during his trip to the United States, 1989
"I believe that the people living on the planet, not in the state»
After gaining popularity, the group began to receive invitations from different socialist republics and even from some foreign countries. As part of the movement «Next Stop» a charity concert in Denmark, the income from which went to victims of the earthquake in Armenia, a concert was given at the biggest French rock festival in Bourges, as well as in the United States.

Footage from the concert of "Cinema»:

"Sing your songs, drink their wine, Hero. You again see the dream that all ahead »
People around the group "Kino" on the road, say their phenomenal returns. Leaving backstage after the concert Choi almost always fell exhausted and ten minutes lying on the floor without moving. To rebound, because the scene is always laid out on the full.

"Music should include everything: it should, when necessary, to laugh when you have fun, and when necessary, and make believe. Music should not only urge to go to smash the Winter Palace. She should listen »
Viktor Tsoi shortly before his death, Jurmala, 1990
"If there is a herd - there is the shepherd, if there is a body - to be the spirit»

In June 1990, after graduating from a heavy touring season, the band wanted to record a new album, the reduction of which was planned in France, but before it decided to take a small vacation to relax and have parted. The full plans were not destined to be realized, as August 15, returning from fishing, Victor Tsoi was killed in a car accident at 35 kilometer of the old highway "Sloka-Talsi", a few kilometers from Riga.
According to the most plausible version of the official, Choi fell asleep at the wheel, and then its "Moskvich-2141" in light gray flew into the opposite lane and collided with a bus Ikarus.
This time is considered to be the end of the band "Cinema».
Viktor Tsoi metro station Kantemirovskaya

"I would like to stay with you, just stay with you, but high in the sky the star calling me in a way»
The hero is not forgotten
As one of the most prominent Soviet teams of the second half of 1980, "Movie" had a great influence on the formation of many young bands, and, to some extent, continues to influence so far. Music figures who knew Viktor Tsoi in person or simply a fan of his band, his displayed a respect not only in the interview, but also directly in the works. The memory of Viktor Tsoy is alive in his poetry, music, movies.

In Krivoarbatsky Lane (Moscow) appeared "wall Choi", which fans of the group scribbled the words "Movie", "Choi alive", quotes from songs and declarations of love to the musician. Do fans of Choi is still customary to leave in a special ashtray at the Wall bruised prikurennuyu cigarette.

In 2012, the First Channel showed a documentary film "Choi - Cinema", which sounded new song group - "Ataman". Older members of the band gathered to complete this song demo tape which for 22 years kept in his common-law wife of Viktor Tsoi Natalia Razlogova.