The story of the harsh 90s and “hungry traffic cops”

It was in the mid-90s. Times were hard, hungry. One day I drove from work on my penny and stopped near the stall for my daughter to buy candy. The last 50 rubles in my pocket. I bought a caramel for 12 rubles and went on. After a few kilometers, the police are slowing down. Turns out my insurance is overdue. Next, the script begins to “breed” for a bribe. I tried to explain the situation:

- I'm just going home, I spent all my money on candy.

- What, nothing left? - In the eyes of the police there was a slight disappointment.

- Here, 38 rubles in total.

- All right, everybody.

He took the last money out of his pocket and honestly handed it over to the law. I was about to get in my car when I heard a scream:

- And candy?!

Seriously, the police took the candy. From the window of my penny, I watched attentively as two big children with smiles on their faces shared a sweet “prey”.
